Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


POS Configuration

New parameter 'SaveExternalTransactionInfo' - default False, if activated (True) will enable the new structured notes in POS and the three parameters described below, if they have been configured. 

  1. New parameter 'ExternalTypeCodes' default value containing the default transaction types for a specific customer.
  2. New parameter 'ExternalLineTypeCodes' default default value containing the default line item types for a specific customer. 
  3. New parameter 'TaxGroupIDs' default value containing the default tax group id's for a specific customer. 

These default values are described in detail in the technical release notes.

Improvements POS 


Early presented card in Baxi.Net pay terminal solution (RTP-28746)

For the "Baxi.Net" pay terminal solution functionality for letting customer present card to terminal early in the sale process is now an option. This was made possible due to recently adapting the "Baxi.Agent" pay terminal solution. 

POS Configuration: 

Relevant existing parameter:
'BankAutoStartSession' (default 'False') - when activated, terminal accepts card / PIN before 'Bank' key is pressed in POS.
'PayTerminalType' = 'BaxiDotNet'.

Bonus Service

Handling of 4XX response from Bonus Service (RTP-28464)

When doing return and member is in different loyalty program than cash register. It is not possible to finish sale with bonus check.


Upgrade of Epsilon Express during restart (RTP-30028)

Version of Epsilon Express is updated every time POS is starting.

Discount dialog

Discount dialog possible to open in finished receipt view and during online return (RTP-30441)

Before, trying to open discount dialog in finished receipt view result in error message being shown. 

Now, discount dialog can be opened correctly in finished receipt view. Also, there is no Delete button as the receipt is finished.

Image Added

Flight integration

Age approval retained when using manual flights (RTP-30189)

Data set in age control dialog used to not be remembered and age control dialog was shown twice. Now if age was set once in age control dialog, it is remembered correctly.

Age approval retained when using manual flights (RTP-30523)

An improvement has been made to make sure we retain the age approvals when using manual flights.

  • When age is approved via monitor app for a Self-service receipt.
  • When age is approval in manned POS and a manual flight is added after age approval.

Do not buffer input from Scanner2 in specific dialogs

The input from scanner2 is processed immediately as in sales view. It is possible to scan boarding passes in 2 dialogs:

  • Search for flight dialog.
  • Age/quota dialog.
Fusion Fuel Integration

Changes in manual changing of fuel modes (RTP-30172)

Fuel modes have been reworked. The URL for the XML file with fuel modes has to be configured in FccConfigurationModeMapping parameter as one of the mode names. This is saved in pos.VolatileSettings in local database upon start up of POS, to support offline scenarios, and this is updated every login. In POS, the fuel mode can be changed for all other cash registers connected to Fusion.

Possible Drive-off (RTP-21504)

Fuel transactions that are older than 30 minutes and are not yet paid will have the text "Possible drive-off" shown in All Unpaid Pumps screen and in Pump screen.

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Norwegian toll quota

Overriding age requirements when overriding toll quota (RTP-30479)

When using the function to override validation of Norwegian Toll Quota, the age control will also be overridden.

Online return

Corrected price on linked items when doing online return (RTP-30088)

When doing online returns on items with linked items (such as deposit refund - "pant") POS will now use the correct price on the items and the total amount of the online return will be correct. Previously, the price of the main item and link item could be changed during the online return resulting in a return transaction total that is higher than the original total. This only happened if parameter 'IncludeDiscountsInOnlineReturn' is set to 'True' (default value).


Customer name when picking reserve and collect orders (RTC-38884)

Correct customer name appears when the picking of reserve and collect order has been started but not yet completed.

SMS Notification of paid Reserve and Collect order created in POS (RTP-29572)

When Reserve and Collect order created in POS is paid successfully,  the SMS to customer is sent with the message template setup in SmsENewCustomerOrderCompletedTemplate POS Configuration parameter.

PAC.CW printing of a pick list fix (RTP-30405)

When printing pick list on a new PAC.CW order in POS, no new order is created after logging out/in. 

PAC CW picking orders with only freight items (RTP-30450)

PAC CW picking orders that have only have freight items no longer show up in POS.

POS Configuration:

  • FreightChargeItem - Should contain the list of items considered as freight items in POS.
  • CustomerOrderPickingPollInterval - Should have value greater than 0.
Payment in Self-service 

Wrong member is shown on the screen in Self-service mode (RTP-29348)

When using payment card with Token ,the correct member is now displayed.

