Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


POS Configuration


Function "Add manual arrival flight". 3 arguments can be set:

After adding button in POS, clicking on it results with adding a manual arrival flight in POS and POSLog. TravelType="D" and FiCode="DA" when CustomsID is set D. any other CustomsID (U, X, S) results with TravelType="I" and FiCode="IA".

Example POSLog XML:

Locking of cash register


The cash register can be locked by a cashier with the usage of a function. When the cash register is locked, it will still be on but it cannot be used. Only the cashier that locked the cash register can unlock it by filling the credentials manually or by scanning a cashier card.

Image Added

Supervisor permission to unlock POS


When POS is locked by a cashier, unlocking can be done by supervisor with the permission "Unlock POS" in User Management. Cash register can be also unlocked using supervisor cashier card.

Image Added

Configurable fields for Credit Payment


Improvements POS 

Cashier permission

Supervisor permission to open cash drawer (RTP-31220)

If a cashier wants to open the cash drawer without any active transaction and doesn't have a permission to do it, supervisor confirmation and entering of reason code required.

Customer view

Hide coupons on customer view (RTP-30992)

When parameters ShowDiscountsOnCustomerView and ShowCouponsAsLineOnCustomerView are disabled, no coupon types will be shown on the customer view. 


eSale integration with MBXP in combination with Epsilon Express (RTP-32441)

Return of eSale items validated by MBXP now works fine, even when configured eSale integration with Epsilon Express in the same POS.

Flight integration

Scanning boarding pass for another airport (RTP-27385)

When the cashier scans the boarding pass and the arrival/departure airport is not the location airport, then the flight is invalid. The customer is not allowed to buy any items and an error message is shown.

Information about final destination for connecting flights (RTP-31293)

Improvements were made for showing final destination for connecting departure flights.

Fuel integration

Authorized card in Fuel panel (RTP-31993)

A new icon for Authorized Card was added.


Improved speed of cashier login (RTP-32324)

The speed of cashier login has been significantly enhanced.

Tax value information on the printed receipt (RTP-30299)

When an item with half or full tax is sold, then the receipt is printed with the identifier next to the item. If the item has half tax (TaxGroupID17), "H" will be printed. If items has full tax (TaxGroupID19), then "V" will be printed. Printing of the identifier can be configured by the parameter "Print tax identifier on line item" based in the PrinterConfig parameter in the POS Configuration. 

Log in

Not possible to log in to POS if CloudAccessService is down (RTP-32244)

CloudAccessService on POS Server is used by POS to fetch a token used as authentication versus EG Cloud services. A bug has been fixed, making it impossible to do cashier log in if CloudAccessService was not available when EG POS started and is still not available when a cashier tries to log in.

Log out

Improved offline handling for recent logins (RTP-32055)

When Store Central database is offline, POS will use a local cache to show recently logged in cashiers. This avoids potential slow log out of cashier when Store Central is offline. 


Fetching member info from loyalty provider in self-service POS (RTP-31107)

When a member is added in the self-service POS, their information is automatically fetched from the loyalty provider and included in the active transaction, regardless of the 'CustomerMasterLocation' parameter setting. This applies specifically to self-service POS systems using PosCustomerService to retrieve member information. Previously, only the member's LoyaltyNumber was added if this parameter was set to 'Internal'. This ensures comprehensive member data is available during transactions.

Mobile payment

Aborting / switching from Svea payment (RTP-32038)

A started Svea payment may now be aborted by clicking the "X" in the upper right corner of the Svea input dialogue. This may be useful in case the need of switching to a different tender.

Payment summary

Payment summary for foreign currency when doing refunds (RTP-32130)

The amount in foreign currency is shown on left side and the value in local currency is shown on the right side in the payment summary when doing refunds.


NetCost and NetCostNormalPrice in POSLog (RTP-25848)

When an item has a weighted cost price, in the POSLog:

  • NetCost = weighted cost price
  • NetCostNormalPrice  = normal cost price

When an item does not have a weighted cost price:

  • NetCost= normal cost price
  • NetCostNormalPrice = normal cost price  
Price calculation

Combination of subtotal coupon discount and manual line discount (RTP-32556)

When there is a combination of subtotal coupon discount and a manual line discount in a receipt the price calculation for this is now triggered correctly. Previously the calculation generated an AppWide if at list one of the existing parameters 'ShowCouponDiscountTotalOnCouponItem' or 'ShowCouponSubtotalDiscountsAsLine' was activated.

Price recalculations on items where price has been changed manually (RTP-28319)

When an item's price is manually adjusted in POS, and a subtotal discount coupon is applied and then removed, the system recalculates the item price correctly. This ensures that the receipt displays the accurate price, addressing an issue where previously the wrong price would appear under these conditions.


