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Released on 10.10.2024
PAC.CW is not presented as a delivery option if store never had stock on item
PAC.CW is presented as a delivery option if store never had stock on item for the store which are included as a PAC store in the Dispatch Service Rule.
Check ResponseCode before deserializing the response from Consignor services
While contacting Consignor services api and if the Consignor services is unavailable then Dispatch service won't try to de-serialize the response but will return an appropriate failure response.
Released on 26.09.2024
PAC.CW is not presented as a delivery option if store never had stock on item
PAC.CW is presented as a delivery option if store never had stock on item for the store which are included as a PAC store in the Dispatch Service Rule
Released 05.09.2024
Improve StockImport to persist the blobs in Staging tables
Enhanced BlobStagingImport to import 'ChainStockBatchUpdate' blobs into [staging].[FlatBatch] and [staging].[FlatBatchJson], and updated BlobStagingMerger to handle merging data from these staging tables into the stock tables.
Improve HealthCheck functionality
Removed health check for nShift/Consignor to ensure uninterrupted functionality in Dispatch Service
Released 29.07.2024
Check If Lifecycle of the Startup in the DispatchService is Proper
Check If Lifecycle of the Startup in the DispatchService is Proper. Removed few dependencies which were unnecessary.
BlobStagingMerger needs an overhaul
This is a Tech Debt. Implementing overhaul on BlobStaginMerger has decoupled from Inventory.StockStatus.Export blob type, ensuring greater flexibility and enabling easy extension to support other blob types as needed.
DispatchService failed at LrsGresvigProd
Verified triggering Inventory.StockStatus.Export blobs via FileService, confirming successful data import into staging tables (FlatBatch, FlatBatchJson), and verifying BlobStagingMerger updates to [dbo].[stock], along with scheduled stock exports. Ensured jobs are correctly enabled and operational
Prevent DivideByZero Exception
Quantity with 0 value in the request will provide delivery alternatives for both Dispatch Suggestion and Delivery Suggestion.
Upgrade packages specific to test projects
Remove old postnord service agent repo
Filter out inactive stores in pacstores method
Inactive stores are not returned as delivery alternatives in pacstores method.
Inactive items should be notDeliverable
Inactive items will be under "notDeliverable" parameter in the response of /api/stock/{storeNo}/deliverability endpoint
obsolete hardcoded deliveryProducts removed
Remove obsolete hardcoded delivery products. Delivery products Click&Collect, Helthjem standard and Helthjem NA are removed from hardcoded values
Inventory management replaced with new Dispatch management project
Renaming to Dispatch Management which was earlier Inventory Management
expectedDeliveryDescription" value should be null
Response parameter expectedDeliveryDescription value is changed from "2 timer" to ""(null). This value will be later configured dynamically.
Released 24.06.2024
Dispatch Suggestion splitting fix
Splitting an order with multiple items is possible when the StockStoreNumber and StoreNumber in the used Rule are set different.
Released 10.06.2024
PAC from POS - PAC.CW isn't a delivery option when the stock is 0 or less
Item Stock equals to zero or less than zero, will suggest PAC.CW as delivery option and Item stock greater than zero, will suggest PAC
Service configuration check for a specific tenant.
There is an API method in DispatchService to check if the service is enabled and configured for a specific tenant.
Delivery methods for Dispatch Stores
This is a new feature that can add a list of delivery methods for each store in the dispatch rule. The delivery method set at the store level overrides the common delivery method set in the rule.
Fix for "isFallback" parameter value in Dispatch Suggestion
When using StoreStatuses in the request of Dispatch suggestion endpoint, "isFallback" parameter in the response will provide accurate value.
Fix in Dispatch Suggestion when there are no delivery products set up in dispatch rule
When there are no delivery products set up in dispatch rule, dispatch suggestion returns the correct split suggestion for picking.
Released 18.04.2024
Return ProdConceptID in GetProducts, Delivery Overview and Delivery Suggestion
When provider is Consignor (nShift) then ProdconceptID is returned instead of ProdCSID in the "code" and "deliveryMethod" fields in the methods GetProducts, Delivery Overview and Delivery Suggestion.
