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Report lists all reasoncodes for all stores. Layout of the report makes it easy to export data to Excel.


  • Date from - Default today
  • Date to - Default today
  • Store - Default All (if HQ user)
  • Transaction type - Default All types. It is possible to removed transaction types from list with hidden parameter pTransactionTypesToExclude, see relevant parameters for details
  • Reason code - Default all available codes. List shows only reasoncodes linked to selected transaction types. NB! Depending on Chain Web version. When you select transaction type, only first available reason code will be selected. Workaround for this is to de-select all reason codes before seleting transaction type(s).
  • Absolute values - Default off. This will show all values as positive values. Used to get correct quantity when you have transactions with positive and negative values. Note that this will not affect sum of same item / reasoncode. Default selection can be changed in parameter pShowAbsoluteValues

Relevant parameters:

  • pTransactionTypesToExclude - Comma separated list of transactions types not to show in list of transaction types. E.g. If customer never uses transaction type Aricle Service and Inventory, put in Normal,ArticleSerivce,Inventory in string (Normal shoul always be excluded)
  • pShowAbsoluteValues - To change default value for 'Absolute values' selection
  • pGrouping - To change default value for 'Grouping' selection


List of item transactions with reason codes

Columns (interactive sorting on Storenum, Storename, Transaction type and Reason code):

  • Store num - Store number
  • Store name - Store name
  • Transaction type - Transaction type
  • Reason code - Reason code (default sorted on this column)
  • Net cost - Total net cost (cost price) for row
  • Quantity - Total quantity for row
  • Net amount - Total amount without VAT for row
  • Amount w / VAT - Total amount with VAT for row
  • GP% - Gross profit in percentage


  • Action code is not supported, only reason code (action code not available in Olap (reporting v77))
  • Report shows only item transactions from poslog (no Rigal)
  • Showing absolute values for same item / reasoncode is not possible (reporting v77). Report will always show sum of same item / reasoncode even if there are positive and negative values.
    • Exampe: 
    • Without absolute values Report will show Quantity = -3 which is correct
    • With absolute values report will show Quantity = 3, ideally it should split this into two lines



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Report lists sales per itemgroup.


  • EOD date from - Default select date from
  • EOD date to - Default select date to


Report shows sales statistics for itemgroup in selected period of time and for selected store.


  • Item group
  • Gr. name – Group name
  • Quantity
  • VAT class
  • VAT %
  • Ex. VAT – Excluding VAT
  • VAT
  • Sales w/VAT


  • Lindbak POS Reporting DW
  • Lindbak POS Message Service



General report for item transaction. This report will show all item transactions with reason code.

Report is similar to 0541 without item number and two extra columns for net cost.


  • Lindbak POS Reporting cube ((OLAP) Item Transaction RealTime measure)


  • Date from - Default today
  • Date to - Default today
  • Store - Default All (if HQ user)
  • Transaction type - Default All types. It is possible to removed transaction types from list with hidden parameter pTransactionTypesToExclude, see relevant parameters for details
  • Reason code - Default all available codes. List shows only reasoncodes linked to selected transaction types. NB! Depending on Chain Web version. When you select transaction type, only first available reason code will be selected. Workaround for this is to de-select all reason codes before seleting transaction type(s).
  • Absolute values - Default off. This will show all values as positive values. Used to get correct quantity when you have transactions with positive and negative values. Note that this will not affect sum of same item / reasoncode. Default selection can be changed in parameter pShowAbsoluteValues
  • Grouping - Default Group.  This will decide on which level of hierarchy report is generated. Report always shows item, it will also show total for group, area, department and store depending on selection. Default selection can be changed in parameter pGrouping
  • Department - To filter result on department
  • Article area - To filter result on article area
  • Article group - To filter result on article group

Relevant parameters:

  • pTransactionTypesToExclude - Comma separated list of transactions types not to show in list of transaction types. E.g. If customer never uses transaction type Aricle Service and Inventory, put in Normal,ArticleSerivce,Inventory in string (Normal shoul always be excluded)
  • pShowAbsoluteValues - To change default value for 'Absolute values' selection
  • pGrouping - To change default value for 'Grouping' selection


List of item transactions with reason code

Columns (sum for store and each level of hierarchy. Sum total on last row):

