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Reports lists mix coupons for selected stores in selected period of time.


  • Date from - Default today
  • Date to - Default today
  • Profile - Default all
  • Team - Default all
  • Store - Default all
  • Mix - Default all


Report shows extended mixmatch sales statistics. For one page per store there is a list grouped by mix. Report has a total summaty at the end of table.


  • Mix - Mix number and mix name
  • EAN
  • Item name
  • Department
  • Item area
  • Item group
  • % of total sales - Percentage of total turnover excluding VAT
  • Items sold - Number of items sold in mix
  • % items sold - Percetnage of item sold in mix
  • Discount ex. VAT - Mix discounts excluding VAT
  • Receipts with mix
  • Share mix receipts - Share of mix receipts
  • Amount in mix receipts ex. VAT - Amount in mix receipts excluding VAT
  • Avg. sales customer - Average sales customer
  • Gr. prof. % mix - Gross profit percentage mix
  • Gr. prof. % total - Gross profit percentage total
  • Gross profit


Report has a star explanation for a few columns. It means that summary values for particular mix are calculated including all transactions in store. As an example '% Items sold' is calculating by taking quantity and dividing it by whole store quantity. For whole mix it will be store quantity of all items in store. For particular article in that mix '% Items sold', quantity of that product in mix will be divided by all articles in that mix. Summary for mix (grey grouped row) takes whole statistics about store, even if it is not mix.


  • Lindbak POS Reporting Cube (OLAP)



CO-271850 based on 0603_SalesPerHour

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Report lists sales per hour with counting customer inside and outside. It also compares inside / outside data with selected period.


  • Periode – default month
  • Year – Default current year
  • Month – Default current month
  • Week – Default current week
  • Date from – Default today
  • Date to – Default today
  • Compare date from - Default yesterday.
  • Compare date to - Default yesterday.
  • Profile – Default all
  • Team – Default all
  • Store – Default all
  • Exclude groups – Default false
  • Excluded groups – Default list of excluded groups


  • pExcludedGroupsList - Parameter to create list of itemgroups to use in excluded groups selection (<name>;<itemgroupnumber>,<name>;<itemgroupnumber>). Default = Bilvask;93
  • pPriceChannelIn - Parameter to define pricechannel for inside customers. Default = [Price Channel].[Price Channel Key].&[Cashier]
  • pPriceChannelOut - Parameter to define pricechannel for outside customers. Default = [Price Channel].[Price Channel Key].&[ShopAndGoCheckTerminal]
  • pHourFrom and pHourTo - Parameters to define which hours should be shown in report. Default 0 - 23.


  • Report has a summary at the end of table on each column.
  • Summary totals in the beginning  of new hierarchy level for store.


  • Hour – Hour of a day
  • Sales – Sales amount
  • Net cost
  • VAT – VAT amount
  • Gr. prof. % - Gross profit percentage
  • Share
  • Items – Sales quantity
  • Quantity - Customer inside/Customer outside quantity for period and comparison period
  • Sale per customer - Customer inside/Customer outside sale per customer for period and comparison period
  • Sales/item – Sales amount divided by item quantity Items per customer
  • Items per customer
  • Sales – Campaign sales amount
  • Items – Campaign item quantity
  • Customers – Campaign customer count


  • Lindbak POS Reporting DW
  • Lindbak POS Reporting Cube (OLAP)

