Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Released 12.09.2024

Receipt journal


Receipts in EG ReceiptService can be seen in the cloud receipt journal. Receipts can be searched for and shown in a grid, and the PDF for the receipt is shown. 

Image Added

The user needs the new permission "View Receipt Journal" to access this page. 

Receipts can be exported to file in POSLog XML format or in PDF format by clicking on the 2 dots on the leftmost column.



Generate anonymous access link to the receipts

Added a new endpoint  api/receipt/rendering/{type}, which accepts the list of receipt ids and returns the anonymous links (public access) for the receipt.

New eArchive Fields in ARTS XML


After a successful sale transaction, the POSLOG will now include the following eArchive Fields when applicable:

  • Each line of the eArchive texts
  • Legal Invoice Number
  • ETTN/UUID Number

New Credit Payment Fields in ARTS XML


When CreditPaymentFields parameter is configured and customer makes a credit sale, then information from the credit payment dialog is saved in ARTS XML.


Released 18.06.2024

ARTS XML changes for drive off - Item and Nozzle Information


The ARTS XML for fuel transactions has been extended with the Item and Nozzle ID information.

Default filter for receipts sent to Voyado (PosLogToVoyado)


The default filter for receipts being sent to Voyado through the PosLogToVoyado integration is updated where it excludes training mode receipts from being exported. The default filter has been added to documentation in LIP.


Released 15.05.2024

PosLogToVoyadoReceiptJob - Payment Type


When sending a POSLog to Voyado, the payment type is sent as part of the order.

ARTS extensions in ARTS version 6 for tax free stores


To be able to deliver the ARTS Extensions needed for a specific customer we are using structured notes in EG Poslog format to convert to the requested extensions in the ARTS version 6 poslog format. If configured, POS will add the necessary structured notes in the EG Poslog format based on the 'Transaction types', 'Line Item types' and 'Tax Group IDs' and ReceiptService (cloud) will transform them into the correct ARTS extensions for the customer. 

POS Configuration 

New parameter 'SaveExternalTransactionInfo' - default false, if activated (true) will enable the new structured notes in POS and the three parameters described below, if they have been configured. 

  1. New parameter 'ExternalTypeCodes' default value containing the default transaction types for a specific customer
  2. New parameter 'ExternalLineTypeCodes' default default value containing the default line item types for a specific customer. 
  3. New parameter 'TaxGroupIDs' default value containing the default tax group id's for a specific customer. 


Released 02.05.2024

ARTS POSLog XML documentation


Initial version of ARTS POSLog XML documentation is added in Receipt Service swagger. This can be used by integrators to understand the fields and how to integrate.


Released 24.04.2024

Changes in ARTS XML for fuel related fields


The new transaction type (ForeCourtTransaction) containing fuel information has been added to Receipt/Journal service.


Released 15.04.2024

Improvements in health check


Healthcheck remains healthy when PosApi shuts down, provided the transformation data was cached beforehand. This ensures that ReceiptService doesn't go down together with its instance of PosApi.

New fields in ARTS POSLog XML


ARTS POSLog XML has been extended with Alternative Itemgroup and Item Area.


Released 11.03.2024

Support for ARTS XML version 2 or 6 in ReceiptExport job 