Released 16.04.2024
Dispatch Suggestion - Split deliverable order lines based on fallback parameter
When the entire order cannot be fulfilled, based on fallback value, the following is returned in dispatch suggestion:
- If Fallback is true, then we suggest the dispatchingWarehouse.storeNumber
- If Fallback is false, then we don't give any suggestions.
A new field in the dispatch suggestion response called IsFallback is added. If this is set true, then we know it's because of fallback mechanism for non-deliverable items.
Split delivery options based on Item Availability based on order line
Order is split according to the item availability when order consists of more than one item. Delivery options are suggested based on each order line.
Released 13.03.2024
Dispatch rule parameter for warehouse stock calculation (excludeFromStockCalc)
A new dispatch rule parameter, excludeFromStockCalc, is introduced to control whether stock in the store defined in dispatchingWarehouse.storeNumber will be considered in stock availability calculation in Dispatch Service.
If excludeFromStockCalc = TRUE, dispatchingWarehouse.storeNumber will be included in the stock stock availability calculation
If excludeFromStockCalc = FALSE, dispatchingWarehouse.storeNumber will NOT be included in the stock stock availability calculation
This parameter is by FALSE by default.
ProdConceptID in createshipment
When using ProdConceptID as the deliveryTypeMethod in the CreateShipment request, it no longer results in an error. Instead, the shipment is properly created with the specified ProdConceptID. The default value for deliveryTypeMethod was changed to pass ProdConceptID, instead of the previous ProdCSID in case of the TypeMethod not being specified in the request.
Released 01.02.2024
Web order order reassignment
Orders placed to a webshop store will automatically be dispatched to a central warehouse. The central warehouse should be set as a dispatch store also for this to work.
Extend createshipment method
This change includes adding extra parameter to createshipment end point to get response with some data. Below parameters are added to the request and response of the endpoint:
- TrackingURL (1- response will contain the url, 0- response will not contain tracking url)
- DeliveryMethodType
- OrderNo
- PickupDt
- Messages
This change also updates the order number in the references section of NShift portal.
GetDispatchSuggestionAsync fallback
GetDispatchSuggestionAsync will return default warehouse as the suggestion when fallback is set to true in the request and there are no other stores that can fulfill the order.
Delivery alternatives suggestion for split web orders
Delivery alternatives are correctly suggested for a split order scenario, where a web order will be fulfilled by more than one store.
Released 14.12.2023
Get stock from InventoryService
When changing stock in InventoryService, the changes are now also imported into the DispatchService, and reflected in the service's responses.
The prerequisite for it to work, is to have the BlobStagingmerger and BlobStagingImport jobs from DispatchServiceIntegration LIP package enabled on a given tenant. They can be running with the default configuration.
Stock Deliverability method
Introduced a new method to return if requested item/s and quantity are deliverable or not in a store: POST/api/stock/{storeNo}/deliverability
Deliverability for multiple items can be sent in a single request and the method returns a list of items with available quantity and grouped into deliverable or not deliverable. Items will be returned as notDeliverable if they do not exist in the store or available stock value in the store is less than the requested quantity.
Dispatch suggestion fallback to webshop
When there are no suggestions from dispatch suggestion and fallback is used, the orders fall back to webshop and webshop store is suggested.
Released 26.10.2023
Delivery alternatives suggestion
When returning delivery alternatives, delivery suggestion now follows rules that are set in configuration (delivery products).
Released 13.10.2023
New method to get shipment
The GetShipment method was added in order to allow for searching the NShift shipment information by using the ShipmentCSID number (assigned when the shipment is created). The method gives back data including date, place, ID, tag etc. and can be used to easily fetch information about previous shipments.
Upgrade to support end-of-life for TLS 1.0 and 1.1 by nShift
.NET Framework for DispatchServiceIntegration was upgraded to version 4.8 so that the DispatchService jobs for transferring items, stock and store info will not be affected with the end-of-life for TLS 1.0 and 1.1 by nShift.
Released 24.08.2023
Upgrade to support end-of-life for TLS 1.0 and 1.1 by nShift
.NET Framework for DispatchServiceIntegration was upgraded to version 4.8 so that the DispatchService jobs for transferring items, stock and store info will not be affected with the end-of-life for TLS 1.0 and 1.1 by nShift.