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Prerequisites are located in the menu on the left.


Release version:

  • Improved control for sale of medicine: Maximum quantity on items with specific medical ingredients

  • Improved surveillance for self-service: Get notifications about age control in watches from ComCare.

titleTable of contents
Table of Contents

Norsk Tipping - configurable phone number lookup

(Work ID: 179339)

In the integration with Norsk Tipping (Norwegian lottery company) we have made changes in the dialog for player identification. The button for entering mobile phone number may now be configured to be visible or not. Changes affect both self-service mode and customer screen in cashier mode.

titleConfiguration for player card lookup

POS Configuration


Configures if the button for looking up player card by mobile number is visible in self-service and customer view.

Reference price information and link items in item/price synchronization

(Work ID: 176953)

Link items of type deposit refund can be included in item synchronization. This makes it possible for the webshop to synchronize item and price data for items like "Coca Cola 0,5 l" and show price of the item and price of the deposit refund separately.

Example data for link items in ItemInfo Service, method GetAllActiveProductsInArtsXML2:


To be able to show information about reference price in a webshop, the following extentions have been made:

  • GetAllActiveProductsInArtsXml2 i ItemInfoService has been extended with "unit text" and "amount" fields from Chain (Item.Amount and Item.LabelUnitText from POS Master)

Example: (unit text="st", amount=25)


      <NetContent UnitOfMeasure="LRSEx:St">25.000</NetContent>


  • GetItemsWithChangedPricesInArtsXml i PriceInfoService has been extended with the sales unit for the prices.

Example: (the quantity is not in use, only the unitOfMeasureCode is relevant)


titleConfiguration for link items and reference price in item/price sync

POS Services host configuration


Configures if deposit refund is included as a link item in the item synchronization method GetAllActiveProductsInArtsXml2.


Configures if the following extra information is included:

  • unitOfmeasure on prices in the price synchronization method GetItemsWithChangedPricesInArtsXml.

  • item measurements (amount and unit text) in the item synchronization method GetAllActiveProductsInArtsXml2.

Part capture of authorized gift card payment

(Work ID: 109713)

The POS API supports part capture of previously authorized gift card payments. Support for partial capture must be enabled by a parameter in POS Services.

Example use-case:

Buy 2 items for 500 each in a webshop integrated with EG POS API.

Checkout and pay 1000 by gift card. (1000 authorized on the gift card)

Deliver 1 item and capture 500

Deliver the other item and capture the remaining 500.

titleConfiguration for part capture of gift card payment

POS Services host configuration


Configures if we allow multiple commits of payments on the same gift card authorization.

Maximum quantity when selling items with medicinal ingredients

A maximum purchase quantity per medicinal ingredient and age group can be specified on items. 


Maximum 1 for items with ingredient paracetamol for age group adults. Maximum 1 for items with ingredient paracetamol for age group children. The customer can in this case buy maximum 1 of each item in the same receipt.


Also see change documentation for Chain for details. Chain version or newer is required.

Integration with devices (watches) from ComCare

(Work ID: 174380)

A notification can be sent to external devices for selected self-service events. (e.g. age control)

This is done in integration with ComCare 4761 USB devices.

titleConfiguration for ComCare integration

POS Configuration

AdvantecDeviceId (default 0)

Specifies the id for the connected 4761 device

AdvantecPortNumber (default 0)

Specifies the port number on the 4761 device to be triggered

AdvantecPulseLength (default 0)

Specifies the length of the pulse in milliseconds.

For installation, external software from Advantec is required. (

Improvements in POS




Deletion of database backups (Work ID: 175945)

We've improved the logic when deleting old backup files, prior to running autobackup.

Two parameters determine when backup is run, and how many files to keep:

  • BackupLPDatabasesRestoreDaysOld: 1 - determines how many old files to keep (0 will mean no old backup files, only the new ones created when backup procedure is run. 1 will mean 1 old file + 1 new)

  • BackupLPDatabasesTime: (0-23) - determines which hour during the day the database backup will be run. 


Multi currency for Baxi.Net pay terminal solution (Work ID: 170902)

We have fixed a problem that could occur with "multi currency" for Baxi.Net pay terminal solution. Wrong currency could be used for Bank payment in rare situations. (Previous receipt had a subtotal = 0,00 and was finished with tender Bank).


