Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Next release

Seasonal storages requests in InventoryService.

  • /api/SeasonalStorages - fetches all seasonal storages from InventoryService database (without items)
  • /api/SeasonalStorages/identifier - fetches details of seasonal storage with selected identifier from InventoryService database (with all items)
  • /api/SeasonalStorages/identifier/unpack - unpack seasonal storage with selected identifier, the seasonal storage is marked as unpacked, the put away is reduced for all items from unpacked seasonal storage

screenshot-1.pngImage Added

Release 23.05.2024



Improvements in item search and grids (RTC-27407)

Inventory management has been migrated to the Angular version 16 and Kendo version 13.
The item search modal has been extended with additional columns related to item identifiers and supplier information.


Item transactions (RTC-40275)

The validation of item supplier information in imported transactions is improved. 

Stock status and Transactions grid (RTC-34638)

The links leading to stock movements are now present in the Item text column instead of the stock quantity columns. "No item text" is displayed in the Item text column if the item text is missing.

Image Modified


Inventory flag (RTC-39618)

For stores that have not selected "Inventory management in use" in Store management, item transactions and reservations do not update the stock.


Transaction type translations in Excel exports (RTC-36967)

In Excel exports for Stock movements and Transactions, translations for the Transaction type column are updated.

Release 10.05.2024

