Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Coming next release

Procurement API

API for item deliveries with given item and given store (RTC-42742)

Endpoint (/api/gateway/Deliveries/[storeNo]/itemDeliveries) in Procurement Service returns order lines for the given item and store, in orders with status other than draft. Response contains: id (of order line, used for default sorting), orderNo, remainingQuantity, deliveredQuantity, deliveryDate, orderLineDeliveryStatus, orderStatus. OData is supported for custom filtering, sorting, response batching.


Release 03.09.2024

Order despatch advice import 

Validations (RTC-42304)

It's possible to import order despatch advice with item without assortment code. There is an information that order contains items that do not belong to store assortment. Created order has status confirmed. There is no validation of item-supplier link also.

Order lines

Performance of loading order lines (RTC-43127)

Performance of loading order lines is no longer affected by number of order despatch advice lines and number of entries in order history.


Fix: external mergers exceptions (RTC-41300)

If there are two purchase orders/order despatch advices/goods receipts being processed by merger, that refer to same stores/suppliers/etc. and first one has thrown exception, second one is then processed properly anyway.
If goods receipt is received for order line and its item identifier does not match, ordered quantity of order line item is exported properly.

List of supported item units (RTC-39325)

Items imported from item service are saved in procurement database with unit (Norwegian code) from the list: stk, m, kg, l, dm3. If item has assigned unit not from this list, its unit is saved as 'stk' as default. Units of existing items are properly migrated with an upgrade script. Quantity of order line and when receiving goods cannot have decimals when item unit is 'stk' (replaced existing rule for unit 'Pcs').


Release 20.08.2024

Order lines

Performance of loading order lines (RTC-41746)

Improved performance of loading order lines to the grid and export of ordered quantities.

Purchase order

Submit button in Overview tab (RTC-42572)

Button to submit order in visible in the Overview tab.


Release 05.08.2024

Purchase order

Do not send e-mail with empty PDF (RTC-40397)

When submitting purchase order, if generated PDF is blank page (due to some error), e-mail is not sent and red error message 'Email message was not sent. Empty PDF was generated.' appears on bottom of the screen. Information about the empty PDF attachment is stored in the database.

Image Added


Release 17.07.2024

Store assortment
Restrictions in imports (RTC-41285)
It's not possible to add or import item to edited purchase order if item doesn't belong to store assortment. Lines with such items are skipped in the Excel file import. There are precise logs in LIP about reasons of skipping lines showing id of the store and id of the item. There is no validation when missing store assortments in confirmed orders during order despatch advice or goods receipt import.
Fix: cosmetic changes in user interface (RTC-38372)
Order lines grid on manual delivery page fills whole available area (removed empty space below grid).
It is possible to use space character in filter input of column picker.


Release 08.07.2024

Purchase order overview

History of changes (RTC-40200)

Operations performed on orders that are not drafts from now on, will be visible in the 'history' section in the 'overview' tab. In this section, only the last 5 records are visible. To see more, it's needed to click on the 'view history' button. History section does not contain actions done before the release. Activities logged in history:

  1. order created
  2. order submitted
  3. order confirmed
  4. order delivery partially received
  5. order delivery done
  6. order edited
  7. line added
  8. line removed
  9. line edited
  10. order cancelled
  11. order set to done
  12. order reopened
  13. order delivery cancelled

Image Added


Fix: ordered quantity value (RTC-41761)

Correct, updated 'ordered quantity' value is exported after import of purchase order, order despatch advice or goods receipt.


Release 25.06.2024


Export of store assortment (RTC-38671)

Export job includes the store assortment export. File format is documented in Swagger.

Order lines

Supplier values in item search (RTC-39440)

When adding new line to the purchase order from a supplier, grid in item search modal shows 'Supplier number', 'Supplier name', 'Supp. item no.', 'Supp. model no.' values defined for this supplier-item-store relation.

Row with total values (RTC-38856)

Order lines grid contains a header row with total values for columns: 'Line no.' (number of lines), 'Quantity', 'Total', 'Total suppl. curr.'. Filters applied to the grid affect the total values, and value in 'Line no.' column shows number of order lines that match the filter. 

Totals are removed from the breadcrumbs in purchase order view. 

Order line and delivery line

Fix: Buttons display (RTC-35208)

Buttons for order line and delivery line details in expanded row are displayed below all of the sections.

Planned assortment

'Assortment code' column (RTC-39084)

AssortmentCode is visible in the purchase order lines grid, delivery lines grid and in the item search modal. If item has assortment code but this assortment code doesn't belong to the store for which purchase order is created, this item will not be visible in item search.

No duplicated lines in item search and order proposal (RTC-41501)

When item has multiple assortment codes on different levels, there is no duplicated lines displayed in item search modal and no duplicated lines are created in order proposal. Additionally, correct assortment code is displayed in the column in grids (assortment code of correct profile).

Receive goods

Fix: Confirm all items (RTC-41611)

It is possible to do receive goods by pressing 'select all' and then 'confirm items'.

Store assortment

Item ordering (RTC-38676)

Only items which belong to store assortment can be found in item search. If order line or order contains item that does not belong to store assortment warning is displayed. Order submit and confirm is extended by validating whether every item belongs to store assortment. Store assortment check is also included in order validation for the import of order from the 3rd party, when order is imported with status submitted or user tries to edit submitted order. Selecting items which should be included in the order proposal is also based on store assortment and stock is not obligatory. If order line with item that does not belong to store assortment is added to proposal, such order line is deleted when processing proposals. There is no restrictions in ordering items for manual deliveries and internal transfer.


PDF attachment with order confirmation (RTC-41383)

Information about the PDF attachment sent by email is stored in the database.


