Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Coming next release

Purchase order

Order delivery date based on lead time and transport time of supplier (RTC-38621)

Delivery date of order is properly set to 'now' + 'supplier lead time' + 'supplier transport time' when creating purchase order in user interface (prefilled date), new orders created from 3rd party (when delivery date not defined in imported file), import from InStore app. Feature already existed for Excel import and order proposals.

Receive goods in InStore App

Fix: Scanning items with tandem GTINGTIN (RTC-38887)

Items are properly matched in Procurement when scanning items with tandem GTIN during receiving goods manually in InStore App.

Suppliers in Procurement

Item suppliers on store group scope (RTC-36665)

Import of item suppliers is extended with store/team/profile scope. Import of stores from Store Service is extended by creation of 'Private' store group.
Item can be ordered only if it is delivered by selected supplier to selected store (store, store team, store profile or common supplier):

  • When adding line in user interface, item search result is filtered by that (item is visible in search only if can be ordered from supplier to store). Order lines grid show supplier model/item number of correct supplier.
  • When importing order by Excel file, supplier from file is used if correct link exists. If not, line not created and warning in notification. If no supplier in file, order is created for lowest level main supplier (found for store, team, profile, common).
  • When generating order proposal, order is created for lowest level main supplier (found for store, team, profile, common).
  • In imports from 3rd party, item-supplier are never created anymore. If link does not exist:
    • purchase order imported but cannot submit it
    • order despatch advice does not auto confirm order if such line is being added
    • order despatch advice not imported if such line is tried to be added to confirmed order
    • no validation in goods receipt imports.

Detailed validation message appears in 'submit/confirm order' modal, if there are no order lines, item is inactive, item, store, supplier is placeholder or one of the ordered items is not delivered by the supplier to store (instead of generic server side error).
