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Improvements in POS




New version of AeviXPay from Aera (Work ID: 167495)

Version of AeviXPay (pay terminal solution by Aera) has been tested in POS. Small adaptions have been made, related to timeout value. 

Two integrated pay terminals (main terminal from Aera) (Work ID: 169289)

We have made improvements for the solution where 2 pay terminals are integrated with the same POS, and the main terminal is from Aera and the secondary terminal from Nets. The improvements are related to handling of interrupts. It is assumed that parameter 'TerminalReady' in the Nets terminal has value '1' in order to function properly.


Improvements related to timestamp for media cashe (Work ID: 173494)

Downloading files from media bank to Cash Registers could have the risk of going into a loop if the timestamp had an invalid value (because it had been manually changed). Improvements have been made to ensure that we always write a valid timestamp after new media has been downloaded.

Message “Member not found” when selling articles (Work ID: 172851)

If an article matches a valid Social Security number, this could be interpreted as an attempt to register a member. We made changes so that member search by Social Security Number is only triggered if SocialSecurityID is in use in the parameter “MemberIdentifiersRegEx”.


List of offline member identifiers (Work ID: 172980)

A new parameter "MemberSearchIdentifierListV2" has been created to configure names and keys for member search identifiers. These are used when POS is offline and not able to fetch identifiers from MemberService (old parameter MemberSearchIdentifierList is no longer in use).


Capture of Aera web payment from POS (Work ID: 173003)

We have added support for capturing payment of Aera payments that have been authorized from the webshop. The solution will be tested in customer test environment.

No need for QR-code when capturing pre-authorized Coopay (Work ID: 173977)

We can receive CoopID and member number form webshop in the payment reference for Coopay, and thereby remove the requirement for scanning QR-code for Coop member to pay a click-and-collect order.

Customer order and offer in same receipt (Work ID: 169438)

When customer order is already added to the receipt, it is no longer possible to add an offer to the same receipt. A warning dialog is displayed: "Only 1 offer allowed in the same receipt".

Discounts when delivering previously paid order (Work ID: 170262)

Article discounts are retained in POSLog XML when delivering items in a previously paid order.

Message for pre-authorized Coopay with too high amount (Work ID: 174436)

We have implemented a message to cashier if the subtotal amount is higher than the preauthotized amount to pay by Coopay.

Deletion of picklist when click-and-collect order is paid (Work ID: 173727)

2 improvements have been done:

  • Picklists are now deleted when the payment has subtotal rounding.

  • Picklists are now deleted regardless of order type.


Always show bar-code in sales summary in Coopay app (Work ID: 170203)

We have done changes so that a bar-code is shown i sales summary in Coopay app regardless of the payment being done in a cashier mode in POS, in a self-service POS or in InStore App.

Price calculation

Coupon, mixmatch type 7 and campaign price (Work ID: 166510)

We have fixed a problem which caused a coupon rebate to be missing if at the same time there were campaign prices on the items, and they were part of mimatch type 7 (cheapest item for free).

Difference between subtotal and VAT summary (Work ID: 171937)

We have fixed a problem leading to item lines showing wrong sum, or wrong mix discount if in a mixmatch (the subtotal was correct). The problem regarded items with price inside bar-code (20-codes) where these were defined as "piece" items, together with parameter “AllowEAN20CodeSalePerPiece” being activated.


Member benefit from payment card on return receipt (Work ID: 173286)

We have fixed a problem regarding online return of item. Benefit earned by payment card when buying was incorrectly also written on the receipt when returning items.

No member benefits in Delivery receipts (Work ID: 173319)

Member benefits are no longer printed on delivery receipts.


Replication agent logs connection error (Work ID: 174311)

We have fixed a problem that caused POS to log an error related to replication status when failing to call the ReplicationAgent.


Maximum amount limit for returns (Work ID: 173929)

We have fixed a problem that caused the maximum limit for returns (MaxReturnAmountInReceipt) not to take affect if the cashier did not have the privilege "DeleteLastReceiptItem".

Scale integration

Certificate number for scale integration (Work ID: 173980)

We have updated to new and valid certificate number for the scale integration in POS. The certificate is required for use of scale integrations in Sweden and can be displayed on the screen by using a function.

