Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Release 09.09.2024

Count group status


  • Count groups in stocktakings can have the statuses "New" (by default), "Count In Progress" or "Count List Submitted".
  • The "Inventory.CountList.Import" file import has an optional "countGroupId" field, which allows linking a Service type count list with a specific count group. Linking the count group will change its status to "CountListSubmitted" in the active stocktaking of count list's store.
  • Deleting a count group or updating its store level removes its links to all count lists.
  • The "CountGroups/Get" API is extended by the count group status through the "countGroupStatus" field.
  • The "CountGroup/Status/Patch" API allows changing count group status between "New" and "CountInProgress".


Grids and exports

Translations in Excel exports (RTC-40943)

In all Excel exports, data in the "Transaction type", "Recount" and "Sales unit" columns are translated.

Grid improvements
Unknown sales units are displayed as "Pcs" in the Inventory grids.


Store access in count group views (RTC-42547)

Modifying a count group requires store access. The user must have "Manage count groups" permission directly in all stores or store groups selected in a count group in order to edit it.

Retry completing stocktaking (RTC-42688)

The option for keeping or resetting not counted items, is working as expected also when retrying completing the stocktaking.

Seasonal storage

Seasonal storage improvements (RTC-42668)

  • The seasonal storage PDF export file has the same name as the storage
  • Filtering on the "Storage ID" column is improved


 Transaction / Stock status

Stock movements improvements (RTC-42670)

  • The stock status chart shows a proper message, even if all stock quantities are equal to 0.
  • Link to the stock status view from Transactions is present when the user has "View transactions" permission only.


Release 12.08.2024


Stock import

StockBalance import (RTC-38230)

When StockBalance does not have WeightedCostPrice defined in the import, WeightedCostPrice is not exported separately by the Export job


Transactions view performance (RTC-41139)

Two indexes were added to the item transactions table.
The query that fetches item transactions is slightly refactored to improve performance.

User access

Permission improvements (RTC-41317)

  • Only the store and store group that the user has access to, is shown in the drop down lists.
  • Creating transactions no longer requires the "View stock status" user permission.
  • The New transaction modal only displays the transaction types that the user has access to.
  • In the Transactions grid, links to Stock movements are no longer visible for users without "View stock status" permission.

Store picker (RTC-41317)

  • Store pickers use the "Contains" filter instead of "Starts with".

Events from Item Service (RTC-42185)

When Inventory receives events from Item Service which contains some duplicated lines, each line is processed once.
The duplicated lines are not processed more than once, which ensure that duplicates are not created in the Inventory database.

Release 25.07.2024



Cleanup of inactive prices (RTC-33368)

Old and inactive prices are removed from the system on a daily basis.

Prices are deleted if:

  • The "To date" is expired
  • The price has status Deleted
  • There is a newer, active price for given item/store (group)/price level combination, which is not deleted/expired
Virtual stock

Virtual stock (RTC-40884)

A virtual stock cannot be created if no stores are selected.

Stock gateway

Last counted date in StockBalance (RTC-41697)

The stock balance method response is extended by "lastCountedDateTimeUtc" field, which contains the date when the item was last counted.


Exceptions handling (RTC-41684)

Improved exceptions handling in Export and PoslogProcessing jobs.

Release 05.07.2024



Online return from order (RTC-41629)

When online returns from customer orders are done in a store, that does not have the returned item in their inventory, the item will be added to the stores stock. 

Transaction view improvements (RTC-40895)

  • Validation of whitespaces/empty spaces has been added to the transaction note in New transaction modal
  • The close button in New transaction modal has been removed
  • The transaction filter is improved


POSLogs with errors (RTC-41423)

Incoming POSLogs with an error status, a missing poslog envelope or poslog version 0, are skipped in the poslog processing.
The execution of such a task receives the status CompletedWithWarnings.

Release 01.07.2024


Inventory service

Get recount items API (RTC-39604)

A list of items to be recounted can be retrieved for an active stocktaking in a given store.

