Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Confirmation message matrix

Shipping orders

Create orderOrder confirmation (MDS)Order confirmation (MDS)
Swap item manuallyOrder confirmation manually (POS Services)Order confirmation manually (POS Services)
Delete item manually Order confirmation manually (POS Services)Order confirmation manually (POS Services)
Delete item automatically Order changed (MDS)NA
Cancel order manually??
Cancel order automaticallyOrder changed (MDS)CREDIT NOTE (MDS)
Split order confirmationSplit order confirmation (MDS)SPLIT ORDER MESSAGEOne message pr picking store
Split delivery orderSplit order delivery (MDS)SPLIT ORDER SHIPPING CONFIRMATIONAll order lines delivered and paid.
Order sent on split delivery store with receiptOrder sent (MDS)SHIPPING CONFIRMATION, RECEIPTAll order lines delivered and paid.
Order sent single delivery store with receiptOrder sent (MDS)SHIPPING CONFIRMATION, RECEIPT

Pay&Collect Orders

Create orderOrder confirmation (MDS)Order confirmation (MDS)
Swap item manually ? ?
Delete item manually  ? ?
Delete item automatically  ? ?
Cancel order manually ? ?
Cancel order automatically ? ?
Order ready to collectCollect order (MDS)PAY & COLLECT (MDS)

Reserve & Collect Orders

Both emails and SMS is sent with Pos Services and configured in POS Config.

Create orderETradeMailTemplateOrderAddedSmsENewCustomerOrderAddedTemplate
Delete item manually ETradeMailTemplateOrderUpdatedSmsENewCustomerOrderUpdateTemplate
Cancel order manuallyETradeMailTemplateOrderDeletedSmsENewCustomerOrderDeletedTemplate
Cancel order automaticlyETradeMailTemplateOrderDeletedSmsENewCustomerOrderDeletedTemplate
Pick up reminderETradeMailTemplateReminderSmsENewCustomerOrderReminderTemplate
Reservation expiredETradeMailTemplateExpiredSmsENewCustomerOrderExpiredTemplate
Order ready to collectMissingMissing
After paid and collected (Upsale) ETradeMailTemplateCompletedSmsENewCustomerOrderCompletedTemplate

Dispatch Suggestion
