Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Transaction details endpoint in Coupon Service API


It is possible to get transaction details on redeem transactions by using the new transaction details endpoint. 
More details and documentation can be found here




Clamp AuthorizeTo date to ExpiresAt (RTL-7551)When setting authorization times for redeem transactions it is no longer possible to set it to a data greater than coupon "validTo" date.
Expire coupons where "Valid to" is passed (RTL-7611)The UI in coupon service correctly displays expired coupons.
Swagger contract and actual payload for webhook does not match (RTL-7643)The webhook payload contains data in the expected format.
Add identifier to Simple issue import contract (RTL-7105)The "Identifier" object was added to the import contract:  Coupon.Import.CouponIssueSimple.
500 error on coupon redeem when Valid from is in the future (RTL-7597)When trying to redeem a coupon where "Valid from" is in the feature ,409 response code is returned. 


Transaction export job


Coupon transactions are published through a batch export, making subscriptions for this possible.
More info about the export contract and how to subscribe can be found here

Webhook management UI


Webhooks can be configured in the configuration UI of Coupon Service.
The supported event is Coupon redeem, and it  allows for fast updates of 3rd party systems whenever a coupon  is used. 




Improved error handling of Authorize and commit coupon issue in a single call (RTL-7409)In situations where wrong input in calls to coupon API caused 500 server error, the response is now handled as a 400 and contain an informative message about what is wrong. 
GET valid coupons endpoint should not return coupons with no available uses (RTL-7423)Made an improvement to the GET valid coupons endpoint, where previously the response included coupons with no uses left. 


Issue coupon and GET coupon methods in Coupon Service API 

(RTL-6500RTL-6501, RTL-7215,RTL-6499RTL-6487)

New API methods for GET coupon and issue coupons has been implemented in Coupon API v2
More details can be found here

Coupon transactions view


Coupon details and coupon transactions are listed in the coupon details view

Export coupons to Excel


The filtered coupons grid is exported to Excel by clicking the new button "Export to excel" in the coupons view.
Maximum number of coupons to be exported is restricted to max allowed rows in Excel: 1,048,576 rows.




 Extend the filtering options in coupons grid (RTL-7194) It's possible to filter on different attributes in the cloud coupons view


Cloud coupons view


A new view showing cloud coupons has been added to the coupon module.
The old on-premise coupon view and the new view have separate permissions in user management.

Image Added 


Import contract for issuing coupons 


Its possible to issue multiple coupons through file import using the new contract: Coupon.Import.CouponIssueSimple
More details can be found here

Get and activate methods in Coupon Service API


New API methods for Get and activate has been implemented in Coupon API v2
More details can be found here


API for coupon redeem

(RTL-6490, RTL-6491RTL-6492)

New API methods for coupon redeem has been implemented in Coupon API v2
More details can be found here


Coupons view


A new view that displays coupons has been added to the coupon module 




Change Breadcrumb text for coupons view (RTL-6062)The breadcrumb text for the coupons view: 'Coupons', corresponds with the text of the menu item it belongs to.

Add ResourceID Endpoint


The /.well-known/resourceid endpoint is available in CouponService.

Import external member coupons


External member coupons can be imported using FileService and can be used in EG POS.


Coupon export job


Coupons are exported using batch integration and 3rd party integrator is informed about available data.




Coupon export/Import job swagger documentation (RTL-4371,RTL-4295)

The Swagger documentation for Coupon Import and export has been added.

Trigger Coupon Export on Offer Change (

Changes to offer triggers the CouponExport job that exports all coupons connected to the offer without modifying any of them.