  • EAN - EAN of item
  • Item name - Item name
  • Transaction type - Transaction type
  • Reason code - Reason code
  • Date - Date of transaction
  • Unit net code - Net cost per item
  • Net price - Net price per unit
  • Price w/VAT - Price including VAT per unit
  • Quantity - quantity
  • Net cost amount - Net cost for transaction
  • Net amount - Net amount (Net price * Quantity)
  • Amount w/VAT - Amount including VAT (Price w/VAT * Quantity)
  • GP% - Gross profit in percentage


  • Action code is not supported, only reason code (action code not available in Olap (reporting v77))
  • Report shows only item transactions from poslog (no Rigal)
  • Showing absolute values for same item / reasoncode is not possible (reporting v77). Report will always show sum of same item / reasoncode even if there are positive and negative values.
    • Exampe: 
    • Image Added
    • Without absolute values Report will show Quantity = -3 which is correct
    • With absolute values report will show Quantity = 3, ideally it should split this into two lines



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Report lists sales per itemgroup.


  • EOD date from - Default select date from
  • EOD date to - Default select date to


Report shows sales statistics for itemgroup in selected period of time and for selected store.


  • Item group
  • Gr. name – Group name
  • Quantity
  • VAT class
  • VAT %
  • Ex. VAT – Excluding VAT
  • VAT
  • Sales w/VAT


  • Lindbak POS Reporting DW
  • Lindbak POS Message Service



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Report shows sales aggregated by article group and VAT.


  • Store - Default select a single store
  • Year - Default current year
  • EOD Date from - Default selected date automatically
  • EOD Date to - Default selected date atomatically
  • Include nonsale - Default true


Report shows sales per itemgroup. Report shows three tables: fuel, bulk products and item sales. Report has summary for each table and total summary for all stores.



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Report shows sales aggregated by article group and VAT.


  • Store - Default select a single store
  • Year - Default current year
  • EOD Date from - Default selected date automatically
  • EOD Date to - Default selected date atomatically
  • Include nonsale - Default true


Report shows sales per itemgroup. Report shows three tables: fuel, bulk products and item sales. Report has summary for each table and total summary for all stores.


  • Item group
  • Gr. name – Group name
  • Quantity
  • VAT class
  • VAT % - VAT percentage
  • Ex. VAT – Excluding VAT
  • VAT
  • Sales w/VAT – Sales with VAT


  • Lindbak POS Reporting DW



CO: 207212. Based on report 0754


Report allows to find given number of best or worst selling items on multiple levels (amount, quantity, gross profit) in two date intervals. Possible to select specific hourly interval.


  • Date from - Default today
  • Date to - Default today
  • Compare date from - Default the same day of week as Date from year before
  • Compare date to- Default the same day of week as Date to but year before
  • Hour from - Default 0:00
  • Hour to - Default 24:00
  • Team - Default all
  • Store - Default all
  • Department - Default all
  • Article area - Default all
  • Article group - Default all
  • Number of items - Number of best or worst items to display - default 10
  • Sort type - worst or best - report will display given number of worst or best selling items - default best
  • Sort measure - amount/quantity/net cost/gross profit/gross profit % - set the measure on which the items are sorted. - default amount
  • Vendor - default all
  • Subvendor- default all
  • Include VAT - Default on
  • Exclude groups - Default false
  • Excluded groups - Appears when Exclude groups is switched to true


Sale statistics for selected number of best or worst items per store sorted by selected sort measure devided in two selected date intervals in selected hour range.


  • Store
  • Dept. - Department
  • Area
  • Grp. - Item group
  • EAN
  • Item name
  • Quantity
  • Turnover ex. VAT
  • Gross profit
  • Gross profit %
  • Num of receipts


  • Selected sort measure


  • Hour selection applies to each day in selected date period
  • Negative values are colored red
  • Article group list is narrowed by selecting departments and article areas. By preventing problems with Excluded groups parameter, report will set all article groups in ExludedGroups (parameter is hidden and switched off until set true by user) if default groups in pExcludedGroupsList are not contain in previously selected department or article area. If user change department or article area and want set true on Exclude groups which not containg default groups to exclude, user have to manually choose new article groups to exclude, instead of all selected.

Hidden parameters:

  • pExcludedGroupsList – Report contain hidden parameter with selected article groups to be exluded by default. This parameter and pExcludedGroups will not work until parameter pExludeGroups will be set as True by user.


