Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.





StoreNumber is used instead of Id in all cashier balance (RTP-13797)

When creating summary for all cashiers the storeId is saved properly in database.                         

Chain management 

Fix: Team view page shows linked stores (RTC-16495)

All linked stores are displayed properly in Teams, Profiles and Configuration groups views.


Filtering of projects (RTC-11534)

Using filters in invoices tab in Projects does not trigger a redirection to address tab anymore. When settings a date in sales tab filters clean X button is displayed properly and only one scroll is visible.

Customer order

Hide or show deleted order lines (RTC-14223)

User in Customer Order view has possibility to show and hide deleted lines from order. Deleted lines are struck through, so the user can know the difference.

Receipt reference to online returns (RTC-14526)

The receiptID of the receipt that contains online returns, is displayed in order line details in "Online returns" area.


Invoices with deposit items (RTC-15522)

The total amount on credit sales/invoices with deposit is showed properly. Deposit is included in total amount.

Crediting invoice that contains gift cards (RTC-11534)

A proper message is displayed when doing correction on credit sale with gift card or crediting invoice which contains gift card.

Receipt journal

Sorting of stores (RTC-16888)

The stores are sorted in ascending order by store number. 


Week number in date picker (RTC-16527)

When setting report parameters the user is able to see week numbers in date picker.

Timeout when downloading a report (RTC-9934)

A user-friendly message why the error has occurred is displayed to user when a timeout occurred during downloading a report.

Report search with supplier item number (RTC-942)

Report 0152_FreeItemsFromStampcard has been extended with parameter 'Supplier item number list'.

Tokheim integration

Configuration of Tokheim POS (RTP-12206)

Configuration and activation of Tokheim POS has been refactored and it now works in combination with EG POS Configuration.


 Activating configuration for Tokheim POS will also activate EG POS configuration. (For example when activating changes on the common level). 

Export of Configuration for Tokheim POSRTC-13361)

The folder, filename prefix and format of the files with configuration for Tokheim POS can be configured in the following system parameters:

  • TokheimExportOutputFolder
  • TokheimExportFilenamePrefix
  • TokheimExportUseUnicode

User management

Fix for permissions (RTC-15672)

When parameter UsersCanOnlyAssignRolesTheyAreAssignedTo is active and some user is editing the other one, the added/removed are changed only for that user (not for the user that are editing as well).


Chain Web v. 2.10.87

Document status: 






Receipts journal

Timeout when searching by sequence number (RTC-17996)

New index added in Lindbak POS Journal database. It fixed performance when searching for receipts by sequence number. Timeouts do not occur while searching by receipt's sequence number.

Store filter works with configuration group access (RTC-18050)

User that selected configuration group level access, is now able to filter receipts by the stores related to that group.


Chain Web v. 2.10.86

Document status: 







Deleted items (RTC-17089)

When searching for items, deleted items (in Chain Classic) will not be shown.


Document status: 






Chain management 

Fix: Team view page shows linked stores (RTC-16495)

All linked stores are displayed properly in Teams, Profiles and Configuration groups views.


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.





Fix for login for windows/AD users (RTC-16336)

It is possible to login to Chain Web using normal and windows domain account.


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.



User management

Fix for permissions (RTC-15672)

When parameter UsersCanOnlyAssignRolesTheyAreAssignedTo is active and some user is editing the other one, the added/removed are changed only for that user (not for the user that are editing as well).


Report details Sales per item
Data SourceLindbak POS Reporting DW and Lindbak POS Message Service
EOD Date fromDefault last available End of day
EOD Date to

Default last available End of day

Relevant hidden parameters:
pRetailStoreStore, default 1001
pReasonCodesExcludedReasons codes which will be excluded from breakage fields. Default 14 and 15.
Columns - One row per item group
Article Group KeyArticle group key
Article Group nameArticle text
QuantityQuantity sold
VAT ClassShows 4 if VAT% is 8, Shows 3 if VAT% is 15, shows 2 if VAT% is 25, shows 1 on all other values
VAT %VAT percentage
Ex. VATShows sales excluding VAT
VATShows VAT amount
Sales w/VATShows sales including VAT
ButikknrRetail Store
Net CostNet cost
Breakage QuantityQuantity of broken items
Breakage Net AmountNet cost of broken items



Shift balance

Expected values on tenders while doing edit balance operation (RTC-14602)

The proper expected values for tenders are displayed while editing shift balance or new cashier balance registration.
One label "Counted" has been renamed to "To bank" in shift balance creation process in register bag step for a better user experience.


The picking order's ShipmentNumber is updated by Chain Web based on ShipmentTrackingNumber from POSLog provided by AutoStore. That gives the ability for the tracking link to be included in the email sent to the customer.




