Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



Supplier item no. and supplier model no. (RTC-38265)

Supplier item no. and supplier model no. are included on order line level in export of purchase order.

Goods receipt

Receive package in InStore app (RTC-33893)

Orders with Order Despatch Advice imported can be received using 'Find parcel' option in 'Receive goods' view in InStore App. Goods receipt is done with same logic as when using 'Package' section of 'Deliveries' in Procurement Management.


Import goods receipt from 3rd party (RTC-37047)

It is possible to import more than one order per file. Importing goods receipt for order created through manual delivery is not possible.

Modals and store dropdowns

Fix: Wide fields in modals and store dropdown correct filtering (RTC-36271)

'Fields in modals are wide, so they take full width of modal.
Store dropdown is getting correct data after filtering by the input text from user. Returned stores can have this input text at the beginning of store name, but also as a part of store name.

Order lines

Fix: 'in order' quantity (RTC-38393)

'In order' quantity value in order lines grid is counted based on 'Remaining' quantity instead of 'Ordered' quantity. It shows quantity of remaining order lines for this item to this store (as before). In order line panel, 'Ordered' field is renamed to 'In order' to match name of column in the grid, 'In order' and 'Available quantity' are properly displayed in order line grid and panel during creating new order line.

Update price after changing selected item (RTC-37757)

When creating new order line, after changing selected item and choosing other one in search, values in 'Stock level' and 'Price' sections of panel are updated. Validation rules for quantity input are updated for new item.

Order proposal

Scheduler job (RTC-38491)

OrderProposalGeneratorScheduler job triggers order proposal generation for all suitable stores and suppliers (all rules for items, stores and suppliers are the same as when requesting order proposal in user interface). Job runs at 2 AM UTC by default.

Purchase order

User interface improvements for increased usability (RTC-37041)

'Supplier no.', 'Quantity', 'No. of items' and 'Total' columns are included in purchase orders grid. The abbreviation 'Supp.' has been replaced by the full name 'Supplier'. 'Sign' column is removed from PO grid. The number of ordered items is displayed in 'Quantity' column for draft order and in '# Ordered' after submitting order. A '#' has also been added to the following columns: Delivered, Received, Remaining and Deviation. Store column contains store name and store number. Order points are included in the order line details view in the 'Stock level' section.

Order confirmation as EDI or e-mail PDF (RTC-38226)
In submit/resubmit order modal:

  • if supplier does not use EDI: as before, there is optional e-mail address input that is prefilled with e-mail from supplier register
  • if supplier uses EDI (flag is set in supplier register): there is blocked EDI checkbox displayed in modal, to inform user that EDI is in use. Additionally, there is e-mail checkbox. It is unselected by default, but when user select it - possible to send e-mail.

In both cases, there is 'view document' button in modal to show order as PDF.
'Export PDF' button is displayed in order lines page in toolbar on all statuses.

Receive goods and delivery grid

Fix: Save check (RTC-37389)

The display of lines in the grids with panel is correct in the following scenario: The user makes changes in the panel, does not save the changes and sets the focus on another line. Save (Dirty check modal) questions appears. The user saves the changes.
