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EG POS has added support for "Closed Loop" (Fuel integration) in Swedbank Pay pay terminal solution from Swedbank. This enables special handling in POS when using certain cards that are used in fuel stores only. For instance may certain cards limit which products customer is allowed to buy. The solution uses pay terminal types like PAX A35. Terminal may be connected to POS via Ethernet cable or Wifi (only). For the moment Swedbank Pay is supported in cashier mode only, not in self-service mode.

POS Configuration

New parameter:

'PayTerminalFuelSupport' (default 'False') -  Must be activated for fuel integration.

Relevant existing parameters:

'BankAutoStartSession' (default 'False') - for now this parameter MUST be set to 'False' when fuel support is activated, in order for Host to validate items in receipt. (This is due to a deficiency in terminal software that might be fixed later).

'BankIpAdr' (default empty) - terminal's IP address.

'BankIpPort' (default '0') - needs to be set to '11000' for Swedbank Pay.

Comma separated list with all card types that may be reported by Swedbank. Is in use by Swedbank Pay solution, as it is already by VIM and PSDK solutions. Listed card types must be in correct order to report identical types with the same CardIssuer as done by Nets in other pay terminal solutions.     
To correspond with valid card issuers from Nets, the parameter must have content exactly as written here:

BANKAXEPT;dummy;VISA debit;MASTERCARD debit;AMEX;DINERS CLUB;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;MAESTRO;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;Gavekort Senter;Gavekort Kjede;dummy;SENTRUMSGAVEKORT;dummy;XponCard;dummy;Universal Presentkort;dummy;dummy;Resurs Bank;dummy;dummy;Nets Senterkort;Nets kjedegavekort;dummy;iGIVE Gavekort K;iGIVE Gavekort S;iGIVE Kampanje K;iGIVE Kampanje S;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;DANKORT;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;Gavekort 1;dummy;Evry Gavekort;Evry Senter;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;Kjedekort 1;dummy;dummy;Gavekort Senter 2;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;Gavekort;NG Gavekort;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;UKJENT;

'SwedbankPayPOIID' (default empty) - Each unique terminal requires it's unique value in this parameter. Value is set by Swedbank, and configuration is downloaded to terminal based on this parameter (convenient when switching e.g. a defect terminal).

'PayTerminalType' must be set to 'SwedbankPay'

'PayTerminalVerboseLogging' (default 'False') - must be activated (at all time) to get detailed logging to EG's logfile.

'UseBonusCardFromPayTerminal' (default 'False') - when activated, POS will handle any received token (to recognize payment cards).

Improvements POS


Improvements regarding early presented card in Swedbank Pay pay terminal solution (RTP-29840)

For the "Swedbank Pay" pay terminal solution "handshaking" with terminal is improved. This affects the functionality for letting customer present card to terminal early in the sale process. SwedbankPay is still supported in cashier mode only, not yet in self service mode.

Relevant existing parameter: 

'BankAutoStartSession' (default 'False') - when activated, terminal accepts card / PIN before 'Bank' key is pressed in POS.

Flight information

Scanning boarding pass for different flight (RTP-29829)

After scanning a boarding pass for one flight and then for a different flight, "Different flight" message is shown:

Check status versus Webdok when POS is polling for service status (RTP-29675)

When POS calls the ping method in Webdok service in POS Services, POS Services call the CheckStatus method in Webdoc API. If Webdok reports online status, POS will mark the service as online again.

Name of the service "PosServicesWebdokServiceUri" was changed to "Boarding Pass (Webdok)".

Flight search view (RTP-29736)

Performance in manual search for flight has been improved.


(RTP-29840) release notes is coming

(RTP-27620) release notes is coming


Fix for validation in New PIN Code dialog (RTP-29815)

Input fields are no longer highlighted in red when the entered values are correct. The user can proceed to update the PIN code successfully.


Delivery suggestions for PAC.CW orders (RTP-29791)

Related stores are included in the delivery suggestions for PAC.CW web orders in POS.
