Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Document status:



Prerequisites are located in the menu on the left.


Release version:

  • Extra bonus. Digital coupons can now be used for campaigns that give members extra bonus for a specified period of time

titleTabel of contents
Table of Contents

PLU list with support for meter items

(Work ID: 173292)

Items with unit 'Meter' can be sold via PLU lists in self-service POS. In the dialogue for entering quantity, the decimal sign will be shown if the unit is meters. When selling items sold per unit, the decimal sign is hidden.

Receipt print menu only for members

(Work ID: 172291)

The receipt print menu can be shown for all sales or only when the sale contains a member. 

Example of receipt print menu:

If the parameter “ReceiptPrintMenuMembersOnly” is set to True, receipts are printed automatically for receipts that do not contain members.

titleConfiguration of Receipt print menu

POS Configuration

ReceiptPrintMenuMembersOnly (default False)

Configures if the receipt print menu is shown for all receipts or only for receipts that contain members.

If set to True, receipts are printed automatically for receipts that do not contain members.

Dialog for member registration by phone number

(Work ID: 173939)

A separate page for member registration by phone number can be configured when going from sales vies to payment view in self-service. This can be used to send digital receipts in integration with an external loyalty solution.


POS Configuration


New selection "MemberPhoneRegistration" that can be configured to show a step to add member by phone number.

Digital coupons for extra bonus

(Work ID: 169510)

Digital coupons can be used for campaigns that give members extra bonus:

  • X % extra bonus in a time period

  • New fixed bonus % in a time period

If overlapping bonus campaigns are set up and applies to the same member, the following business rules will apply:

  • If multiple x % extra campaigns, the highest % will be used

  • If multiple "new level = y %" campaigns, the highest % will be used

  • If both "+ x %" and "new level y %", then "+ x %" will always be used.

The functionality requires Chain Web 2.9.131 or higher.

See change documentation for Chain Web for details. [Link to change doc for loyalty:Loyalty v. 2.9.230 ]

Information about terminal type in ARTS XML receipt

(Work ID: Item 167489)

Terminal type used for payment will be presented as a numeric value in ARTS POSLog XML in field <LRSEx:TerminalType>. The value represents a specific terminal type according to the list below.

titleConfiguration of terminal type in ARTS POSLog XML

POS Configuration

The ARTS subscriber in JournalService must be configure with "AddTerminalTypeElement=True" to add the extension for terminal type.

The following list of terminal types will be used:

        None = 0
        Bopos = 1

        Baxi = 2

        SteriaPay = 3

        SpectraCard2 = 4

        SpectraCard3 = 5

        Sagem = 6

        Zaci = 7

        CashChanger = 8

        MultiTrade = 9

        PosPay = 10

        BaxiDotNet = 11

        PayLink = 12

        Mcash = 13

        MobilePay = 14

        NonIntegrated = 15

        Klarna = 16

        KlarnaCheckout = 17

        GltAera = 18

        Swish = 19

        Collector = 20

        ResursBank = 21

        AeviXPay = 22

        Vim = 23

        ResursBankFinance = 24

        Nets = 25 (Web payment)

        Aera = 26 (Web payment)

Bank terminal information in ARTS receipt

(Work ID: 171062)

Structured bank terminal information can be included in ARTS POSLog XML as LRS extensions. This is currently supported for Nets and Aera bank terminals.

Activating the "IncludePayterminalExtension" parameter will give external applications detailed information about the bank transactions. 

Example information:

titleConfiguration of bank terminal info in ARTS POSLog XML

Configuration in JournalService subscriberconfig

IncludePayterminalExtension (default false)

If activated, structured bank terminal information is added in ARTS receipt as LRS Extensions.

Bonus rules when returning a gift from a member

(Work ID:169523)

When a customer returns an item that was originally sold to a member who earned bonus from the sale, the original member can be removed from the receipt when doing online return to avoid reducing the bonus balance on the original member. In order to remove the member easily, we have a function “Delete member” that can be configured on any button in the sales view.

Use Case example:

  • Customer A wants to return an item and has a return note. Customer A is not a member.

  • Cashier scans the return note and adds the returned item to the receipt using online return

  • Cashier deletes original member from the receipt

  • The cashier finishes the return

titleConfiguration for deleting member in receipt

POS Configuration

Button config

Function DELETE_MEMBER can be configured on a button to easily remove the member from the receipt

Klarna Checkout v3 for webshop

(Work ID: 169128)

The integration with Klarna Checkout has been adapted to version 3. The functionality matches the functionality in version 2, but also supports adding extra items after payments has been authorized.

