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Release 27.11.2023

Virtual (aggregated) stock


Virtual stock locations can be defined manually in the database. The number of the virtual stock location should be different than any store number.

Each profile (country) can have assigned only one virtual stock.
Each store can be in only one 'Virtual Stock' at the time.

Changes for virtual stocks are exported each minute as Inventory.VirtualStockStatus.Export event. The stock for each item in this event is the aggregated stock from all stores that are belonging to the same virtual stock location. More about this event can be found in the export part of the Inventory Service swagger.


Item transactions

Complaints (RTC-36322)

When a return transaction with damage flag equals to True, a sale transaction with positive quantity and a complaint transaction is created for this return transaction. There is no change in the item's stock.


Stocktaking results grid (RTC-35995)

  • The "Kept in stock" column is renamed to "Track stock level", and displays whether item has stock change tracking enabled.
  • The "Out of scope" column is hidden by default.

Stock and waste reports (RTC-36081)

The stock and waste reports can be created for completed stocktakings from the stocktaking results view. The stock report includes all results with positive counted quantity, and the waste report includes all results with deviation in value.

Delete stocktaking (RTC-36346)

Only stocktaking with status 'Active' can be deleted.

Default store selection for a count group (RTC-35946)

When the user has access only to one store, team or profile, it is selected by default for corresponding store level option while creating or editing a count group.

Selecting count lists (RTC-36467)

Selecting one or multiple count lists in the grid activates the "Activate selected" button.


  • Item has some stock, but for some reasons weighted cost price was equal to 0;
  • Stock quantity was negative;
  • Item did not have stock in given store yet.


Item transaction

Reason/action codes and language changes (RTC-30933)

Reason code field is displayed above action code in the new transaction modal.
Reason and action code fields are automatically prefilled, if there is only one code active or existing code.
Small improvements in Swedish translations.

Stock status

Minor improvements to the Status tab in Stock details view: (RTC-30737)

  • Donut chart - available part on the chart is thicker than the other parts and value in the middle of the chart is adjusted
  • Displaying numbers - decimals in the table and on the chart are displayed in the same way
  • Size picker in the breadcrumb is no longer cut
  • Pickers for items with no size/color available - removed size/color grid and dropdowns for non-model items
Transactions logs

View item transactions per item (RTC-31429)

Stock balance and sales transactions are shown in view for transactions per item, also when using filter panel.

View transaction log (RTC-31429)

Imported stock balance and sales are not available in filter panel for transaction log.


In User Management there are permissions for "View transaction" and "Manage transaction" per item transaction type. Permissions are assigned to roles on store level.


Stock transactions

Fix: Show store number and name (RTC-30944)

  • When an item has stock in only one store, then a store label with proper store's name and number is displayed;
  • For store users - store label with proper store's name and number is displayed.

Supplier number is displayed in both Transaction log and Stock status views - grids were displaying wrong value from database (OrganizationNumber instead of ExternalSupplierNo).


ItemService integration (RTC-31163)

When InventoryService was receiving ItemChanges event with ItemReceiptText longer than 50 characters, then item merger was failing with conflicts in data model. Change in ItemReceiptText length from 50 to 255 resolves that problem.