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Count group API (RTC-39603)

  • The "CountGroups" API returns information on all count groups used in active stocktaking in given store, alongside the number of related and counted items.
  • The "CountGroups/Items" API returns the list of items related to a specific count group in active stocktaking in given store.

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Add seasonal storage to stocktaking (RTC-37817)

Seasonal storages can be added to an active stocktaking through the "Add seasonal storage" button in the Stocktaking results view.
On add, a count list, containing items from the seasonal storage, will be created and assigned to the stocktaking.
The count lists are removed from the system if they are unassigned.

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Stock status

Stock status view performance (RTC-30587)

The performance of the Stock status view has been improved, and timeouts should no longer occur.
4 columns have been removed from the stock status view:

  • Sub supplier no.
  • Sub supplier name.
  • Supplier item no.
  • Supplier model no.

Filtering of item identifier columns

In the Stock status grid, the default filtering of item identifier columns (GTIN, SKU, Item number) has "Starts with" as default filtering type.

Item transaction

Internal transfer (RTC-34839)

When the sending store does not have a GLN specified, the internal transfer creation is blocked, and an error message is shown to the user.

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Seasonal storage (RTC-40971)

  • When a seasonal storage is created in Inventory, a Put Away item transaction is created for the items in the storage.
  • When a seasonal storage is unpacked in Inventory, a Put Back item transaction is created for the items in the storage.


Release 11.06.2024

Import Count lists from Excel


Count lists can be imported from Excel. From the Count Lists overview, an empty count list template can be downloaded.
The buttons for Export empty template and Import count list are at the bottom of the Count list page.

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The Excel file can be imported from the same page, with the "Import count list" button.

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The Excel template contains the following columns: "SKU", "GTIN", "Item number", "# Counted" and "Net price".
One identifier is required. The quantity and net price is optional, but can not be negative.
The net price and quantity will update Inventory when the stocktaking is completed.

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Maximum 10,000 rows can be imported in the same import.
The user is notified when the export and the import is completed.

Seasonal storage


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Seasonal storage is a register of items that have been temporarily put away.
These items are still in stock, but not part of the available stock.

The Seasonal Storage overview shows all the seasonal storages for the stores which the user has access to.

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The content of seasonal storages can be printed, to be attached to the seasonal storage.
Seasonal storages can be printed from three dots in the overview, or opened and printed from there.

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Seasonal storages can be created in the Inventory module via Inventory.SeasonalStorage.Import file import from file service.
When Inventory.SeasonalStorage.Import file is fetched by InventoryIntegrationPackage, a seasonal storage with the next free storage number is created in the Inventory module, 
and the put away quantity is increased for the items in the seasonal storage.

The first Seasonal storage is created with number 100000 and then each next number is incrementally increased by 1. Each seasonal storage can contain up to 10000 items.

Seasonal storages in InventoryService


  • /api/SeasonalStorages - fetches all seasonal storages from InventoryService database (without items)
  • /api/SeasonalStorages/identifier - fetches details of seasonal storage with selected identifier from InventoryService database (with all items)
  • /api/SeasonalStorages/identifier/unpack - unpack seasonal storage with selected identifier, the seasonal storage is marked as unpacked, the put away is reduced for all items from unpacked seasonal storage

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Virtual stock

Store access in Virtual stock (RTC-38065)

The user can view and manage Virtual stocks for profiles that the user has access to.


Stocktaking view improvements (RTC-40888)

  • Translations are added for the "Refresh" button in the item selection grids.
  • Deleting a count group now requires confirming the action.
  • Multiple pages of data can be displayed in the item selection grids.
Stock import

Item identifiers (RTC-41140)

All items identifiers (SKU, GTiN, External item number) are unique in EG Inventory Service database, so duplicates should not occur.

Reason codes

Reason code improvements (RTC-40885)

  • The edit buttons are moved to the left-most column in the grid.
  • Setting a reason code as default updates the data in the grid.
  • Deactivating a default reason code removes it from being default.