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Hide empty PLU-lists (Work ID: 172820)

We’ve improved handling oft empty PLU-lists, so that these are hidden in the new UI for Self-service POS.

Hide PLU-lists used for layout configuration (Work ID: 172822)

We've corrected an issue where "dummy" PLU-lists used for configuring layout of item search and the auto generated PLU-lists for Vensafe items were showing up in Self-service POS. Both dummy-lists are now working as intended, and hidden from view.

Age control when outside legal sales hours (Work ID: 173066)

We have fixed a problem where age control dialogue did not trigger when outside legal sales hours. This regards alcohol items in Norway.

Full control may be interrupted by scanning a cashier card (Work ID: 173632)

We have made changes to better secure that an ongoing full control is not interrupted unintentionally by scanning a cashier card too early. In earlier versions the result of this would be that the customer would trigger full control again when fetching his receipt for checkout. Now, scanning of cashier card before control is finished will lead to the same dialogue for finishing as if Enter was pressed.

Fetch coupons from ValueCodes every time member is registered (Work ID: 173893)

We have made improvements to better secure that a member's coupons are fetched, if they were recently activated in member app. This is done by fetching coupons every time member registered, even if the same member is already in the receipt.

Age control dialog when paying an order (Work ID: 172799)

We have fixed a problem that could cause the age control dialog to pop ut twice when fetching customer order that contained an item with age requirement. The problem occurred if a receipt with a customer order and age control was cancelled, and a similar order was opened again.

Digital coupons may be duplicated (Work ID: 173552)

An issue that could make digital coupons be duplicated in the user interface, has been fixed.

Digital coupons are not updated when switching members (Work ID: 173556)

An issue that could make digital coupons be present in receipt even after switching to a member without available coupons, has been fixed.

Signature based payment in Self-service POS (Work ID: 171394)

We have made changes regarding Self-service POS integrated with payment terminals from Aera. In situations where the terminal triggers signature-based payment (offline terminal), POS will print a signature receipt and show a message to the customer and surveillance that the customer needs assistance. Staff will scan the admin card, and either accept or reject the customer's signature in the dialog on the screen. If accepted, payment is completed and receipt is printed. If rejected, a reject receipt is printed, and a message is shown saying payment failed. The customer must pay with another tender type.

Sale through Datema incorrectly interrupted by online return (Work ID: 173644)

We have made changes regarding online return of items previously bought via Datema's scanner. An ongoing purchase was incorrectly aborted if online return of another purchase was done at the same time, e.g. at the store's information desk. 

Notification for signature-based payment in Aera payment terminals (Work ID: 174664)

We have fixed a problem regarding self-service POS with payment terminals from Aera. When signature-based payment is triggered a message is sent to the surveillance screen, and the light tower changes color to signal that the customer needs assistance.

Improved view of ClearOn coupons (Work ID: 173375)

Behind the title of ClearOn coupon’s, a blank space has been added, making it easier to read the amount/value.

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Improvement in POS Server




Price check done with Datema's scanner (Work ID: 173745)

We have made improvements to make sure price check done with Datema's scanner show active campaign prices for tandem EAN's as well as for main EAN's.

Canceled receipts without receipt number (Work ID: 171205)

Receipts that are not fully created, where the receipt number is missing (-1) will not be sent when cleanup of old receipts is performed in POS / POS API.

Missing ProductInfo on 2207-barcodes (discount bar-codes) (Work ID: 172833)

We've corrected an issue where method “ParseScanCode” requests would return "null" under ProductInfo when sending a 2207-code (bar-code that contains a discount), even though the request contains ReturnProductInfo = true. This has been fixed so that 2207-codes return the full ProductInfo the same way any regular EAN would.

Create non-webshop orders with ReserveCartInStore (Work ID: 173047)

A new parameter “CreateClickAndCollectOrdersAsStoreOrders” has been created to be able to create click-and-collect orders as customer orders. Previously there were always created as web orders. When using ReserveCartInStore and new parameter is set to True then you will get CustomerOrderSource="Store", when new parameter is set to False CustomerOrderSource will be equal to "Webshop"


Deliver receipts in batch to ReceiptService V2 (Work ID: 166466)

We've implemented support for creating a new subscriber with type POSLogBatch. The new way of delivering receipts to ReceiptService V2 has vastly improved performance compared to ReceiptService V1 receipt delivery.