Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.






500 error when PUT identity member (RTL-7252) When trying to update a member card with a number that already exist on another member, response code 400 is returned with a message describing what went wrong.
Deadlock on PUT api/Identites (RTL-7552)Resolved an issue with deadlocks happening in certain situations when using the PUT api/identities endpoint. 


Currency support in loyalty programs


When creating a new loyalty program it is mandatory to set the currency that should be used within this program. Once the currency is set it is no longer possible to change it.
The currency will be used in other modules t.ex Bonus Service to determine currency for issued bonus checks. 

Supported currencies: 

  • DKK
  • EUR
  • NOK
  • SEK




Support delete of customer relationships (RTL-6596)Customer relationships are deleted if the customer is deactivated. Orphaned data is deleted based on removal policy.


Issue new bonus check from member details UI


A new button has been added to the lower right corner of the member details UI which allows for issuing new bonus checks.
For this button to be visible the user must have the user role "Issue new bonus checks" which can be found under "Bonus management". 




Customer groups UI: Change status column from drop-down to check box (RTL-6115)The status column inside the customer groups UI has been changed from a drop-down to a check box to better fit the existing UI patterns in other grids. 
Improved documentation of the Identity.Import contract in swagger (RTL-6622)The "PersonalIdentifiers" field is no longer marked as mandatory in the swagger documentation


The details view for loyalty programs has been added, together with a user role giving read access only. 




Customer view filtering out valid customers (RTL-6263)All valid customers are now shown in the customer view
Business  customer import contract in Swagger (RTL-6269)All mandatory fields are marked as such. Min and max length of fields burdened by that is also updated
Member statistics dashboard (RTL-6360)The '%' sign behind gross profit, in the  "Detailed comparison in period" section was removed. This row shows gross profit in amount, not in percentage  


The business customer view has been extended to include private customers, and the name of the menu entry has changed from "Business customers" to "Customers".




Member cards: Change status row from drop down to checkbox (RTL-5959)The status row in the member cards view has been changed from a drop down to a check box to fit the overall pattern in cloud. The name of the row has changed from "status" to "Inactive"
Extend private customer with credit fields (RTL-6090)The private customer data schema has been extended to also support credit and balance, 


The drop down list in the filter section is only visible if the user has access to multiple loyalty programs.
If the drop down list is visible it only contains the loyalty programs the user has access too. Loyalty program access is based on store access in User management. 




Member identities: Remove the status field (RTL-5960)

The status column is removed from the Member Identities grid. Only active members are shown in the grid.


Also a new Import contract was added and the old one was removed from Swagger. We will still support the old contract, but it was renamed from MemberIdentity to Identity.Import since it includes both members and customers. 




Member identities view times out (RTL-5244)

Performance has been improved

Deleted Association in CW (on-premise) does not sync to Cloud (RTL-5560)

Deleted associations are correctly removed from member identity in customer service.

Values in LinkedAssociationsID in MemberService are deleted on update from CustomerService (RTL-5357)

Updates from CustomerService no longer delete Associations that shouldn't be deleted

Merge timeouts causes Integration Platform to abort and stop the jobs (RTL-5762

Merging exception of BusinessCustomerMerger and CustomerGroupMerger does not abort job but is handled gracefully with failed batch and error message in staging. Failed merging batches are retried when caused by timeout.


There was added a new view in Chain Web where business customers are listed.




Member identities is not scrollable for mobile screen (RTL-5535)

The Member Identities view is scrollable in mobile mode, and the fields in the grid are evenly spaced.


Tenant config for MemberInfoServer: The IdentityDataProvider parameter determines which provider to use for getting and setting identity/member/customer data in the API. The default provider is "Hybrid," which uses the MemberService as the master for members and stores a copy of members in the database. The provider  "Standalone" fetches and stores everything in the database.




Missing association name from MemberService(on-prem)(RTL-5440)

When returning identity from MemberService ExternalNumber is passed as default association name.  

Remove loyaltyprogram from membership (RTL-5320)

LoyaltyProgramNumber was removed from MemberIdentity.


The new Loyalty icon has been implemented and applied for the loyalty main menu entry and the old loyalty icon is applied for the customer main menu entry.




Remove dependence to Organization number (RTL-5112)An organization number is not required when creating a member in MemberInfoService. It is possible to have no value in this field: NULL.
Member Identities View Missing Members (RTL-5042)All members are displayed in the member grid, and it is possible to filter on them.


There was added a new view in Chain Web where member identities are listed.




Fetching LpMember with no existing loyalty program (RTL-4525)

Loyalty program number is validated when calling MIS API GetMemberIdentity.

  • GET MemberIdentity returns 404 if the loyalty program doesn't exist.
  • MIS returns an exception when the loyalty program exists in the cloud but not in MemberService (MS returns status code 900).
  • Exception is thrown when loyaltyNumber is null.
Timeout do not cause FlatBatchJson to retry (RTL-4851)

Upon page validation exception batch lines are marked as failed (and ready for retry), and not as processed ok.


It is possible to add an association without an uploaded logo.
Thus associations without ImageURL are synchronized correctly to the cloud and are available on the webshop without a logo.





MemberIdentityMerger aborted as a deadlock victim (RTL-4262)Deadlock during merging of data does not abort MemberIdentityMerger. Deadlocked merging  data is marked as faulted  and retried on another run
