Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Coming next release




Performance when adding items to promotion (RTC-16867)

For user who triggered import of items to promotion, loading page is refreshed immediately after import is finished. For other users who are waiting on loading page, refresh will happen in less than 4 seconds after items are added.


Release 29.10.21




Name of new segment in offer (RTC-16025)

When creating new segment for an offer, the segment name is prefilled with offer name

Export and import of items to the offer (RTC-16737)

Columns with kickback amounts have been added to the exported Excel file. During import of items, when both values are given (kickback percentage and kickback amount), kickback amount is ignored and values are calculated based on kickback percentage. Kickback amounts given in imported file should be less than 0 and value of -(kickback supplier amount + kickback chain amount) should be less than ordinary net price.

Export of offers (RTC-17446)

Fields for specific mix types in export after updating the offer:

  • Mix type 4: Discount(Price/Amount/Percent), RequiredQuantity and MaxCountInReceipt
  • Mix types 21, 23: Discount (Percent), NumberOfItemsCustomerBuys and MaxCountInReceipt
  • Mix type 28: Discount (Amount/Percent) and MinReceiptAmount.
  • Mix types 35(41), 41: Discount (Price/Amount/Percent) and MaxCountInReceipt

If offer has unlimited number of times it can be used, 'MaxCountInReceipt' field isn't exported.

Offers with mixmatch

Kickbacks for all mix types (RTC-13363)

Price panel is displayed for all mix types. For mix types other than promotion price there is a possibility to change Kickback supplier, Kickback chain and Promotion supplier net price values. Only items with store prices are shown in the offer's grid and only these items can be exported to the Excel or blob.


Offers status in promotion details (RTC-16026)

In promotion details, offer status 'ready' is renamed to 'prepared'. If either 'incomplete' or 'complete' status has 0 offers in it, it is not displayed.

Promotion price

Notifications when adding items to promotion price offers (RTC-14805)

Notification about the update is displayed when items are added to a Promotion with "promotion price" offer. If some of the items don't have store prices, text about not adding them to the offer is displayed in the offer view. There is also a possibility to export these items to an Excel file.