Release 28.05.2024

Order proposal

Remove proposal with invalid Item, supplier or store (RTC-39421)

Order proposal or order proposal line is deleted by OrderProposalGeneratorScheduler job triggered at night by default if the item, supplier or store become invalid.

Invalid item means:

  • deleted
  • auto replenishment not set
  • ordering blocked
  • cannot be ordered
  • track stock changes not set
  • item is not in a sale what means supplier sales start date is in the future and/or end date is earlier than today's
  • item is not in order store stock
  • there is no active order point for the order store
  • item is not delivered by the order supplier to the order store

Invalid store or supplier means:

  • placeholder
  • inactive
  • replenishment flag not set
  • supplier is a store used for internal transfer (supplier GLN matches GLN of the store)

Proposal order line is also deleted when max order point is reached - as before.


Release 06.05.2024

Manual delivery

Fix: Item and supplier validation (RTC-40525)

Removed validation of 'Can be ordered', 'Ordering blocked', 'Supplier sales start/end', 'Item-supplier' link, 'Quantity in supplier package' and 'Min. order quantity' for manual deliveries.

Purchase order

Fix: Submit order with duplicate items (RTC-39973)

It is possible to submit order which contains more than one order line with the same item.


Release 15.04.2024

Internal transfer

Validations for internal transfer orders (RTC-39792)

Removed validation of 'Can be ordered', 'Ordering blocked', 'Item-supplier-store group' link, 'Supplier sales start/end', 'Quantity in supplier package', 'Min. order quantity' for internal transfer orders. Applies to import of internal transfer from Inventory (including rules for transfer automatic confirmation), creating and submitting internal transfer from Procurement Management as an order and as an manual delivery.


Release 11.04.2024

Excel import

Validation (RTC-40253)

Fix: No all columns are required when importing Excel file. Only item identifier and quantity must be specified.


Do not abort external goods receipt merger on exception during saving changes (RTC-40226)

When exception during saving changes occurs in external goods receipt merger, all FlatBatchJsons in the page being processed are marked as failed and message is added to the lip job execution logs with information which FlatBatchJsons are affected. It means ExternalMerger job will still be running and processing next imports of purchase orders, order despatch advices and goods receipts.


Release 10.04.2024


Validation error messages (RTC-39789)

Trailing white spaces are allowed in third party, Excel and POSLog imports and they are trimmed.


Release 02.04.2024


Export of ordered quantity (RTC-38244)

Ordered quantity is exported to a Procurement.OrderedQuantity.Export blob with file format as in Swagger. It contains identifier of store and item, ordered quantity and date when this value has last been updated. This is same value as 'In order' field in Procurement Management. This is a sum of remaining quantities in orders with status submitted/edited/confirmed. Value is exported after each time when this sum can change.


Purchase order (RTC-39351)

Submitted orders are exported separately and before confirmed, cancelled and done orders.

New grid

Procurement register (RTC-38675)

In the Procurement module there is a tab called 'Procurement registers'. 'Store assortment' register is added to a section named 'General'. The registry allows the user to add an assortment code to a selected store or remove it. One store can have multiple assortment codes assigned to it. The user can see only those stores for which he has permission. New permissions: 'View registers' at common role level and 'View store assortment' and 'Manage store assortment' at store level.


Import of assortment codes (RTC-38694)

Assortment codes are imported on item level from Item Service if assortment code is added to item or edited. Not existing assortment codes are pushed into table with assortment codes.

Validation error messages (RTC-38924)

There is a validation message saved in the database and shown in Integration Platform, when the user tries to import file through 3rd party to Procurement module with field with spaces/enters at the beginning or at the end.


Release 18.03.2024


Fix: deleted order points (RTC-39007)

Order points are properly deleted from Procurement databased after import caused by deleting order point from item in Item Management.

Planned assortment

Import of assortment codes (RTC-38670)

Assortment codes are imported from register in Item Management. Values are imported based on unique code. If code in assortment register will be changed, in Procurement it is imported as a new assortment code. Statuses of assortment codes such as: active, default are imported and correctly assigned as well.

Purchase order

Order delivery date based on lead time and transport time of supplier (RTC-38621)

Delivery date of order is properly set to 'now' + 'supplier lead time' + 'supplier transport time' when creating purchase order in user interface (prefilled date), new orders created from 3rd party (when delivery date not defined in imported file), import from InStore app. Feature already existed for Excel import and order proposals.

Receive goods in InStore App

Fix: Scanning items with tandem GTIN (RTC-38887)

Items are properly matched in Procurement when scanning items with tandem GTIN during receiving goods manually in InStore App.

Suppliers in Procurement

Item suppliers on store group scope (RTC-36665)

Import of item suppliers is extended with store/team/profile scope. Import of stores from Store Service is extended by creation of 'Private' store group.
Item can be ordered only if it is delivered by selected supplier to selected store (store, store team, store profile or common supplier):

  • When adding line in user interface, item search result is filtered by that (item is visible in search only if can be ordered from supplier to store). Order lines grid show supplier model/item number of correct supplier.
  • When importing order by Excel file, supplier from file is used if correct link exists. If not, line not created and warning in notification. If no supplier in file, order is created for lowest level main supplier (found for store, team, profile, common).
  • When generating order proposal, order is created for lowest level main supplier (found for store, team, profile, common).
  • In imports from 3rd party, item-supplier are never created anymore. If link does not exist:
    • purchase order imported but cannot submit it
    • order despatch advice does not auto confirm order if such line is being added
    • order despatch advice not imported if such line is tried to be added to confirmed order
    • no validation in goods receipt imports.

Detailed validation message appears in 'submit/confirm order' modal, if there are no order lines, item is inactive, item, store, supplier is placeholder or one of the ordered items is not delivered by the supplier to store (instead of generic server side error).
