Area | Description |
Convenience sales | Total from previous sale on Payment button (RTP-32952) Before, when finishing a sale in convenience mode, the subtotal of the previous receipt was remembered on the Payment button. Now, this button is set to 0.00 after each sale. |
Epsilon Express integration | Discounts on Car Wash articles (RTP-33668) When car wash article is added to sales, discounts (campaign discounts, coupons, line discounts, customer discounts) can be added to the article. |
Flight integration | Improvements to SetItems - don't fetch item information for each line (RTP-33774) Now, necessary limit group information are fetched from the receipt (receipt cache if the info is not available in POSLog). |
Receipts | Fix on printing campaign discounts in receipt (RTP-32770) When "Do not show campaign discount for items with ID requirements on receipt" is enabled and "Do not show campaign discount on receipt" is not enabled in PrinterConfig, then regular items will have their discounts printed in the receipt and age validated items will not have their discounts printed in the receipt. |
Sale | Limit Control - offline scenario (RTP-33103) Cashier codes and transaction dates are sent when sending limits in an offline limit service scenario and the data is then correctly sent to the service when it is back online. |
Improvement POS Server
Area | Description |
POS API | ReceiptOnHoldService (RTP-33845) ReceiptOnHold/PingHealth endpoint returns proper status of the service in the response. When POS API recovers form downtime, receipts on hold can be fetched. |