Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Released 26.09.2024

CouponCodeUsed in GetCart request


GetCart correctly returns CouponCodeUsed in DiscountDetails.

Unique Pick-up codes for Click and Collect Orders


Due to concurrency, duplicate pickup codes were used for different orders for the same store. After fix, all Click and Collect orders will get unique pick-up codes.

Improved error handling for import of orders/sales


When the order/sale received by the BatchToPosApi package fails with an InvalidQuantityFault, CartItemNotFoundFault or CartIsCancelledFault - it no longer retries after the initial fail. 

BatchToPosApi - Fix for rounding in fuel sales


When creating a receipt in POS API based on a fuel sale receipt, the rounded total amount is the same as the amount stated in the initially received file. 

RemoveItemFromCart should fail if the item is already removed


Removing item which is previously/already removed will fail with an error

Coupon Type in SetLoyaltyIncart 


SetLoyaltyIncart returns the coupon information for the cart with in the new field "Type" to indicate what type of coupon it is. Possible returned values are: Unknown, CouponId, CustomerId, Bonus, BonusReward, BonusAmount, BonusCheck, StampCard, TenderCoupon.

BatchToPosApi - Delivery address not required for click and collect


When the delivery method is set to "LRS.RIS" (click and collect), the delivery address is not be required.

BatchToPosApi - Adjust ordered quantity in deliveryOrder 


It is possible to adjust ordered quantity using the deliveryOrder file type through BatchToPosApi. The items must not have been already delivered. 


Released 19.09.2024

Customer-specific transaction details in POS API 


Structured notes for 'ExternalTypeCode', 'CountryCode', 'ExternalLineTypeCode', and 'TaxGroupID' are included in all EG POSLogs from the POS API. Even if a receipt is converted to a lower POSLog version that doesn't support these fields, the information is retained in the POSlog as long as the version supports structured notes. The structured notes correctly translate to ARTS extensions during conversion in ReceiptService, ensuring consistent handling of transaction data across different versions and sources.

POS Configuration 

The following relevant parameters must be configured for this to take effect.

  • 'SaveExternalTransactionInfo' (default false) must be set to true.
  • 'ExternalTypeCodes' default value containing the default transaction types for the specific customer. 
  • 'ExternalLineTypeCodes' default default value containing the default line item types for the specific customer. 
  • 'TaxGroupIDs' default value containing the default tax group id's for the specific customer. 

Update in fault handling for invalid discounts


GeneralFault is returned for scenarios wherein an invalid discount is added to cart (ItemSale/SetCartItemDiscount endpoint). This replaces InvalidDiscountFault since it is not in the list of possible faults in the contract.

InvalidCastException in POSAPI resulting in 500 error code


We're encountering an Invalid Cast Exception on certain endpoints related to POSLog, which is causing the POS API to return a 500 error. This issue has been resolved by updating the error code to 400 and providing a valid failure message.

External Order Number 


External Order Number can be set in ReserveCartInStore and is sent through POS Message.


Released 05.09.2024

Post-registration of members through NewCartForTransactions


Adding a member to a finished receipt can be done by passing the value "PostRegisterCustomer" for transactionMode in NewCartForTransactions method, including a reference to the finished cart in cartReference. The loyalty number of the member can be added by using SetLoyaltyInCart method using the cart ID in the response from NewCartForTransactions.

Fix for rounding issues


ExtendedAmountRounded and ExtendedAmountOrderedRounded mismatch is fixed, which solves rounding issues in POS API. 

Fetching latest completed receipts


The latest completed receipts can be fetched by using GetLatestCompletedCarts. By default, the end point returns the last 50 receipts, but it can be configured to retrieve between 1 and 200 receipts.


Released 28.08.2024

Update Klarna after capture


When updating an order in POS API, by reducing the quantity of an item or deleting an undelivered item, the Klarna payment is updated. After the change in quantity and capturing the transaction, the remaining amount is released in Klarna and no longer requires settling. 