PS: PBI 175363 contains some improvements that will be delivered in the hotfix to make sure that all fields in the POS API has matching information in v2 and v3 of the Klarna integration.

titleConfiguration of Klarna Checkout v3

POS Configuration


Must be configured on the POS Wcf to use version 3 of the Klarna integration. If the integration is also used from POS, the parameter should be set for all POS'es.


Configure merchant mapping similar to version 2 of the integration. PS: New Merchant ID's and secrets must be obtained from Klarna/the retailer.

Sticker number for insurance

(Work ID: 172278)

The sticker number is printed below the insurance item on the receipt when a customer buys an item with insurance. Previously, the frame number was printed. The frame number is still printed below the insured item on the receipt. 

Improvements in POS




Digital coupon with subtotal discount can not be put on hold (Work ID: 175209)

We have removed a limitation that prevented receipts that included digital coupons with subtotal discount from being put on hold. 


Message “Member not found” when selling articles (Work ID: 172851)

If an article matches a valid Social Security number, this could be interpreted as an attempt to register a member. We made changes so that member search by Social Security Number is only triggered if SocialSecurityID is in use in the parameter “MemberIdentifiersRegEx”.


Store reference for returns in Klarna v3 (inStore) (Work ID: 172288)

When refunding versus Klarna, a store reference is sent to Klarna. This can be seen in the field “Merchant refund reference” in the Klarna portal.

Log file

Error logging changed to Warning (Work ID: 165881)

Multiple exceptions have been changed from Error to Warning. This has been done to avoid unnecessary alarms in EG surveillance. Only system errors and not user errors should be logged as errors.


Error in log-file when member card is scanned multiple times (Work ID: 171689)

We have removed an error in the log-file caused by scanning a member card multiple times very fast.


Default search identifier for members when offline (Work ID: 170168)

When POS is offline and the list of member search identifiers cannot be fetched from Loyalty Service, these will be based on parameter MemberSearchIdentifierListV2. The parameter requires a list of key + value. The value will be shown as text in the dialog in POS. The following identifier types are supported: 

  • SocialSecurityId

  • Mobile

  • Email

  • LoyaltyNumber

  • LoyaltyCard


Customer order and offer in same receipt (Work ID: 169438)

When a customer order has been added to a receipt, it is no longer possible to add an offer to the same receipt. A warning dialog is displayed: "Only 1 offer allowed in the same receipt".

Capture of Aera web payment from POS (Work ID: 173003)

We have added support for capturing Aera payments that have been authorized from the webshop.

Deletion of picklist when click-and-collect order is paid (Work ID: 173727)

Two improvements have been done:

  • Picklists are now deleted when the payment has subtotal rounding.

  • Picklists are now deleted regardless of order type.

Message for pre-authorized Coopay with too high amount (Work ID: 174436)

We have implemented a message to the cashier if the subtotal amount is higher than the pre-authorized amount for Coopay.


Age control dialog when paying an order (Work ID: 172799)

We have fixed a problem that could cause the age control dialog to pop ut twice when fetching a customer order that contained an item with age requirement. The problem occurred if a receipt with a customer order and age control was cancelled, and a similar order was opened again.

Hide empty PLU-lists (Work ID: 172820)

Empty PLU-lists are hidden in Self-service POS.

Hide PLU-lists used for layout configuration (Work ID: 172822)

"Dummy" PLU-lists used for configuring layout of item search and auto-generated PLU-lists for Vensafe items are hidden in Self-service POS.

Notification for signature-based payment in Aera payment terminals (Work ID: 174664)

We have fixed a problem regarding self-service POS with payment terminals from Aera. When signature-based payment is triggered a message is sent to the surveillance screen, and the light tower changes color to signal that the customer needs assistance.

Item text in PLU lists (Work ID: 175075)

Item names in PLU-lists are taken from the field “receipt text” (previously “item text”). Sorting is based on the same field.

Tokheim integration

Improved POSLog XML transformation (Work ID: 170029)

We have fixed a problem that caused Tokheim receipts with “correction of invoice” to fail in transformation to POSLog XML.

Improvement in POS Server




Error message when service stops (Work ID: 158414)

We have removed an unnecessary error message in log about wcf relay when the service stops.

Unknown item when trying to add multiple items to the cart (Work ID: 165595)

When multiple items are added in one request in the ItemSale Service, and one of them does not exist in the POS database, an error message is thrown that item with EAN x was not found

('The item with EAN #16419681 was not found').

