Versions Compared


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Chain Web v. 2.10.100

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.

Changes in access control in Chain Web for POS Configuration


Access control in Chain Web for POS Configuration works like this now:


The user can only see 1 store in the configuration hierarchy and edit parameters for that store and the cash registers in that store.







Balance registration (RTC-17429)

In "new registration" and "edit a balance", pressing enter when writing total sum moves user to the next step.

Customer order

Fixes related to deleted rows strikethrough (RTC-17596)

This fix provides hiding deleted rows in order as default and fixed amounts of "Ordered" and "Delivered" in customer order dashboard.

Submit order button (RTC-16744)

When opening Customer Order of status Changed the submit order button appears on the far right of the toolbar and is marked as "orange" "primary". The submit order button disappears when status of Customer Order is Completed.

Easy to view online returns (RTC-7749)

New row was added to show quantity of returned item, there is no longer need to expand the item line to see that the item is returned. Way of showing online returns is now consistent with other returns.

Service/contract/retail changes to support order variant and order/line actions (RTC-16816)

New method ExportOrder has been created in CustomerOrderService. It's exporting CustomerOrder.Change blobs by using file service to the azure blob.
New system parameter 'OrderVariantsToExport' with namespace 'CustomerOrder' has been added, which specifies order variants that will be exported as a blob to the cloud. By default this parameter is empty, so no customer orders will be exported.
To export orders with order variant "StorePrepaidWarehouseDelivery", set value of OrderVariantsToExport parameter to StorePrepaidWarehouseDelivery.
In this parameter can be mentioned few different values separated by "," or ";" e.g. "StorePrepaidWarehouseDelivery,Unknown".
Remember to set up system parameters FileApiResourceId and FileApiBaseAddress from namespace FileApi.Integration.

Extract CustomerOrderVariant in POSLogExtractorCore (POSLog v80) (RTC-16694)

New POSlog task ExportCustomerOrder has been created. It has exactly the same data as CustomerOrder task. It is used by CustomerOrder service, to export customer order to the blob storage.
CustomerOrder and ExportCustomerOrder tasks have been extended by OrderVariant, CurrencyCode and DeliveryDetailsType fields.

Dispatch order

Dispatch Orders: Status of Delivery is not Updated when Updating from POSAPI (RTC-18231)

Customer Order delivery status is updated regardless of picking order payment status. That means, when picking order is delivered in POSLog, then picking order and customer order are updated to Delivered in Chain Web regardless of its payment status.

Persist delivery status of order (RTC-16419)

Dispatch order grid and details view load under 1s.

Automatic reassign parameters without restarting LIP

User is able to turn off automatic reassign by change of configuration alone in 'Dispatch rules' in 'Reassign Order' column - 'Assign order to a new store after' should be set to '0'.

Homepage Dashboard

Auto-change comparision date

The comparision sales date was updated to automatically adjust to the main date. That means, while changing the sales date, the comparision date is being automatically changed along with the sales date to the same period last year.


EHF Invoice fee (RTC-16053)

The possibility to add separate invoice fee for customers tagged with EHF invoice in configuration view.

Fixed invoice date in Invoices view (RTC-16588)

When looking at invoice in the Invoices view, the correct date is displayed also for newly created invoices, even if a different system time zone was used.


Deleted items (RTC-17089)

When searching for items, deleted items (in Chain Classic) will not be shown.

Receipt journal

Swedish translation error in receipt journal (RTP-14996)

The word "Feilet" has been change to "Misslyckad" in the receipt view in the receipt journal in Chain Web.

Timeout when searching by sequence number (RTC-17996)

New index added in Lindbak POS Journal database. It fixed performance when searching for receipts by sequence number. Timeouts do not occur while searching by receipt's sequence number.

Wrong time on put on hold activity in receipt logs (RTC-16627)

The end receipt time is displayed in details of receipt on hold instead of start receipt time as before.

Store filter works with configuration group access (RTC-18050)

User that selected configuration group level access, is now able to filter receipts by the stores related to that group.


Wrong calculation of total items (RTC-16778)

In sale statistic section of member analysis report we have corrected value for items / customer. Also minor improvements in header.

Changed report: 0519_LoyaltyStatistics_std.

Improvements Reporting (RTC-16258)

In order to have a better understanding of results in report we have made some changes to a couple of reports.

 - Minor translation changes
 - Changed how Diff % column is showing value.

  • Shows selected price channel in header.


  • Minor translation changes.
  • Changed sorting on area or group numerical
  • Shows selected price channel in header.

Fixed changing password (RTC-16616)

User is able to change password of the cashier in "cashiers" and in "users". Changing ManageUsersAndCashiersIndependently setting has no impact.

User Management

Alphanumeric sorting of roles list in User Management (RTC-16889)

Lists of user and cashier roles are sorted in alphanumeric order, in Role lists and Roles views. 


Chain Web v. 2.10.93

Document status: 

