Versions Compared


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Fix: Count group picker (RTC-35945)

The count group picker in New stocktaking view is no longer hidden when the user has access to a single store.

Cost price (RTC-35463)

When updating count lists from API, it will either update the cost price based on value from 3rd party, or if zero, use the existing cost price in Inventory module.

Only one active stocktaking per store (RTC-35889)

Multiple clicks are blocked for any button that saves/creates data in the Inventory module.

Stocktaking results grid (RTC-35995)

  • The "Kept in stock" column is renamed to "Track stock level", and displays whether item has stock change tracking enabled.
  • The "Out of scope" column is hidden by default.

Terminology update (RTC-35669)

The price terminology in Inventory is unified with other services:

  • The "Cost price" column in Transactions grid is renamed to "Net price". "Weighted cost price" column is added to the grid.
  • The "Cost price" column in Stock movements grid is renamed to "Net price".
  • The "Cost price" column in Stocktaking results grid is renamed to "Weighted cost price". "Net price" column is added to the grid.
  • The "Cost price" column in Count lists grid is renamed to "Weighted cost price". "Net price" column is added to the grid.
  • The new transaction modal displays "Weighted cost price" for item instead of "Net price".

Error handling 

If POSLog processing fails for a transaction, the POSLog is saved in FailedPoslogs folder in Inventory container. Failed poslogs are reprocessed at night.

PosLogProcessor job: When there is no event created for processed batch then job execution gets CompletedWithNoEffect status.

Error handling (RTC-35898)

Sale return event are handled when there is a reason without reason name in the POSLog.
