Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Coming next release

Currency in purchase order lines and manual delivery lines

There are columns in the purchase orders lines and in the manual delivery lines views showing wholesale price, net wholesale price and total price in supplier currency. They are hidden by default and visible only if CurrencyCode for supplier and CountryCode for store are defined in the Procurement database the same as curency in the input for price. Analogous information can be found in the 'Overview' tab: supplier currency and the conversion rate that has to be used to convert the price from the supplier currency to the store currency. The 'Overview' tab shows the total price in both supplier and shop currency.

When converting currencies and displaying the 'Exchange rate', it is important whether CostRate is defined. If not, the rate is equal to 1 which results in the price in the store currency and supplier being the same.

The method of calculating the net wholesale price is as follows:
wholesale price x discount, then round the result, then result x rate.

When creating a new line for purchase order or for manual delivery, the price is prefilled with the wholesale price in supplier currency defined in the Item Management. It can be changed by the us

Send email when submitting purchase order



Import POSLogs from multiple stores and workstations (RTC-3702434652)

POSLog import includes RetailStoreId and WorkstationId, so duplicate validation does not happen when we receive POSLog with same SequenceNumber from multiple stores and workstations. In case when new purchase order has to be created, its External Order No. is in format 'POSLOG-RetailStoreId-WorkstationId-SequenceNumber-SupplierNo'.

Order lines and delivery lines

Import total supplier discount from Item Service (RTC-35004)

Total supplier discount is a sum of negative discounts based on wholesale price defined in Item Management. This value is imported to Procurement and displayed during adding new order or delivery line. If in Item Management the discount based on the wholesale price will have only positive values or negative values will sum to something less than -100% (e.g. -102%) then we prefill 0 in Procurement. If an item has no price defined, nothing is prefilled.

When adding order or delivery line, 'Wholesale price' is prefilled with 'Net cost' value from price calculation, which already contains supplier discount. This will be changed and 'Wholesale price' will be properly filled with 'Wholesale price in supplier currency' in RTC-34652.

Procurement API

API for purchase orders with given item and given store (RTC-36258)

Endpoint (/api/gateway/PurchaseOrders/[storeNo]/orderedItem) in Procurement Service returns orders for the given item and store with the following statuses: Submitted, Confirmed, Edited and Done. Draft and Cancelled purchase orders are not returned.

Purchase order

Fix: Order created from InStore App (RTC-36265)

Orders created from InStore App are created for correct suppliers in Procurement as supplier received in POSLog is properly identified by supplier number. Handling of InStore App goods receipt for item that was not in order is adjusted to new version of POSLog.

Fix: Import order from Excel (RTC-35004)

Delivery date is set properly when creating orders from Excel file. When importing an order via an Excel file, a separate order is created for each supplier even if the supplier's GLN is not defined in the database (it is null). If the user enters a line for which no supplier-item relationship exists, the main supplier will be selected during order creation.
In PDF file, before submitting the order, order date is displayed as today date.


Fix: Date filter (RTC-35746)

It is possible to filter by date.

Store information (RTC-35622)

Store import is extended by import of store address.
Store address is displayed in the PDF purchase order confirmation.

Stock import job (RTC-36336)

StockMerger job is replaced by StockImport job, which imports stock changes published by Inventory Service, without use of staging in database. This improves performance of import, especially when a lot of data is exported. Validation and placeholders logic is removed. Still, stock info older than the one we already have, is not imported. Database is extended with all other stock fields, including 'Available quantity'.
