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Order lines

Estimated time of delivery (RTC-35080)

On confirmed and done statuses of purchase order there is 'Estimated time of delivery' column in order lines grid. Date displayed there is date of order confirmation + transportation time on supplier + lead time supplier. If lead time is set per item on item-supplier relation, this value is used instead of lead time supplier. If value is not defined in Item Management, it is treated as 0 days. Export to blob contains this value per order line.

Supplier discount not required (RTC-37382)

When adding new item to purchase order, if there is no store price found, both wholesale price and supplier discount are prefilled with 0. Supplier discount field is not required and can be empty - when saving changes on order line, after clicking button or using keyboard shortcut, empty input field is automatically filled with 0.

Order proposal

Supplier and store attributes (RTC-36027)

Order proposal can be generated only for stores with 'Replenishment' flag set to true and suppliers with 'Replenishment' and 'Generate order proposal' set to true. Additionally, store or supplier cannot be inactive (or placeholder). Stores and suppliers that do not match those rules, are not displayed in the dropdown list when creating new order proposals.
If the supplier has 'Free freight' value set, its value and supplier currency are displayed in the purchase order grid in the 'Free shipping limit' column, which is hidden by default. In the order lines grid, if  thetotal price in supplier currency is below the free freight limit, there is warning above the grid with information how much remains to reach the free freight value. There is also a link that redirects to the supplier in Item Management register. When the total equals or is above the free freight limit, warning above grid is not displayed.


Release 15.01.2024

Order lines

Prices in store currency (RTC-36454)

In 'purchase order lines', 'manual delivery', and 'items in purchase orders' grids there are 'Wholesale price', 'Net wholesale price' and 'Total' columns with prices converted to store currency. Those columns are visible by default. Store currency is default currency set in item management for country of this store. Currency code is displayed next to value in each row. Total price in breadcrumbs also shows store currency code. Additionally, using column picker user can add 'Wholesale price suppl. curr.', 'Net wholesale price suppl. curr.' and 'Total suppl. curr.' columns, which show values in supplier currency. Currency is displayed next to value in the grid and not displayed in column name anymore.
Field labels in 'Price' section in order overview are renamed as well and currency is displayed next to value instead of field name.

Purchase order

Supplier currency in order confirmation PDF (RTC-37213)

Total price in purchase order PDF shows supplier currency code.


Data processing jobs (RTC-37230)

The following jobs exist:
1. StagingMerger which imports stores and suppliers from Store Service.
2. ExcelMerger which imports purchase orders from uploaded Excel file.
3. ExternalMerger which imports purchase order, goods receipt and order despatch advice from 3rd party.
4. PosLogMerger which imports pos logs with purchase order or goods receipt data from POS Journal Service.
5. ItemServiceMerger which imports item price, currency rate and item store attributes from Item Service.
6. ItemMerger which imports items from Item Service.

By default, each job runs every 2 minutes.

Fix: Exception handling (RTC-37230)

Apart from the exception in the database and log in the Integration Platform, the execution of job is 'Completed with warnings'