ArticleArea and SpecialGroup in receipt for link items (RTP-31282)

ArticleArea and SpecialGroup is added to the POSLog XML receipt format also for link items.

Flight information for fake flights in POSLog XML (RTP-32260)

DestinationCode and OriginCode have been changed for fake flights .ARR, .DEP and .PAX.


Re-check time restricted items while going to payment (RTP-31542)

Now time will be checked twice, at the start of transaction and at the end of transaction. This is for items which can only be bought in limited time, like alcohol

Example of adding alcohol to transaction before limited time and ending transaction after limited time.


Selling items without price in Self-service (RTP-31125)

If an item without price is scanned in self-service, the following error message will be shown:

Approval of age per boarding pass in cashier mode (RTP-32053)

When closing self-service mode and using dialog to approve age per boarding pass in cashier mode before going back to self-service mode, it is no longer necessary to approve age also in Monitor App. 

Improved navigation after cashier assistance (RTP-32054)

When a customer goes to payment in self-service and cashier assistance is needed, for example for age control via cashier mode, then the payment view will be opened when going back to self-service. Previously, the self-service sales view was opened and the customer had to click "got to payment" again. 

Always sending receipt content to Monitor App (RTP-32090)

When existing parameter SurveillanceEveryScan is enabled, POS will always in include the receipt details in the messages to Monitor App. Previously, the receipt details were only included if we received a "start live view" request from Monitor App.

This makes it possible to continuously view live sales from the same Self-checkout in Monitor App.

Scanner disabled in confirmation dialogues (where needed by other cashier) (RTP-32237)

In popup dialogues where a function needs to be confirmed by another cashier scanner is now disabled. This also goes for popup dialogue to confirm e.g. high quantity for an item. This will better secure correct handling of scanner inputs.

Print gate receipt in self-service POS when connecting flight it confirmed (RTP-31165)

If configured, A gate receipt will be printed in self-service POS when a customer confirms going on a connecting flight after buying items that requires a STEB bag to be used. The gate receipt will be needed because the original receipt will be used in the STEB bag making it difficult to scan when going through the gate. This is relevant only when using the flight integration in self-service POS.

POS Configuration:

Relevant existing parameters:

EnableGateReceiptPrinting (default False) - must be enabled - set to 'True'
GateReceiptHeader (default empty) - must be configured with a value/text to be printed on the gate receipt.

Different sound depending on different event in self-service (RTP-28559)

Base on different actions, different sounds are played in self-service. Files .wav with right names should be placed in c:\lpos\MediaCache\LRSDemoApp folder.

Stock information

New Stock information integration (RTP-29317)

A new Stock information integration with Bison is implemented. EG POS is showing stock level, next delivery date and quantity in delivery on articles.

User interface

New customer-specific skin (RTP-30840)

New customer-specific skin has been added and can be configured in parameter UIHighlightColor in POS Configuration.

Scrolling using "Up Arrow" in Sales View (RTC-41010)

Using the "Up Arrow" key with more than 100 items in the receipt does no longer causes excessive scrolling.

Item images in sales view (RTP-31354)

If an item image has been uploaded in item management and sent out to POS, it can be shown in sales view and item information views.

If no image is available locally on disk, POS will try to look up the images via URL (If parameter ExternalImageBankURL  is configured).

Full FD resolution: Line discount/edit line views (RTP-24298)

Resolution issues regarding line discount and edit line views have been resolved.

Full HD support in pop-up dialogs (RTP-24285)

Pop-up dialogs for sub menus and for sending SMS have been adjusted to support Full HD (1920x1080).

Full HD support in login view (RTP-23873)

Elements for login view in POS have been adjusted to support Full HD (1920x1080) resolution. 

Support for full HD resolution in dialog to add flight manually (RTP-32004)

Improvements were implemented for resolution 1920x1080 in dialog to search for flight.

Full HD resolution: Search (RTP-23961)

The following improvements in search field for full HD resolution were implemented: bigger search field, icons, and font. Indents between the menu buttons have also been corrected.

Full HD resolution: Sales (RTP-23960)

Sales screen elements and font sizes for resolution 1920x1080 are increased for better visibility.

Full HD resolution: Customer Order (RTP-24287)

The following improvements in search field for full HD resolution were implemented:

  • Changed icon size.
  • The font sizes on menu buttons, on Receipt View Buttons, on "More items" button are fixed.

Full HD resolution: Member Registration (RTP-24286)

The following are implemented:

  • New member registration screen (elements and font-sizes included) is adjusted to 1920x1080 resolution.
  • Cancel member registration pop-up is adjusted to 1920x1080 resolution.
User Management

Changes in "Prevent from login" and "Training mode" (RTP-29816)

"Prevent from login" and "Training mode" are removed as user role permissions. They are added as flags for a cashier/user.
