Promotion details | Recurrence parameters validation (RTC-18465) When a field has an validation error and the user unselects and selects the checkbox, error on the field is displayed properly. This applies to 'Select available hours' and 'Excluded dates' checkboxes in create, edit and copy promotion views. |
System | Promotion notifications (RTC-18663) Notifications disappear after pressing 'View segmentation' or 'View offer' button in notification.
Permission to view promotions (RTC-19242) - If user has access to one or more stores from promotion (store role 'view promotions'), there is a possibility to view items in this promotion. There isn't any possibility to edit promotion or offers. If offer has offer groups which do not have any items, user is not able to open the offer. If offer includes both offer groups - with and without items, user is able to open the offer and in empty offer groups there is a message: "No items selected."
- Offer groups without any items are handled in the same way for finished promotions.
- If user has access to all stores from promotion, there is possibility to view items, manage them and edit details of promotion and offer.
- If user has access to one or more stores from promotion's team/profile, it works the same as described in the first subsection.