Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Trigger stock export manually


All stock values can be manually exported from the stock status view. The 'Export stock values' button is available from the '...' button.



Note: All stock changes during the last 2 days are automatically exported every night. All stock status changes are also exported automatically throughout the day, every 1 minute by default.
This manual export should only be used when there has been incidents that has affected the stock updates, for example downtime or disruptions at 3rd party.



 Stock status import (RTC-39413)

If quantity for InStock, Ordered, Reserved or PutAway is not present in the import, then this quantity is not updated in database.

Finishing a stocktaking 

Stocktaking summary  (RTC-38837)

When a stocktaking has an active status, the user cannot access the Summary step.
When a stocktaking has a closing/completed status, the user cannot go to the other steps from the Summary step.

Creating a new stocktaking (RTC-38703)

New stocktakings cannot be created if there are any stocktakings with one of these following statuses:

  • Active
  • Creating
  • Closing
  • ErrorClosing
  • ErrorCreating

Finish stocktaking (RTC-37396)

Improvements have been made to prevent timeouts, when resetting the stock quantity of Not counted items in a stocktaking.

Excel report

No duplicates in Stock status Excel export (RTC-39183)

The Excel report that is generated from the Stock status view has been improved to not contain duplicate item rows.

Release 19.02.2024

Remainder stocktaking
