Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Release 10.07.2024

Issue multiple digital gift cards & import emails from excel


Multiple digital gift cards can be created and issued to a list of email addresses.

Image Added

Email addresses can be registered manually, or imported from Excel.
An empty Excel template can be downloaded, filled out and imported.

Image Added

The quantity of Gift cards must be the same as the number of email addresses in the import.
The user is notified if the quantities do not match.

The Excel template contains only one "Email address" column.
Maximum 10,000 rows can be imported in the same import.



Gift card transaction note (RTC-40825)

The full text of the transaction note is displayed when the mouse pointer is placed over the note column.

Image Added


Multiple clicks creates duplicated gift cards (RTC-41462)

Multiple clicks on the Create button no longer creates duplicated gift cards.


Release 07.05.2024

Create Note when deactivating or activating Gift card


When a gift card is deactivated or activated, the user can input a comment to why it was deactivated.
The note can be seen in the Gift Card transaction tab and on the Gift Cards 5 last transactions.

Image Added

 image-2024-04-26-10-28-55-035.pngImage Added



Update Last used date (RTC-33597)

Last used date is updated when doing redeem transactions and balance corrections.

Gift card overview

Improvement in Gift card overview (RTC-33647)

The performance when opening the gift card's overview page has been greatly improved, so that everything loads faster.



Inactive gift cards (RTC-39349)

  • Inactive gift cards can not be distributed.
  • Distributed gift cards with manually cancelled issue are removed from the system.



Release 15.12.2023



Phone number selector (RTC-34250)

Prefix in the phone number selector is prefilled with country code obtained to the store related to the gift card, when owner phone number is empty.  




Gift cards can be issued in Estonia (RTC-36762)

Gift cards issued from stores in Estonia (profiles with country set to Estonia) have Estonian texts on the gift card.

Gift cards per profile (RTC-36243)

With configuration parameter named "Gift Card Usage Area", user is able to limit access for redeem and recharge transactions to the same profile or country as store that the specific gift card has been issued in.


Release 24.08.2023

Import section in gift card's history view



Klarna Gateway

Extend transaction patch method (RTC-24201)

GiftCardService: patch transaction update request's response has been extended with gift card details.
KlarnaGateway: discount_confirm request's response has been extended with appropriate gift card data basing on patch transaction update request's response from GiftCardService.


Errors logged twice in responses (RTC-24466)

Giftcard service was logging duplicated errors in responses for some cases in connection to validation of the path of parameters giftCardNumber, startingGiftCardNumber or giftCardsCount. Developer removed duplicate validation.

GiftCardService API

Multiple issue method route change (RTC-25286)

Updated url of requests and also request body. 


The url of the multiple issue request has been changed:





Also request's body has been changed - "startingGiftCardNumber" and "giftCardsCount" fields have been added, the rest of fields is stored in "giftCardDetails":

  "startingGiftCardNumber": "string",
  "giftCardsCount": 0,
  "giftCardDetails": {
    "validFromUtc": "2022-08-29T05:33:04.426Z",
    "validToUtc": "2022-08-29T05:33:04.426Z",
    "imageId": "string",
    "typeNumber": 0,
    "typeName": "string",
    "authorizeForMinutes": 0,
    "owner": {
      "phoneNumber": "string",
      "emailAddress": "string",
      "countryCode": "string",
      "pinCode": "string"
    "amount": {
      "amount": 0,
      "currencyCode": "string"
    "options": {
      "autogeneratePinCode": true,
      "authorizeAndCommitAtOnce": true,
      "preloaded": true,
      "forceWhenExpired": true
    "origin": {
      "storeNumber": 0,
      "cashregisterNumber": "string",
      "cashierNumber": "string",
      "userId": "string",
      "receiptId": "string",
      "source": "string"
    "distributionOptions": {
      "delayUntilUtc": "2022-08-29T05:33:04.426Z"


Gift Card Service

GiftCard Service/Import from SVS (RTC-25672)

ExpiresAtUtc and PinCode fields are not cleared while cancelling issue transactions of the preloaded giftcards.


GiftcardService Performance (RTC-25709)

Added new indexes in database to improve grid performances. 


This also affects saving import files into the database. 



Edit validity period (RTC-21182)

Adding possibility to rename or edit validity period of temporary image from Gift Card management. 
User can upload temporary image and modify it's name and date and save changes without uploading new image. 

Image centering (RTC-19702)

Image on a gift card is centered and isn't out of the screen on a mobile device.
User don't have to scroll sideways in horizontal mode on a mobile view.

Image cleanup (RTC-18861)

Image cleanup job (name of job: ImageCleaner) for removal of unused images in Azure Storage and BD. Unused images or images deleted from the Management level are removed from the database and Azure. Storage after ImageCleaner job execution.

Gift Card Module

Handle euro currency on gift card image (RTC-23995)

The images for gift cards in euro currency are properly displaying "€" sign.
When an image has English culture, then the euro currency sign is displayed to the left of the gift card's amount.
When an image has Norwegian or Swedish culture, then the kroner currency sign is displayed to the right of the gift card's amount.

User roles (RTC-19465)

Providing compatibility of user roles view and description for GiftCardService in line with other cloud modules. Dividing them on category and sections. 

Selecting section causes ticking roles below it. Additionally, depending roles are ticked automatically. 


Giftcard images are resolved in the new flow. Profiles have dedicated images - ordinary (basic) image for profile or proper ones specified for time period only.



Issue gift card (RTC-19374)

When issuing new gift card, the profileId is properly assigned to this gift card basing on the store number from the issue request.


The performance of the cancel/update/commit requests has been improved (RTC-22229)

Index on TransactionId in [CloudScrip].[Transaction] table has been added.


Grid with all transactions has been added. Separated permission is needed to access it. Grid contains data from all columns from Transactions DB table (except GiftCardId and table primary key).


Gift card imports

Validation on Import (RTC-22167)

Validation of files in importing has been changed to support all csv files, not only excel/csv files.


ReGive action (RTC-22137)

When performing a ReGive action - distribution is created for the new owner.


Added job to cleanup staging tables rows older than configured value.



Fix on Owner and ValidDate in ReGive and ExtendValidity methods (RTC-21000)

When performing ReGive action on gift card proper owner values (OldOwnerClaim and NewOwnerClain) are saved in transaction details.

When using ExtendValidity method proper ValidDate values (OldValidUtc and NewValidUtc) are saved in transaction details.

Gift card imports

Default empty value for DefaultCurrencyCode (RTC-20890)

Import of gift card with no currency code in import file works fine also when DefaultCurrencyCode parameter has default value.


Added parameter for default currency. It is used in the import when currency is not given in the file.



Balance details view

The data for the selected date (date period) is displayed properly in balance details view.

Image managementGift Card management user is able to sort images properly, when hiding expired ones (no blank spaces between not expired images).