Release 23.05.2024



Improvements in item search and grids (RTC-27407)

Inventory management has been migrated to the Angular version 16 and Kendo version 13.
The item search modal has been extended with additional columns related to item identifiers and supplier information.


Item transactions (RTC-40275)

The validation of item supplier information in imported transactions is improved. 

Stock status and Transactions grid (RTC-34638)

The links leading to stock movements are now present in the Item text column instead of the stock quantity columns. "No item text" is displayed in the Item text column if the item text is missing.

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Inventory flag (RTC-39618)

For stores that have not selected "Inventory management in use" in Store management, item transactions and reservations do not update the stock.


Transaction type translations in Excel exports (RTC-36967)

In Excel exports for Stock movements and Transactions, translations for the Transaction type column are updated.

Release 10.05.2024



Receipts with both a customer order and added items (RTC-40759)

Receipts that contain both sales data and customer order data are processed in Inventory Service. 
For each such receipt, two events; Inventory.Sale.Import and Inventory.Reservation.Import, are created in Inventory - and the item sale is visible in Transactions.

Return from web order in POS (RTC-40396

When items from web orders are returned in a physical store, the return transaction is registered on the physical store, along with an increase in the stock.

Stock export

Export of placeholder items and stores (RTC-38505)

Item transactions and stock values related to items or stores that are not yet created in Chain, will not be exported from Inventory, until the store or item is created.


Release 11.04.2024


Stock status

Ordered quantity in Inventory (RTC-40056)

The Ordered quantity column in Inventory is displaying the ordered quantity for an item, based on the exported quantity from Procurement.

Item transactions

Return (RTC-39979)

For online returns, the stock is always returned in the original store of the returned customer order.

Release 26.03.2024


Item transaction

Line value on transactions (RTC-37776)

In the Stock status grid and Transactions grid, there is a column for Line value. This shows the value of the item transaction, price x quantity of items. If there is a weighted cost price on the item, it will show the weighted cost x quantity. If there is no weighted cost, it will show the net price x item quantity.

Stock status

Dispatch orders from warehouse (RTC-39589)

When dispatch orders are fully picked in the warehouse, the stock in Inventory is adjusted in the selling store and picking store.

Ordered quantity (RTC-37210)

In Stock status, the Ordered quantity column shows the ordered quantity on the item.


Changes in the menu (RTC-38977)

"Archive" and "Stocktaking results exports" are removed from the menu, as they are not in use/not yet implemented.


Release 08.03.2024

Trigger stock export manually



Note: All stock changes during the last 2 days are automatically exported every night. All stock status changes are also exported automatically throughout the day, every 1 minute by default.
This manual export should only be used when there has been incidents that has affected the stock updates, for example downtime or disruptions at 3rd party.



 Stock Balance import import (RTC-39413)

If quantity for InStock, Ordered, Reserved or PutAway is not present in the import, then the quantity for these fields are not updated in database.


Stocktaking summary  (RTC-38837)

When a stocktaking has an active status, the user cannot access the Summary step.
When a stocktaking has a closing/completed status, the user cannot go to the other steps from the Summary step.

Creating a new stocktaking (RTC-38703)

A new stocktakings stocktaking cannot be created if there are any stocktakings with one of these following statuses for the selected store:

  • Active
  • Creating
  • Closing
  • ErrorClosing
  • ErrorCreating

Finish stocktaking (RTC-37396)

Improvements have been made to prevent timeouts, when resetting the stock quantity of Not counted items in a stocktaking.

Excel report

No duplicates in Stock status Excel export (RTC-39183)

The Excel report that is generated from the Stock status view has been improved to not contain duplicate item rows.


With a random stocktaking, the stocktaking is empty upon creation.
The items to be included in the stocktaking are added by activating the relevant count lists. 
The stock basis is taken from the count lists. If an assigned count list needs to be removed, the stocktaking needs to be deleted - and created again.


Reason codes

Update of reason codes (RTC-37894)

Users with Norwegian or Swedish as selected language, can edit and save reason codes.


