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Customer order in Lindbak Chain Web

A customer order contains items and services related to a customer and a project (if configured).
In the customer order module you can see all registered customer orders, create new orders, change existing, deliver order lines, print pick lists. You can also view, print and send order confirmations.
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Create customer order

A new customer order is created when you press the New button or +1 button in the menu.
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The customer order tab
Start by adding order information. To the right you can see the information panel containing statuses and other information regarding the customer order. The status will be "Draft" when the order is created. Press Save to save order heading.
The order line tab
After saving the order heading, you can open the order line tab. Register order lines by adding items to the order. You can search items by number or name, or use a scanner.
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Change order line details
When you register an item, the order line will be in open for editing details. Here you also can add deposit amount on an item. After registering you can select an order line and then press the pencil icon to edit details.
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Submit order
When all details in the customer orders are registered, you choose Submit order to activate the order. The order status is now "Active". After submitting the order, it is available in Lindbak POS.
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Change customer order

You can change customer orders after creating it if the customer order is still open. Select the order you want to change from the order browser.

Other functions

Order confirmation
This is used to preview the order confirmation. You can also print it, export it to a pdf file and send it to the customer (SMS or email).
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Send confirmation
This is used to send the order confirmation to the customer by SMS or email. Select one of the options. If mobile phone number / email address is registered on the customer, it will appear. If not, you can add it.
If you choose to send it by email, you can change the automatic generated text if you want to.
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Pick list
This is used to create a pick list for the customer order. You can also print it or export it to a pdf file.
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Deliver items
This is used to deliver items in a customer order and is available in the order lines tab after submitting the order. Here you can choose which items you want to deliver (all or specified), and then confirm the delivery.
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Send to credit
After the customer order has been finished, and all the items have been delivered, you can send it to credit using the Send to credit function. Register reference text and number (if configured) and select Confirm.
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If there are order lines that are not delivered when sending the order to credit, you can deliver them during the process by selecting "Deliver remaining items".
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Cancel order
This is used to cancel an order. Orders can be cancelled if none of the order lines are paid or delivered. If the order has been cancelled, you cannot change it later. After opening the order, you can choose the Cancel order function. If issued, you must confirm that you are cancelling the order

Defined in this scope as orders created and fulfilled at the local store without any delivery methods.

The order must be linked to a customer.