Refund of payment done with Coopay (Work ID: 172280)

When returning items from a receipt originally paid with Coopay, the money can be refunded with Coopay. Part refund in multiple receipts is possible, but the originally paid amount cannot be exceeded.

PS: Only receipts paid in or newer can be refunded with Coopay.

Timeout handling during ongoing payment (Work ID: 178424)

If a timeout occurs when finalizing a Coopay payment transaction, POS will retry. If the message with successful payment is lost between POS Server and POS caused by network issues, this change will make sure the payment is completed correctly.

Started payment transaction must be finished before new transaction (Work ID: 178501)

We have made improvements to the Coopay payment process by securing that a started payment transaction is finished before a new payment can start. This is important for special situations where cashier / customer interrupts ongoing payment at the "wrong" time, thereby making it possible to charge the customer twice.


Memory leak when opening order picking view (Work ID: 175679)

We have fixed a memory leak that occured when opening the view to pick click-and-collect orders.


Refund of bonus when receipt has subtotal discount (Work ID: 172002)

A bug with refund of member bonus after online return of a receipt with subtotal discount has been fixed.

Dialog for member search by identificator when paying order (Work ID: 172062)

The member search by identificator dialog can be automatically displayed when moving from the sales view to the payment view if no member has been added to the receipt. The dialog will not appear when a customer order is created/edited, but will be shown when paying an order. The dialog will only appear the first time you go from the sales view to the payment view.

Bonus not updated correctly when returning items (Work ID: 176440)

We have fixed an issue that resulted in member bonus not being correctly updated when returning items and a combination of discount coupon and bonus amount were used in the same transaction.

Gift receipt barcodes may be interpreted as member (Work ID: 172285)

An incorrectly configured RegEx for interpreting member number in barcodes could previously lead to gift receipt barcodes being misinterpreted as a member number.

Customer type shown in member search (Work ID: 175685)

Customer type (cash or credit) has been removed from the search preview for members since this field is not relevant for members.

Post-registration of member on finished receipt (Work ID: 178898)

Post-registration of member on previously finished receipt cannot be performed if it already contains a member.


Missing fields in XML receipt when paying orders (Work ID: 171660)

When orders are paid in POS, all item properties that are not included in the order are fetched from the local POS database. Previously, the following fields were not set when paying orders: IsEcoLabel, IsEcoLogical,  WarrantyId, WarrantyText, VendorID, AssortmentID and DisclosureRequired. These fields are important for EG Reporting to update the statistics correctly.

Cancel Aera Web payment when canceling order (Work ID: 174391)

Payment reservations from Aera Web payments will be canceled when orders with Aera Web payment reference is deleted in POS.

Cancel preauthorized Coopay when cancelling order (Work ID: 174434)

Any preauthorized Coopay registrations in Coop Member App will be canceled when web orders are deleted in POS.

Flag for preauthorized Coopay transactions to Aera (Work ID: 174599)

When paying orders with preauthorized Coopay, a flag DelayCharge is sent to Aera.

Deposit refund items in customer orders (Work ID: 177617)

Items linked to a deposit refund item have the same logic when paying a customer order as in a normal sales receipt. This means that deletion or changes to quantity affects both items correctly.


Predefined bundle in combination with Solid insurance (Work ID: 172733)

A bug that incorrectly caused the error message “Bundle price is higher than the sum of articles” has been fixed when selling predefined bundles in combination with Solid insurance.


Handling of partial payments in unfinished receipts (Work ID: 142593)

In case of a power outage or if a cash register is forcibly restarted, any active receipt will be retained in the POS database indefinitely if it contains a part payment by bank terminal. When the cashier logs on after POS has been restarted, the unfinished receipt will be fetched automatically, so the cashier can handle the receipt appropriately. For example by canceling the payment.


Button placements in vertical widescreen format (Work ID: 174302)

Improvements for button placement have been made in vertical widescreen format to make them easier to use for the customer.

Trigger control for low subtotal (Work ID: 176717)

Parameter “ShopAndGoConfirmTotalAmountLowerThan” can be used to configure an amount which will trigger a manual control if subtotal is lower than configured amount. This functionality is now available also in the new UI for self-service.

