Stock less than Min. Stock: Check off and select recipient. Note that directly from the message received, the message can be set to origin 'Purchase requisition', and the button '+IO' (create purchase order) is available here to create a purchase order.
FEFO (notification of expiry date): Check off, insert number of days beforehand that notification should be given, and select recipient.
Note: The notification does not go immediately. It runs is sent by default once a day when logging in, or it is triggered if someone logs in before that.
Supplier's part info:
Suppliers part no.: The supplier’s part number can be inserted or amended here.
Delivery: Delivery time of the article. For information only here. . When calculating needs, the supplier's delivery time will be included in the calculation, so that the need is captured early enough. Note! Requires that ‘Reserved => Need’ is marked during the calculation of needs. 10.3.0 Purchasing requirements
Discount: Discount in %. This will come as default discount in the purchase order line when a purchase order is set up. This can be overridden. Note: If a discount agreement is in place for this article, this discount will be overwritten by what is in the agreement.