No dialog regarding "Link payment card to member (RTP-29293)

The customer is now asked the question if it want to "Link payment card to member" in Self-service mode. 


Giving permission for subtotal discount (RTP-30255)

When setting subtotal discount with cashier that does not have the permission, another cashier is required to log in to proceed with this action. Dialog with log in is displayed only once. 

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PLUS integration

Error handling for PLUS integration (RTP-30025)

Improvements have been made in error handling for communication with PLUS app.


Voucher Translation (RTP-30534)

When completing a sale using car wash article/ sell voucher function with Epsilon Express integration, voucher is printed with proper translation to Swedish when configured.

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Required configuration: new field in ESaleUrls/ESaleUrlsLocal -> add field = eSale_EpsilonExpress



Online Return Permissions (RTP-30098)

When a cashier  that doesn't have permission processes an online return, a second cashier with the correct permission is required to log in to proceed with the return successfully. 

Discount information in online return (RTP-29288)

A bug that caused discount information from the original receipt to be missing when using online return has been fixed. 


VAT rates implementation (RTP-30351)

Logic for assigning VAT rates has been refactored. 


POS Master v. 161 or higher.


Search menu

Disabled item search (RTP-30347)

When item search is not configured in the search types in parameter SearchMenuContent, POS will automatically use the first configured search type (after EAN/PLU).


Lost access to pay terminal due to manual logins / logouts (RTP-17093)

POS will now not risk loosing contact with pay terminal in self-service POS, regardless of manual logins / logout performed by staff.

Member identify in self-service (RTP-30721)

When entering self-service with member and a flight added, member is visible under the flight info.

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Depending on a parameter SnGMemberInfoInCart member info in self-service can be shown differently.

Changed criteria for activating hidden print STEB receipt button (RTP-30600)

The criteria for activating the hidden button for printing STEB receipts in SCO have been changed. It is now dependent on the 'Items sealing' page in 'PageFlow' parameter. Previously, the criteria was the activation of parameter 'UseFlightIntegration' which no longer exist.

POS Configuration:

In the existing parameter 'PageFlow' one of the possible pages to select is the 'ItemsSealing' page. When this page is activated/selected the invisible print STEB receipt button will be active on the 'Welcome' page and the 'Goodbye' page.

Self-service - Sealing bag dialog (RTP-30543)

Sealing bag dialog has been changed: "Connecting flight? You have scanned liquid items. " is displayed now instead of "Is this your final destination? If not, we need to wrap and seal your items" and answering Yes means sealing the bag now.


Improve Update status button in services tab in system info (RTP-30308)

POS calls the ping method in service in POS Services. While updating, status changes to "Updating...". Button text changed to "Update status". In every translation button layout is correct.

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User interface

Buttons in payment view (RTP-29264)

When using function button for financial pay out, payment screen buttons are not replaced with the ones form sales view. 

Fix for background color in Payment view (RTP-30560)

Correct background color is shown on item lines section in payment view with UIHighlightColor parameter configured. 

Web order

Disabled Printing Pick List for Prepaid Orders (RTP-30412)

Print Pick List button has been removed in Prepaid Web Orders view.

Improvement POS Server


Customer specific ExternalLineTypeCode for PriceCheck LineItems in ARTS POSLog version 6 (RTP-30640)

A customer specific mapping for ARTS POSLog v.6 has been made where PriceCheck LineItems in EG POSLog will have a new StructuredNote_LineItem indicating the ExternalLineTypeCode for the customer. The value from the structured note will be converted to a <LRSEx:ExternalLineTypeCode> node in the ARTS poslog in ReceiptService.  This ExternalLineTypeCode will only be visible in the POSLog if existing parameters 'SaveExternalTransactionInfo'  and 'ExternalLineTypeCodes' are activated and configured in POS configuration.

POS Configuration:

Relevant existing parameters 'SaveExternalTransactionInfo' (default 'False') and 'ExternalLineTypeCodes' (containing customer specific values by default) must be activated/configured.


Fix for receipt number series during balancing in Chain Web (RTP-30024)

Balance transaction is sent from cash register that is configured in ApiKey for BalanceExtended method. This ensures that the number series do not reset when making a balance in Chain Web per cash register. 

POS Master

Deletion of future price profiles (RTP-25505)

Handling of the deletion of future prices has been improved wherein active prices will not be deleted.


POS Master v. 161 or higher.