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​You You have access to real-time sensor data and reporting through the Optimaze portal. Compare between different seat types, time intervals, weekdays, floors, buildings and hours of the day or find the most popular spaces with our interactive reporting tool. This article shows all the metrics you have access to.

Analyse your office usage with real time data in our Optimaze Panorama reporting tool. It provides fast, visual and interactive reporting for workplace management.


How it works




Setup Optimaze Worksense & start measuring your workplace

View real time data in Optimaze Panorama

Use the data to support smarter decision making & improve employee happiness


  1. Open your desktop and go to the Optimaze portal

  1. Go to


  • Click on ‘Custom reports’ in the blue header

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  1. Choose which report you want to view by clicking on the white ‘

Choose report’ drop-down menu on the right

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Choose what data you want to view

Under the Occupancy Dashboard you will find:

  • Occupancy data

  • Occupancy data Heatmap

And under the Indoor Air Dashboard:

  • CO2

  • Humidity

  • Temperature

  • VOC

Occupancy Dashboard

Occupancy data

In the Occupancy tab you can view how spaces are used during different time intervals. The default interval time is 60 and 5 minutes. If you would like to have different time intervals, contact Optimaze Support.

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You can leverage the different filters on the left hand side to look at more detailed data based on your needs. You can pick one, or a combination of many options if you have more than one, in other cases you can leave the filter as ‘All'.

  • Building - name of your building

  • Bluilding block - the building can be divided into building blocks

  • Floor - name of your floor

  • Space label - label of your space

  • Space name - name of your space

  • Seat type - name of the seat type, for example ‘Workstation’ (you can use our templates or create your own)

  • Seat sub type - name of the seat sub type, for example ‘Open’ workstation (you can use our templates or create your own)

  • Seat usage type - assigned or shared seat

  • Capacity - four categories based on the capacity: ‘S, 1-4 persons', ‘M, 5-9 persons’, ‘L, 10-15 persons’, ‘XL, 16 persons or more’

  • Organisation - names of your organisations defined to spaces

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Additionally, you can view different periods during your measurement. For example if you want to look up a specific week or certain weekdays. The filters below are located on the top of the occupancy tab:

  • Dates - pick a period between two dates, for example 1.6.2019 - 31.5.2020

  • Months - pick from any month or several (January-December)

  • Weekdays - pick from any weekday or several (Monday-Sunday)

  • Hours - pick between any hours from 0-24

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The occupancy data has three main bar charts depicting the ‘average’, ‘daily peak average’ and ‘peak’ bar charts based on your selected filters:

  • occupancy by Month

  • occupancy by Weekday

  • average occupancy Hourly

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Furthermore, on the right you can view three donut charts showing the below data based on your selected filters:

  • average

  • daily peak average

  • peak

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The Heatmap tab shows you literally how hot or cold the seats are according to their use. The higher the average utilization rate the warmer the color (red) of the seat and vice versa (blue) for lower utilization.

In the Heatmap tab you can view how spaces are used during different time intervals. The default interval time is 60 minutes.

Each Heatmap shows one floor per page. Otherwise Heatmaps have the same filters, period functions and donut charts as the Occupancy tab.

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Occupancy metrics explained

Average the average occupancy value

Daily peak average the average of each day’s peak value

Peak one individual occupancy peak during the selected time period

Indoor Air Dashboard

Indoor Air report shows you CO2, humidity, temperature and VOC levels.

View different data by changing from the tabs in the bottom.

The indoor air data has two main bar charts depicting the average values based on your selected filters:

  • Average by Month

  • Average by Weekday

And one main line chart depicting the average, minimum and maximum values based on your selected filters:

  • Average, Minimum and Maximum Hourly


Target: under 900ppm


Target: 25%-45%


Target: 21°C -23°C 


Target: under 300 ppb

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