Fix for missing operator in POSLog conversion


Missing operator that caused POSLog processing to fail for those converted to a lower version is fixed. OnPremiseSupportedPOSLogVersion must be specified.

Error improvement for bundle sales


400 bad request is returned with "InvalidPrice fault" when attempting to sell a bundle with price higher than individual items.

Error message regarding coupons improvement


When an invalid or expired coupon is added or used, proper error message is displayed.


Released 08.08.2024

Improved error handling in SetStoresForCartOrderPicking method


When using the SetStoresForCartOrderPicking endpoint with a non-existing item identifier, the response is more descriptive. It gives information about the cart id and the wrong cart item identifier. 

Removal of picking order when using DeleteCartOrder


Deleting an order from cart in POS API also deletes it in Backoffice, as well as makes it unavailable for picking in InStore App. 


Released 23.07.2024

CouponValidationType in CartCalculator


CouponValidationType parameter is added to CartCalculator method, wherein value can be set to either "None" or "Online". When value is set to "Online", CartCalculator contacts coupon provider and fetches all the available coupons, and if there are coupons added in the request, they are ignored. When value is set to "None", no online validation is done and only the coupons added in the request are added. If parameter is left out in the request, the default value is "Online".

Sending SMS for cancelled click and collect orders


Method SendCartOrderConfirmationNotification can be used on already finished/cancelled receipts to send SMS with information to the customer. 

SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) in POSLog XML and ARTS POSLog XML


Extended POSLog with string field called "SKU" in element "ArticleDetails".

The new field is also included in the transformation to ARTS POSLog XML v2/v6.


Released 11.07.2024

Restrict update of default customer information


When customer Id and the default customer (ItemSaleServiceCustomerNumber) are same then customer information update will not happen.

Unit of measure for returns


Calling GetItemsAvailableForReturn returns the unitOfMeasure property in the response, set to one of the following: Kilogram, Meter, Liter, Gram, Piece, Meter, Hour.

Items that are set to be not sold 


When searching for items in POS API using the SearchItem methods, items with the flag IsDeleted = True don't show up in the results. 


Released 01.07.2024

Conditional Setting of 'CustomerId' During Member Fetch


When fetching a member from PosCustomerService to POS API, the customer ID is included if the response contains any 'CustomerId'. This ensures that discounts can be applied based on the customer, not just the member information fetched


Released 27.06.2024

Support for EAN14 (D-PAK/DUN) 


When adding an item to cart, it is now possible to add it by using an EAN14 (D-PAK/DUN) number. If the item has the property quantityInSmallPackage set, the quantity specified in the request will be multiplied by the amount set as the value for quantityInSmallPackage.

PosApiDataExport changes in POSPriceItem and POSPrice


We've added the value offerId to POSPriceItem and POSPrice export formats, to easily identify which promotion each promotion price belongs to in the export.

Documentation for payment methods


The payment endpoint for POS API is now documented in Swagger. The added methods are:

  • /CancelBonusPayment
  • /CancelGiftCardPayment
  • /GetAvailableBonus
  • /GetCloudPaymentServiceConfiguration
  • /SetCartReadyForPaymentAction

Boarding pass count


GetCart endpoint shows correct boarding pass count.

Delivered Cart ID in GetItemsAvailableForReturn


Delivered Cart ID is added to each line item for end point GetItemsAvailableForReturn. This makes it possible to return items from different paid receipts in the same return.


Released 07.06.2024

Coming next release

Import reason codes for sale transactions


Support for import of reason codes for sale transactions is added.




Returns through BatchToPosApi


Support for sending return order JSON files to BatchToPosApi is supported, while providing the orderNumber for the cart we want to return from. The files can be sent as either CompletePosApiOrder or BasicPosApiOrder.

AgeVerificationResult retained from previous receipt when resuming a cart


When BeginCartEditing is called on a cart with age restricted items and RequestAgeVerification = FALSE, AgeVerificationResult is retained from previous receipt.


Released 23.05.2024

Fix for exceptions generated when searching for receipts on hold
