Versions Compared


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Release 09.09.2024


Count group status


  • Count groups in stocktakings can have the statuses "New" (by default), "Count In Progress" or "Count List Submitted".
  • The "Inventory.CountList.Import" file import has an optional "countGroupId" field, which allows linking a Service type count list with a specific count group. Linking the count group will change its status to "CountListSubmitted" in the active stocktaking of count list's store.
  • Deleting a count group or updating its store level removes its links to all count lists.
  • The "CountGroups/Get" API is extended by the count group status through the "countGroupStatus" field.
  • The "CountGroup/Status/Patch" API allows changing count group status between "New" and "CountInProgress".


Grids and exports

Translations in Excel exports (RTC-40943)

In all Excel exports, data in the "Transaction type", "Recount" and "Sales unit" columns are translated.

Grid improvements
Unknown sales units are displayed as "Pcs" in the Inventory grids.


Store access in count group views (RTC-42547)

Modifying a count group requires store access. The user must have "Manage count groups" permission directly in all stores or store groups selected in a count group in order to edit it.

Retry completing stocktaking (RTC-42688)

The option for keeping or resetting not counted items, is working as expected also when retrying completing the stocktaking.

Seasonal storage

Seasonal storage improvements (RTC-42668)

  • The seasonal storage PDF export file has the same name as the storage
  • Filtering on the "Storage ID" column is improved


 Transaction / Stock status

Stock movements improvements (RTC-42670)

  • The stock status chart shows a proper message, even if all stock quantities are equal to 0.
  • Link to the stock status view from Transactions is present when the user has "View transactions" permission only.



Release 12.08.2024