Switching between cashier mode and self-service mode (Work ID: 178688)

Specific items (for example EAN 20-codes) will no longer block switching from cashier mode and back to self-service mode. When cashier temporarily had to switch to cashier mode, e.g. for doing a control, he was sometimes not allowed to switch back to self-service mode. This was caused by specific items registered as the first item in the receipt.


Mobile number with blank spaces (Work ID: 177477)

Blank spaces in phone numbers are removed before sending SMS.


Vensafe item sold through PLU List on customer screen (Work ID: 178582)

We have corrected an error regarding items delivered via Vensafe machines. These items may also be sold without interacting with Vensafe. Sold by PLU list, however, they will always be sold via Vensafe.

(The problem only occured when parameter 'UseVensafeIntegrationOnEAN' was deactivated).

Web browser

Social security number for member when opening web page (Work ID: 175714)

It is possible to pass SSN for a member in the URL when opening a web page in POS. In order to pass the member SSN to the web page, the variable #Member.SSN should be added to the URL. The functionality is supported in the OPEN_URL function and in the OPEN_EXTERNAL_APP function.


Improvements in POS Server




RedirectURL when paying with Klarna InStore (v3) (Work ID: 175759)

Support for url redirect has been introduced to Klarna Instore payments. This can be used to support Klarna payment on consumer devices.

The RedirectUrl field is sent back from the Klarna payment session. 

BeginKlarnaInStorePayment request was also extended with option to skip SMS distribution. The Klarna payment methods are now also available in the externally exposed PaymentService. 

ValidationUri for Klarna Checkout v3 (Work ID: 178615)

The ValidationUri was fixed and it is properly sent in the request to Klarna.

POS Import

Error handling for Stopitem-files (RIGAL Z) (Work ID: 177960)

We have implemented improvements to the handling of separators (comma) and quotation marks for text fields to avoid failing import due to different logic in external systems.

Weight control as local value in POS (Work ID:163320)

The field for weight control (used for ITAB) has been added as a store local field. This means that it can be set to a different value for each store.

POS Journal Service

Updating old receipt versions (Work ID: 165839)

When transforming old POSLog XML versions, non-existing values will be saved in the database with NULL values.

Cancelled status in ARTS POSLog XML for deleted orders (Work ID: 176112)

When an order is cancelled, the field TransactionStatus will be set to "Cancelled" in ARTS POSLog XML if the new parameter UseStatusCanceledForDeletedCustomerOrders is activated. If the parameter is not activated, TransactionStatus will be “Finished” like before.

Receipts with very high amounts (Work ID: 176572)

When creating indexed data for the receipt journal for receipts with very high amounts, the value NULL will be set. Previsouly the processing failed.

POS Master DB

Store groups updated for delete actions (Work ID:138862)

Changes has been done in staging.ExecuteStore procedure to prevent updating of store groups for action 2 (delete). Now, deletion does not insert any information to StoreGroup and StoreGroupStores tables.

POS Services

Cancel residual amount when paying order (Work ID: 176558)

Any residual amount on a web shop payment reservation will be canceled when the order is finished and the capture is done from POS (the flag "CancelResidualAmount" in the communication from POS Services to Aera is set).

Max number of times a stamp card can trigger (Work ID: 151634)

A stamp card created in Chain Web can be configured to trigger a maximum number of times. This will limit the number of times you get a stamp card reward in POS.

Example: Every 5th item for free (max 3 rewards). Customer buys 25 items that matches the stamp card. The customer will receive 3 items for free.

Country code in mobile numbers when sending SMS (Work ID: 169964)

We have fixed an issue that could cause sending of SMS to fail if country code 0047 was entered before phone number.

Country settings for Klarna v3 (Work ID: 177339)

New parameter 'KlarnaDontOverrideCountrySettingsInRequest' was added with default value set to False. If it is set to True, values from POS Services configuration are used.


Auto creation of subscriber database (Work ID: 174617)

When subscriber databases are automatically created by DataDistributionService, they will get the same database collation as the publisher database.

Non-existing subscriber databases are automatically created when parameter AutoCreateSubscriberDatabase = true.