Versions Compared


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Support for version of pay terminal solution from Nets (RTP-13236)

Small adaptions have been made in EG POS in order to support Nets' version of their pay terminal solution Baxi.Net. No change in configuration is necessary for this version compared to previous approved version 

Cash drawer

Member bonus may open cash drawer unnecessarily (RTP-11407)

We have made improvements regarding undesired opening of the cash drawer. Drawer could previously be opened in situations where no cash payment was involved, if member bonus was used.

Click & Collect

Added credit note while editing order (RTP-2897)

Adding credit notes and gift cards as payment is blocked while editing orders.

Print order confirmation in POS after picking order in InStore App (RTP-11136)

Order confirmations can be printed in POS after picking has been finalized in InStore App. POS will automatically show a dialog to print recently picked order when opening the order picking list:


Rounding issues (RTP-4661)

Collector integration problems with roundings have been fixed. 

Change in Collector Articleinformation for web returns (RTP-12945)

Articleinformation is always checked during an online return in POS while using Collector integration. If a line note starts with "CollectorID", POS parses and uses the ID from the line note in the refund versus Collector instead of building the ID in POS.

Customer order

Search for active orders on a customer, shows both active and cancelled orders (RTP-2843)

When searching for active orders on a customer, only active orders are shown in POS. Before the cancelled orders where also shown.

Paid item is shown in receipt (RTP-12334)

When an active customer order is loaded in POS, only unpaid items are displayed in receipt.

Impossible to print just one order confirmation (RTP-2861)

With this improvement it's now possible to print just one order confirmation from POS.

"Number of copies for customer order confirmation" in PrinterConfig parameter must be set to "1" .

Customer screen 

Optional coupons shown on customer screen (RTP-4734)

We have made improvements regarding optional coupons shown on customer screen. No matter how coupon page is closed by cashier, i.e. no coupons chosen to be used, the coupons will also disappear from customer screen.

Finished receipt on customer screen (RTP-11670)

When scanning or searching for a previously finished receipt, the content is no longer shown on the customer screen. 

Member registration on customer screen (RTP-11727)

We have made improvements in the phone dialog for registering member on the customer screen v2.

Amount to pay in foreign currency on customer screen (RTP-11992)

When a receipt is partially paid in foreign currency, the remaining amount to pay in that currency is shown on the customer screen.


(info) The amount to pay in foreign currency is only shown on the customer screen while the cashier screen is in the payment view.

CustomerViewMedia2 - incorrect scaling (RTP-12116)

Media items added to the bottom right part of the customer screen (parameter CustomerViewMedia2) are scaled correctly now.


Gross profit calculation in subtotal discount view (RTP-11887)

Subtotal discount view does take into account that item is already discounted when calculating gross profit now.


Measured items not stopped by max transactions limit (RTP-12561)

Items measured in number of hours, meters, kilograms etc. were not stopped by max transactions limit when adding to receipt. Now the limit works correctly and dialog is shown.

Deposit refund lottery tickets in integration with Repant (RTP-13319)

Support for deposit refund lottery tickets delivered by Repant automats is now adapted, like previously done for Tomra automats. Configuration is done by the existing parameters for both solutions.


Automatic refund versus Klarna during online return (RTP-13462)

The dialog shown when using online return on a sale originally paid by klarna has been improved.

If refund amount <= originally paid by Klarna we show an informational dialog that refund will be done by Klarna.

If refund amount > originally paid by Klarna, we show a dialog that informs the user that the remaining amount must be refunded using another tender type (like cash, credit note, gift card etc.


Co-owner gets wrong bonus (RTP-13013)

In some cases when a member made a purchase in another Department than its own CompanyId foreign bonus percentage  could be used instead of local bonus. The problem was related to leading zeros in the company Id.

Price calculation

Missing bundle information (RTP-12786)

We have done changes to mix 44 that gives discount on discount to make sure bundle/discount information is included in the receipt (POSLog XML).

Previously, a problem could happen randomly  because the ID of the discount could randomly match the ID of other discounts. 

Discount on discount for mixtype 35 (RTP-12763)

Discount on discount is now supported for mix type 35 from Chain Classic.

