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Import of offers with mix 26 (RTC-39131)

Offer with mix type 'SubtotalDiscount' (mix 26) can be imported from 3rd party. It is marked as supported in the Swagger documentation. Offer items cannot be imported for such offers (this mix type affects all items).

Import of offers with mix 4 (RTC-39034)

Offer with mix type 'DiscountOnWeightItem' (mix 5) can be imported from 3rd party. It is marked as supported in the Swagger documentation. Only a single item can be imported to such offer (with logic as in mix 4).


Fix: validation of mix details (RTC-40017)

It is possible to save update of offer in UI when 'Number of times the offer can be used' is 'Unlimited' or when only other field was updated. Red star mark properly appears for all fields of price rule details.


New framework for user interface (RTC-14938)

Promotion management is upgraded to framework versions Angular 16 and Kendo 12.

Coupons on offers stored in the database (RTC-39363)

Changed naming of coupon related columns on offer in the database. Added OfferTriggerType to the offer - DiscountCode when it is 'General coupon' and 'Coupon' when it is '3rd party integration coupon' (Voyado).


Release 27.03.2024


Import of offers with mix 4 (RTC-39035)

Offer with mix type 'BuyOneItemFromSelectionAAndGetDiscountOnItemB' (mix 4) can be imported from 3rd party. It is marked as supported in the Swagger documentation. When importing PromotionOfferItem for the offer, selection to which item should be added can be specified using OfferItemType field: 'Condition' and 'Reward'.
Only a single item can be imported to 'Reward' offer group of offer using mix 4 - for each import to 'Reward' group, only 'newest' item (based on created date) is added to offer (new imported item removes previous one, and only item from last line is added if there are multiple in one file).

Import of offers with mix 28 (RTC-39033)

Offer with mix type 'discount on selected items' (mix 28) can be imported from 3rd party. It is marked as supported in the Swagger documentation.


Fix: Edit external offer without coupon (RTC-39449)

It is possible to save changes when editing an offer that was created from 3rd party, without the need to touch 'coupon' checkbox.

Choose type of coupon

When tenant is not configured to use Voyado integration, coupon can be added as before.
When tenant is configured to use Voyado integration, user can choose type of coupon creating new or editing existing offer. When '3rd party integration coupon' chosen, offer is created in Voyado. This type of coupon cannot be changed or removed once created. '3rd party integration coupon' cannot be added for offer that was created by import from 3rd party. User can now also choose 'General coupon'. In this option, coupon can be defined by input field, same as when not configured to use Voyado. This coupon can be removed or replaced by 3rd party one.
Coupon input field now allows text, no spaces, and maximum of 10 signs. Validation is changed in import of promotions from 3rd party as well.

Price rules

Mix 101: Promotion discount (RTC-38232)

There is a general discount on whole offer which can be defined in price rule or editable in offer. In items in promotions view it's possible to adjust promotion discount per item.


Export documentation (RTC-38276)

Swagger contains documentation regarding export of promotions, available mix types and examples of Promotion and PromotionOfferItem exports for various offers and offer items.


Import of prices (RTC-37762)

All item prices from Item Service are imported to Promotion database by new ItemPriceMerger job.

Import of item groups (RTC-38300)

All item groups are imported from Item Service to Promotion database (extended functionality of StagingMerger job).

Access control - copy offer, copy promotion (RTC-30144)

Both 'Copy promotion' and 'Copy offer' buttons are visible when user has access to manage any store or store group.

Performance of active promotions in user interface (RTC-39251)

Improved performance of approving promotion, editing and stopping active promotion in user interface (fix related to marking offer items to be exported).

Import of items (RTC-37761)

All item changes from Item Service are imported to Promotion database by new ItemMerger job. Items are saved in table that already contained items that were part of offers. When useModelItems=true, for each imported item, variant and model level rows are updated (they are used for offers on those levels). When useModelItems=false, only item rows are created.
