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HTTPS support for selected POS Services

(Work ID: 177926)

To improve security in the integration from POS to POS Server, a number of services has been extended with support for HTTPS.


  • ReceiptOnHoldServiceURL

  • PosServicesCreditInfoUri

titleConfiguration of HTTPS support

POS Configuration

The URL parameter for the given service must be updated with HTTPS in the address.

POS Services

Binding must be added / edited. Example below,

<binding name="secureHttpBinding" maxBufferSize="524288" maxReceivedMessageSize="524288" receiveTimeout="00:30:00" maxBufferPoolSize="2097152" transferMode="Buffered">

  <readerQuotas maxArrayLength="524288" maxBytesPerRead="524288" maxDepth="128" />

  <security mode="Transport">

    <transport clientCredentialType="None" />



Servicebehaviour must be added / edited. Example below. 

<behavior name="HttpsServiceBehavior">

  <serviceMetadata httpsGetEnabled="true" httpGetEnabled="true"/>

  <serviceDebug includeExceptionDetailInFaults="false" />

  <dataContractSerializer maxItemsInObjectGraph="2147483647" />


Add new endpoint to support both HTTPS and HTTP (HTTP can be removed when all POS have started using HTTPS)


<service behaviorConfiguration="HttpsServiceBehavior" name="POSServices.Implementation.GltAeraService_1_0.GltAeraService">

  <endpoint address="" binding="basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="secureHttpBinding" name="basicHttp" contract="POSServices.Contracts.GltAeraService_1_0.ServiceContracts.IGltAeraService" />

  <endpoint address="" binding="basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="BasicBinding" name="basicHttp" contract="POSServices.Contracts.GltAeraService_1_0.ServiceContracts.IGltAeraService" />

  <endpoint address="mex" binding="mexHttpsBinding" contract="IMetadataExchange" /> 



      <add baseAddress="https://localhost:8001/LindbakPOSServices/GltAeraService/1.0" />

      <add baseAddress="http://localhost:8000/LindbakPOSServices/GltAeraService/1.0" />





Port must be different for http and https. Machine name must be used, not IP-adress in field 'baseAddress'.


Improvements POS




Multi currency for Baxi.Net pay terminal solution (Work ID: 187067)

 A problem that could occur with "multi currency" for Baxi.Net has been fixed. (Problem only occured if customer wanted to pay with foreign currency)


Coopay refund (Work ID: 184397)

When returning items from a receipt originally paid with Coopay, and the original sales receipt contains a voided Coopay transaction as the first, in addition to a valid one, refund with Coopay was not possible. This is now fixed. We have also removed the possibility for partial payment with Coopay by entering a smaller amount than subtotal. In this situation subtotal will be used anyway. Partial payment with Coopay must be done by choosing other tenders first, 

Customer view

Long coupon titles in customer view (Work ID: 185272)

Coupon titles that are (too) long to be shown completely in the customer view are now truncated. This will make amount column for item lines be shown correctly.

Gift card

Gift card validity after recharge (Work ID: 149144)

Valid-To-Date is updated when recharging a gift card (same rules as when issuing a new gift card, parameter GiftCardValidForDays).

Sell digital gift card by mail (Work ID: 186280)

We have changed the logic so its possible to define 1 button with sale of digital gift card using mail address and 1 button to sell plastic gift card.

Parameter ScripServiceGiftCardShowEmailInput should be enabled.

On button/function to sell digital gift card, set argument auto-generated = True. Mail address field will be mandatory.

On button/function to sell plastic set argument auto-generated = False. Mail address field will not be shown.


Message to cashier when removing item from order payment (Work ID: 176703)

We have added a more informative message to the cashier when removing an item line from a customer order payment receipt. To remove items from a customer order, the user must first start order editing. Removing an item in payment mode means that you will pay it later.

Barcode on order delivery receipts (Work ID: 182365)

Barcodes on order delivery receipts has the same content as barcodes on sales receipts. Previously these receipts had barcodes containing the order number. Using barcodes for sales makes it possible to scan them in integrated self-service gates from ITAB.

Improvement POS Server




Gift card payment when balance is 0 (Work ID: 165070)

Specific error is thrown when balance is 0 when trying to pay with a gift card. This is used by external clients to show appropriate messages to the user.

AddGiftcardToCart with Email address (Work ID:185832)

When selling a gift card in POSWCF, email address can be supplied. This will be shown in the gift card registry in Chain Web.

Netcost when using "PriceStore" in carts (Work ID: 185888)

Improvement in NewCartInGivenStore method, when using different PriceStoreIdentificator and StoreIdentificator. Correct netcost will now be used for campaign items. 

"Count items from group" in Instore App (Work ID: 185889)

It is now possible to add unit items with 20-code with 0 quantity when counting. Previously they were always added with 1 as quantity. 

POS Services

Timezone in empty response from price synchronization method (Work ID: 185276)

The procedure GetItemsWithChangedPricesInArtsXml in priceService previously delivered timezone in the response when no results were found. This has been removed since it could cause problems at receiver.

Timeout handling for Coopay payment (Work ID: 186137)

We have improved handling of timeout situations for Coopay payments to better secure customer won't be charged twice.

Synchronization of new items in existing mixmatches (Work ID: 186284)

We've corrected an issue where adding item to an already ongoing mix would not show up as a result when using GetPriceRules method in PriceInfoService.


Concession sale in ARTS XML (Work ID: 186253)

The concession flag in POSLog XML (isConcession) is also included in ARTS POSlog XML in standard field "CommissionGivenFlag".

Order number missing in ARTS-xml for gift card sales (Work ID: 186831)

EG order number is included in ARTS POSLog XML in the field SpecialOrderNumber also for lines with gift card sales,