Combinations of mix type 44 and other mix types (RTP-12378)

If there is a mix type 44 active, and an actual item is a part of a triggered mix of a different type, but the item itself has got no discount from this mix type, it will keep the percentage discount from mix type 44 instead. This will on printed receipt appear as line discount.

Price checker

Error after returning to the Sales view from Price checked mode (RTP-3710)

After returning from the Price checker mode to the Sales view no error is displayed anymore.


Onhold sale receipt is fetched as inventory receiptRTP-11649)

Sale receipt fetched from onhold is not registered as an inventory receipted anymore.

Add time to barcode on receipts (RTP-12375)

The barcode format on printed receipts has been extended to include the end time for the receipt. 

SEK/NOK instead of "kr" on receipts (RTP-12795)

"ShowSubtotalInPaidCurrency" parameter's functionality has been extended: "Kr" text has been removed from receipts when paying in cash and card, and for cash to be paid back. It has been replaced by "SEK"/"NOK" texts, depending on Main Currency.

Spacing between total and currency code (RTP-13461)

Spacing between total and currency code has been added to POS Print. It is displayed now as, e.g. "Totalt SEK" instead of "TotaltSEK".


Blocked online return if earned bonus is unavailable (RTP-4666)

Online return is blocked in situations when the original receipt does not exist in Reporting (GetMemberSales method from ReportingService returns an empty collection of Transactions). Correct message informing cashier about the situation was added.


Color in dialogs (RTP-809)

A colored bar has been added on top of dialogs in self-service when confirmation/attention from a cashier is needed. This has been done to make it easier for the cashier to see that assistance is needed.


 The default color can be overridden in existing parameter SngOveriddenColors (ConfirmationTopColorConfirmationColorTop).

Hiding Windows on screen keyboard icon (RTP-11163)

We have fixed so the windows on-screen keyboard icon doesn't show in self checkout and price checker modes. 

Improvements for vertical self-service user interface (RTP-11641)

A few user interface improvements have been done to the user interface in vertical self-service.

Updated message texts for deposit refund tickets (RTP-11647)

Improvements in integration with Tomra / Repant deposit refund machines has been made. Message texts for deposit refund tickets depending on their status, e.g. used / in use / unknown / expired, are now equally in self service POS as in cashier mode.

Improved age control in self-service (RTP-12374)

The cashier is now able to approve customer age in self-service POS with the cashier card as soon as the first age item is scannedby the customer. This means that the customer will have to wait less on age approval to be performed. 

Deletion of age approved items (RTP-12793)

In Self-service, possibility to delete items with age requirement by the customer (after the age requirement has been approved by the cashier) was blocked. It is still possible to delete the item from the receipt in cashier mode.

Receive member button should not show in full screen image (RTP-13097)

We have fixed so that after user sign off POS, the customer screen will display full screen image, where the "Receive member benefits" button should not be displayed.

Missing receipt print when subtotal is zero (RTP-13173)

When a sale with 0 subtotal is finished in self-service (for example due to buying only items that are free with coupons), a receipt or port receipt will be printed.

Partial cash payment may uncorrectly "finish" receipt (RTP-2859)

A problem related to cash payment via Glory cash machine in self-service POS is fixed. When customers made a partial cash payment, POS could uncorrectly show screens as if the receipt was fully paid. This could make customers believe that the receipt was finished, although no receipt was printed.

Improved coupon presentation in customer view and self-service (RTP-12798)

The visualization of discount coupons (mix coupons from Chain Classic and digital coupons from Chain Web) on customer view v2 and in self-service has been improved. The coupon name (from a receipt text field in Chain Web) is now present on the digital coupons. Moreover, a coupon icon and text are changed when a coupon is triggered. No change in presentation of Clearon coupons.

(info) Offline coupon name from Chain Classic is still "Coupon". This will be changed to the actual coupon name in a hotfix

User interface

System info view stays after log out (RTP-12301)

System info view is properly closed after log out.


Oldest ValueCodes coupons not being used (RTP-13023)

There are created some more tests in EG POS to be sure that the oldest ValueCodes coupons is being used first.
