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FunctionalityRelease notes

 Values       Values set in application properties 

(RTM-7519) Config issue- values set in application properties are not reloaded on logout

Values that are set in application properties are reloaded after logging out, so no need to close logout/login and close app to get the new configuration values. 


FunctionalityRelease notes

UI responsinveness

(RTM-7607) [Mobile Management] Improve UI responsiveness

When using Mobile POS Management and changing parameters on a small screen the responsiveness of the UI is improved to always show the icons for users. This makes it easier to understand where to press for updating information. 

Images in sales board

(RTM-7843) Image is cut in sales board

Images in sales board are shown equal to the space that is set for them in sales board. The image size is adjusted to the space and not cut off, same way as they are presented in sales view.

Not using reason codes

(RTM-7737) Skipping reason codes

Not all companies use reason codes when giving discounts. If reason codes are not found the dialog for reason codes will be skipped. Instead user will be directly moved to sales view after adding a discount. 


UI Improvements 

(RTM-6984) More information button

Under article information user finds information about the item. For example name of the item, stock value and product information. If there is a Webshop URL in parameters there will be a "More info" button under the product information part of article information. 
If the Webshop URL config is empty or website assigned to a specific item this button is not shown. 

App crashes 

In some scenarios when paying and for manual return app crashes been created, this is now handled so it will not happen again.                                                                                                                                                                                                    

( RTM-7672) [Mobile POS] Adding payment to cart can cause app crash

Added handling exception of AddPayment function in PosApiService  if skipNotification flag is set to true. 

(RTM-7634) [Mobile POS] Fix InvalidCastException

"InvalidCastException" is not thrown anymore after opening bottom sheet in Mobile POS and selecting Return and Manual return 


Sales board

(RTM-7623) [Mobile POS] Stop moving to sales view after scanning in Sales board

When scanning an item with camera or built in scanner when user is in sales board the item is added to the receipt and user stays in sales view. 
The quantity in sales board summary is increased, but to see the whole receipt user manually needs to move to sales view. Same is if user creates a return based in sales view

Login improvement

(RTP-29962) [MPA] - Fix login issue on test

In some scenarios login into test environment did not work. Only for test, not for production. 
User got error directly when trying to login. This is how improved so user can login and ensured not happening in production. 


Mobile POS v.1.8.18


