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FunctionalityRelease notes
Manual returns with Softpay

(RTM-7837) Manual returns with Softpay

Manual returns with Softpay are completed in Mobile POS if they fill the requirements. 
User will not experience having to complete return in stationary POS if all requirements are met and Softpay icon is always shown. 

Coupon icon 

(RTM-7974) Coupon icon 

When a coupon is activated in Mobile POS it has its own coupon icon, no matter what kind of discount or mix has been given within the coupon. 

User can see the coupon icon both in member actions, opening the bottom sheet by pressing member icon after adding member to sale. 
But also when the coupon is activated on sale in the sales view. 

View improvements

(RTM-7896) Alignment adjustments

An item with variant has the second row, showing colour and size, aligned with the first row.
The latest added item to the sale also has the option to increase or decrease the amount of the item. The buttons for these actions are placed so user can see the whole button, making it easier to press them to perform the action on updating the quantity. 


Trying to add a member in Mobile POS that does not exist, or is invalid shows a error message to improve users understanding about what happened. 
Message that will show on pop-up is following:  "It was not possible to add the member. The member may be invalid or does not exist. Please try to add the member in a different way."

Migration of configuration - technical release notes  

(RTM-5906) [Mobile POS] Migrate relevant config from tenantadmin to db

Added functionality to migrate parameters from tenant admin. These parameters has been imported to db:

  • ImageURLTemplate
  • ThumbnailImageURLTemplate
  • ReuseCartItemIfPossible
  • MemberServiceSitename
  • MemberTermsURL


FunctionalityRelease notes

Purchase and return in same receipt 

(RTM-7628) (RTM-7885) Purchase and return of same item in same receipt 

When a return and a purchase are created in same sale view and user cancels one of them the other is continued and user can proceed to finish it. 

Showing bonus after toggling 

(RTM-7667) Showing bonus after toggling 

Bonus is always showing in sales view, even after user has done a toggle/update in member info page


Weight items in return 

(RTM-7845) Weigh items in return 

When searching for a weight item and choosing to return it, kg/gram is presented in view for choosing the weight to return.

Special items

(RTM-7940) Special items error handling 

The error handling for special items is done by showing pop up with message telling user why the special item should be handled in a certain way. 


Login in TEST

(RTM-7988) Login in TEST

In some scenarios login into test environment did not work. Only for test, not for production. 
User got error directly when trying to login. This is how improved so user can login and ensured not happening in production. 


App crash for Options button 

(RTM-7834) Options button 

In some scenarios when opening "Options" for the receipt an app crash happened if a null reference existed. This is handled and will not create another crash. 

First and second name shown in choosing user view for login

(RTM-7975) First and second name shown in choosing user view for login

Mobile POS remembers the last six users who have logged in by email and shows them in a list in the login view to shorten the login process. If a user has a two names that not are sir names both will be handled as first names. This means they both are shown in the name list. It distinguishes the user and can help separate between two users if they happen to have the same first name. 
Only users logging in with emails are listed in the login view, not the emails for cashiers who have logged in. 

Updating address in web orders

(RTM-7928) Web order address 

When creating a web order and a member is added to the receipt information about the member is pre filled in the view for delivery methods, for example the members address the item should be sent to. 
If user updates the address the new address is the one where the items are sent to instead of the pre filled.  


FunctionalityRelease notes

UI responsinveness

(RTM-7607) Improve UI responsiveness for Mobile POS Management

When using Mobile POS Management and changing parameters on a small screen the responsiveness of the UI is improved to always show the icons for users. This makes it easier to understand where to press for updating information. 

Images in sales board

(RTM-7843) Image in sales board

Images in sales board are shown equal to the space that is set for them in sales board. The image size is adjusted to the space and not cut off, same way as they are presented in sales view.

Not using reason codes

(RTM-7737) Reason codes

Not all companies use reason codes when giving discounts. If reason codes are not found the dialog for reason codes will be skipped. Instead user will be directly moved to sales view after adding a discount. 


UI Improvements 

(RTM-6984) "More information" button

Under article information user finds information about the item. For example name of the item, stock value and product information. If there is a Webshop URL in parameters there will be a "More info" button under the product information part of article information. 
If the Webshop URL config is empty or website assigned to a specific item this button is not shown. 

App crashes 

In some scenarios when paying and for manual return app crashes been created, this is now handled so it will not happen again.                                                                                                                                                                                                    

( RTM-7672) Adding payment to cart

Added handling exception of AddPayment function in PosApiService  if skipNotification flag is set to true. 

(RTM-7634) Fix InvalidCastException

"InvalidCastException" is not thrown anymore after opening bottom sheet in Mobile POS and selecting Return and Manual return 


Sales board

(RTM-7623) Staying in Sales board after scanning item

When scanning an item with camera or built in scanner when user is in sales board the item is added to the receipt and user stays in sales view. 
The quantity in sales board summary is increased, but to see the whole receipt user manually needs to move to sales view. Same is if user creates a return based in sales view. 

      Values set in application properties 

(RTM-7519) Config issue- values set in application properties are not reloaded on logout

Values that are set in application properties are reloaded after logging out, so no need to close logout/login and close app to get the new configuration values


Searching for member

(RTM-7752) External loyalty numbers can be searched with 

If an external loyalty number is used, as they are in some cases depending on loyalty club, users can search and add members based on this


Mobile POS v.1.8.18


