AddCouponByDiscountCode is extended to support limited use coupons from Coupon Service. When a coupon code is added in discountCode field, first it is checked if it matches a coupon from Promotions Management. If it does not match with any coupon from Promotions Management, the coupon is checked in Coupon Service. The discountCode can only used based on the allowed number of times defined for it in Coupon Service, and if it is redeemed more than the allowed number of times there will be an error encountered during CheckOutCart. When an invalid discountCode is added, meaning it does not exist in both Promotions Management and Coupon Service, then an error is returned.
Prevent deletion of newly created cart and added a message to cancel the cart instead of delete
To prevent deletion of newly created cart, checks and tests were added to ensure that newly created carts are cancelled and the same is asked via message to the user.
DigitalReceiptMdsAccountId POS parameter
Digital receipt is send with account id based on new DigitalReceiptMdsAccountId parameter value.
Error message includes EAN of the item
To make it easier to identify which item is causing a problem, when you get ItemSaleNotStarted error, or ItemSaleEnded, the error message will now include the EAN of the item.
Link for FAQ added in the swagger index page
FAQ link for POS API was created and added in the swagger index page.
Refund of order paid with Klarna
Service agent for Klarna library has been updated. It is possible to do a Klarna refund.
Allow adding payments with amount 0
Payment with amount 0 is allowed in AddPaymentToCart2 and CheckoutCart for all payment types.
Improved cart performance in begin cart editing
The begin cart editing endpoint now uses the short text value instead of the full text value. This prevents cart timeouts and ensures the cart works smoothly when editing begins.
Automatic reload of POS Configuration
The POS configuration for all cash registers are automatically reloaded from the database every time there is a configuration change, ensuring the latest settings are applied without any manual intervention.
Search optimization
Item search has been improved by adding a non-clustered index for model column in in the Azure DB dbo.ItemFTView.
Improve the performance of ItemExt/SearchItem endpoint to get faster result when called
Updated the ItemExt/SearchItem endpoint to ignore the single character search.
Updated error codes for customer
The error messages and the codes provided by POS API have their prefixes updated specifically for the customer.
Line and Subtotal Discounts for Sales through BatchToPosApi
Support for importing line and subtotal discounts through BatchToPosApi SaleFromStagingToPosApi job is implemented.
Fix for values going missing after BeginCartEditing
Values for ** discountEffectTypeAmount, scanCode, productInformation and shoppingChannel do not change after BeginCartEditing.
Open price flag on item
Open price flag is added to ItemExt/GetItem response.
Error handling if PriceStore does not exist
New and specific error message "The given store number XXXX was not found" is shown in response if NewCartWithItems with price store identifier set to a store that doesn't exist.
Released 17.10.2024
Fix for "success" field in ResumeCart