Training mode (RTC-38121)

Transactions created by cashiers in Training mode are not imported to the Inventory module.



Note: If the recounted items are added to the stocktaking automatically from a regular count list, the recounted quantity will be added to the previously existing counted quantity. The recount symbol will not be updated.
If the recounted value should replace the previously counted value, the recounted quantity must be added manually to the items in the stocktaking by editing the item. This will update the recount symbol to grey.


Internal transfer

Export net price on internal transfers (RTC-37779)

When creating internal transfer, the items net price is exported if the weighted cost price is 0 (zero) or missing.


Focus in Counted field when editing row (RTC-37548)

When editing a row in a stocktaking, the focus is placed in the Counted field when the modal is opened.

Item transactions

Prices are retrieved when importing (RTC-37252)

The net price and weighted cost price is retrieved from the system if they are not present in the transaction import.

Import of external reference (RTC-36379)

In some of the Inventory file imports, an External reference (number) can be sent on line level. 
This is supported in the following transaction imports: Stock adjustment, Breakage, Return to supplier.
The External Reference can be seen in the Transactions view in the External reference column, and in the Stock status view for the item.


Changes for virtual stocks are exported each minute as Inventory.VirtualStockStatus.Export event. The stock for each item in this event is the aggregated stock from all stores that are belonging to the same virtual stock location. More about this event can be found in the export part of the Inventory Service swagger.


Item transactions

Complaints (RTC-36322)

When a return transaction with damage flag equals to True, a sale transaction with positive quantity and a complaint transaction is created for this return transaction. There is no change in the item's stock.


Stocktaking results grid (RTC-35995)

  • The "Kept in stock" column is renamed to "Track stock level", and displays whether item has stock change tracking enabled.
  • The "Out of scope" column is hidden by default.

Stock and waste reports (RTC-36081)

The stock and waste reports can be created for completed stocktakings from the stocktaking results view. The stock report includes all results with positive counted quantity, and the waste report includes all results with deviation in value.

Delete stocktaking (RTC-36346)

Only stocktaking with status 'Active' can be deleted.

Default store selection for a count group (RTC-35946)

When the user has access only to one store, team or profile, it is selected by default for corresponding store level option while creating or editing a count group.

Selecting count lists (RTC-36467)

Selecting one or multiple count lists in the grid activates the "Activate selected" button.


  • Item has some stock, but for some reasons weighted cost price was equal to 0;
  • Stock quantity was negative;
  • Item did not have stock in given store yet.


Item transaction

Reason/action codes and language changes (RTC-30933)

Reason code field is displayed above action code in the new transaction modal.
Reason and action code fields are automatically prefilled, if there is only one code active or existing code.
Small improvements in Swedish translations.

Stock status

Minor improvements to the Status tab in Stock details view: (RTC-30737)

  • Donut chart - available part on the chart is thicker than the other parts and value in the middle of the chart is adjusted
  • Displaying numbers - decimals in the table and on the chart are displayed in the same way
  • Size picker in the breadcrumb is no longer cut
  • Pickers for items with no size/color available - removed size/color grid and dropdowns for non-model items
Transactions logs

View item transactions per item (RTC-31429)

Stock balance and sales transactions are shown in view for transactions per item, also when using filter panel.

View transaction log (RTC-31429)

Imported stock balance and sales are not available in filter panel for transaction log.


In User Management there are permissions for "View transaction" and "Manage transaction" per item transaction type. Permissions are assigned to roles on store level.


Stock transactions

Fix: Show store number and name (RTC-30944)

  • When an item has stock in only one store, then a store label with proper store's name and number is displayed;
  • For store users - store label with proper store's name and number is displayed.

Supplier number is displayed in both Transaction log and Stock status views - grids were displaying wrong value from database (OrganizationNumber instead of ExternalSupplierNo).


ItemService integration (RTC-31163)

When InventoryService was receiving ItemChanges event with ItemReceiptText longer than 50 characters, then item merger was failing with conflicts in data model. Change in ItemReceiptText length from 50 to 255 resolves that problem.