Customer order

Disable the order locking functionality by default (RTC-11511)

The Customer Order locking feature is disabled by default, the user need to change the value of Chain Web system parameter "CustomerOrderLockingEnabled" to True, to enable it.

Parameter description: 

If set to True Customer Orders will be blocked from being handled in POS and Chain Web at the same time.

Preventing simultaneously changes to a customer order (RTC-908)

When a customer order is being changed from POS, it will be locked for simultaneously changes from both POS and Chain Web to prevent loss of data. Information is shown in the order details view when the order is locked. Any update/change of the order is not allowed when the order is locked. Users that want to edit the order must wait and try again later.

Additional technical information:

Order locking feature will work with versions EG POS or newer.
For more information about changes in POS, please read release notes related to "Don't allow editing the same order in POS and Chain Web".

Order management

Rejected order lines (RTC-10838)

In order to display number of rejected order lines, Reporting imports this status from Retail database.

This is done by existing package FactOrderRetail.

This package require Retail database version because of new procedures.

Note: There are some limitations to this functionality: To get rejected status we need to fetch changes in Retail db and changes in POSLog. In some cases this can result in incorrect status for Order lines.

  • Case1: We update changes in Retail database in one Rt-job, but not changes from POSLog. Status for order line will be ONLY Rejected. Before we update POSLog we will not have assign status for new store.

  • Case2: We update changes in POSLog in one Rt-job, but not changes from Retail db. In this case Rejected lines will have status "Reassigned" before we update correct status from Retail db.

  • Case3: We create order, reject it in Chain Web. If we update changes from Retail db before all POSLogs, we will only have reassigned status in Reporting.


Upload RIGAL files to Cloud (RTC-849)

DirectoryListnerJob job in FileListener Integration package can upload any files to FileService based on a list of predefined content type or a list of Regex'es. 

The job can be configured to upload Chain/POS files (butikk, vpi, pris and so on), RIGAL files (V, K, M, Varetran and so on) or custom files types based on Regex. 

Detailed documentation on how the job works and how to set it up can be found in the documentation tab in Integration Platform Management App.


When the counting of a count group has not yet started (including when counting was cancelled), the following fields will be blank: counted at, counted by and modified by. This was previously not the case and was confusing for the user. A modified date will be added for the count group with status "Not started", when the counting was cancelled, in order to show the user when it was cancelled.





Translations in Report (RTC-10828)

The Swedish translations of the price channel names in the dropdown list of parameter pPriceChannels (used in reports 0705/0706 and others) are updated with the following Swedish translations:

  • Chain Web

  • Manuell kassa

  • InStore App

  • Självscanning (SU)

  • Mobilsjälvscanning

  • Självbetjäning (SCO)

Additionally, parameter pWorkstationType two values has new translations (“ITAB” is now changed to “ISA” and “SU” is now changed to “SCO”).
Furthermore, pWorkstationType has two new items in the list (Web shop and Other).



Requirements: Enable and configure new job StocktakingEraserJob placed under BackOfficeIntegrationSubscriber





Default price channel should be "None" (RTC-10067)

When creating new user, default price channel is not set by default.


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.




Customer Order

Slow processing of customer orders (RTC-12567)

Performance when updating customers is much faster after improving code related to handling of communication channels.


Import of customers without SSN (RTC-12873)

When creating or updating customer by using import of customers in ARTS XML format, Social Security Number is not set on customer in Lindbak Retail database if it is not present in import file.


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.





Import of customers with SSN (RTC-11762)

When creating or updating customer by using import of customers in ARTS XML format, Social Security Number is updated properly on customer in Lindbak Retail database.


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.




POS Configuration

Configuration group - can't find store (RTP-3652)

Stores are properly returned and can be added in the store group configuration section


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.





Registered balances can be edited (RTP-4041)

It is possible to edit balances after registration when system parameter "NewBalanceRegistrationEnabled" is True.


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.





Don't allow creating new stocktaking if last stocktaking is not updated in Chain Classic (TFS: 189347)

Now the user will not be able to create a new stocktaking in Chain Web (also with the refreshed stock level for the assigned count lists) inside the same store, until the last POSLog related to previous stocktaking (previous stock results) will be processed/ updated in Chain Classic.

Related Chain Classic PBI with the requirements: Product Backlog Item 190077: 2.1.1: Sport1: Stocktaking: New proxy for checking that last stocktaking is finished


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.




Customer order

Search for active orders shows both active and cancelled orders (TFS: 186790)

The flag IsCancelled has been added to the response of the GetCustomerOrders3 method in CustomerOrder service. It shows if an order is cancelled or not.


POS Services 7.76.03703