Reservation of items in a store when POS Services is down (Work ID: 170761)

When POS Services is offline and ReserveCartInStore is performed in the POS API, an exception is thrown so the client knows that the request to reserve items in the store failed.

In the log this is shown as a warning:

"Warning 54 An attempt to send POS message has been failed. Message: 222-0-ECustomerOrderNotification".

Improved performance for methods in ItemSale Service (Work ID: 171311)

We have improved the performance of the following methods in ItemSale Service by reducing the number of calls to the database to save the receipt:

  • BeginCartEditing

  • DeliverCartItem

  • ShipCartItem

  • DeliverAndPayCartItems

Part payment by gift card during capture of Klarna payment (Work ID: 171879)

It is possible to use CaptureKlarnaPayment when you edit a cart and add a gift card payment. The Gift card will be included in the Klarna invoice.

Create non-webshop orders with ReserveCartInStore (Work ID: 173047)

Click-and-collect orders can be created as a web order or customer order. If parameter “CreateClickAndCollectOrdersAsStoreOrders” is set to True you will get CustomerOrderSource="Store". When parameter is set to False you will get CustomerOrderSource="Webshop".

Log entries changed from Error to Warning (Work ID: 166419)

Multiple events previously logged as Errors have been changed to Warnings. Only system errors should be logged as Error (not incorrect use or normal situations, for example a gift card that was previously used).

Mehod to fetch exchange rates (Work ID: 173275)

Exchange rates can be fetched from the POS API by calling the GetExchangeRates method. The following fields are included in response:

  • Store number

  • CurrencyCode

  • UpdateTime

  • Count

  • ExchangeRate

The data is fetched from the POS database table dbo.exchangerate.

Best-before date in POS API (Work ID: 171284)

The POS API has been extended to support dates for item lines, like for example best-before date. This will be used by EG InStore App to register dates on item transaction type internal use.

Color information on orders (Work ID: 173872)

Color information can be sent from the webshop to the POS API when orders are created. The color information will follow the order through the system and be available in ReceiptService. This can for example be used to keep history of which paint colors a customer has purchased. 

See also change documentation for required Chain Web version 2.9.131.

POS Import

FormatFiles for POS Import is not found (Work ID: 173888)

We have fixed an error in POS Import that caused the service not to work. The problem was related to finding the "formatfiles" in the file system on the POS Server.

New field for netcost (Work ID: 173294)

A new field for netcost has been added to the import of price-files from backoffice. This will be used by POS to show both standard netcost for the normal price and the weighed cost based on item receival. The related changes in POS will be released in

POS Services

Number series from sentral server (Work ID: 163176)

SendingID is now properly fetched from POS Journal database to POS local database. This is used for example when cash register hardware is switched, but cash register number is retained. All number series should be reused.

Customer order integration with Axapta (Work ID: 172159)

The following improvements have been done:

  • Support for items with no price, tax amounts are correctly calculated on the receipt. 

  • Opening order in POS creates a lock request to Axapta service and when voiding receipt there is another request for unlocking. Paying for order doesn't change it's state (it stays locked). 

PS: Axapta should implemented the proper locking mechanism and filter out locked orders from the search list.

Payment reference in orders to Chain Classic (Work ID: 173784)

The payment reference for payment authorizations in POSLog XML is sent from POS Services worker to Chain Classic for click-and-collect orders. This makes it possible to capture payments for selected providers (Coopay/Aera) in POS.

POS Master DB

Deletion of expired prices (Work ID: 171718)

Logging has been added to make it possible to see how many rows are deleted during procedure DeleteExpiredPrices. This can be checked in the SQL job history. 


New parameter for loyalty extensions in ARTS POSLog XML (Work ID: 172173)

Parameter "AllowLoyaltyExtensions" in SubscriberConfig configures the new fields implemented in PBI 157305.

Send payment reference in orders to Chain Classic (Work ID: 173008)

The payment reference for payment authorizations in POSLog XML is sent from JournalService to Chain Classic for click-and-collect orders. This makes it possible to capture payments for selected providers (Coopay/Aera) in POS.

Mix information for all conditionItems in ARTS XML receipt (Work ID: 171396)

All conditionItems, including items that trigger a mix without getting a discount and items with campaign discount = 0 can be included in ARTS POSLog XML as RetailPriceModifiers.

Parameters “AllowCampaignZeroDiscount” and “IncludeMixInfoForConditionItems” control if these are included.