Lindbak POS Reporting cube (OLAP)
  • all selected.

Hidden parameters:

  • pExcludedGroupsList – Report contain hidden parameter with selected article groups to be exluded by default. This parameter and pExcludedGroups will not work until parameter pExludeGroups will be set as True by user.


  • Lindbak POS Reporting cube (OLAP)
  • Lindbak POS Reporting DW



CO: 208778. Based on report 0650 

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Report shows credit sales and payments on account to get a better overview over drive-offs.


  • Date from - Default today
  • Date to - Default today
  • Team - Default all
  • Retail store - Default all available in selected team


One row per transaction grouped by store and customer. Page break and total for each store.


  • Date - date of the transaction,
  • Receipt - receipt number of the transaction,
  • - reference number of the credit tender transaction,
  • Ref.text - reference text of the credit tender transaction,
  • Amount - amount inc. VAT of the credit tender transaction,
  • Tax amount - VAT amount from articles,
  • On account - payments when using payment on account function in POS.


  • Store number
  • Customer key
  • Transaction date


Transaction can be either Credit sale or Payment on account. If transaction is Payment on account there is no data available for columns: and Ref.text


  • Lindbak POS Reporting DW



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Reports lists mix coupons for selected stores in selected period of time

CO: 208778. Based on report 0650 

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Report shows credit sales and payments on account to get a better overview over drive-offs



  • Date from - Default today
  • Date to - Default today
  • Profile - Default all
  • Team - Default all
Retail store
  • Store - Default all
  • Mix - Default all
available in selected team


One row per transaction grouped by store and customer. Page break and total for each store.


  • Date - date of the transaction,
  • Receipt - receipt number of the transaction,
  • - reference number of the credit tender transaction,
  • Ref.text - reference text of the credit tender transaction,
  • Amount - amount inc. VAT of the credit tender transaction,
  • Tax amount - VAT amount from articles,
  • On account - payments when using payment on account function in POS.


  • Store number
  • Customer key
  • Transaction date


Transaction can be either Credit sale or Payment on account. If transaction is Payment on account there is no data available for columns: and Ref.text

Report shows extended mixmatch sales statistics. For one page per store there is a list grouped by mix. Report has a total summaty at the end of table.


  • Mix - Mix number and mix name
  • EAN
  • Item name
  • Department
  • Item area
  • Item group
  • % of total sales - Percentage of total turnover excluding VAT
  • Items sold - Number of items sold in mix
  • % items sold - Percetnage of item sold in mix
  • Discount ex. VAT - Mix discounts excluding VAT
  • Receipts with mix
  • Share mix receipts - Share of mix receipts
  • Amount in mix receipts ex. VAT - Amount in mix receipts excluding VAT
  • Avg. sales customer - Average sales customer
  • Gr. prof. % mix - Gross profit percentage mix
  • Gr. prof. % total - Gross profit percentage total
  • Gross profit


Report has a star explanation for a few columns. It means that summary values for particular mix are calculated including all transactions in store. As an example '% Items sold' is calculating by taking quantity and dividing it by whole store quantity. For whole mix it will be store quantity of all items in store. For particular article in that mix '% Items sold', quantity of that product in mix will be divided by all articles in that mix. Summary for mix (grey grouped row) takes whole statistics about store, even if it is not mix.


  • Lindbak POS Reporting DWCube (OLAP)



CO-271850 based on 0603_SalesPerHour

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Report lists sales per hour with counting customer inside and outside. It also compares inside / outside data with selected period.


  • Periode – default month
  • Year – Default current year
  • Month – Default current month
  • Week – Default current week
  • Date from – Default today
  • Date to – Default today
  • Compare date from - Default yesterday.
  • Compare date to - Default yesterday.
  • Profile – Default all
  • Team – Default all
  • Store – Default all
  • Exclude groups – Default false
  • Excluded groups – Default list of excluded groups


  • pExcludedGroupsList - Parameter to create list of itemgroups to use in excluded groups selection (<name>;<itemgroupnumber>,<name>;<itemgroupnumber>). Default = Bilvask;93
  • pPriceChannelIn - Parameter to define pricechannel for inside customers. Default = [Price Channel].[Price Channel Key].&[Cashier]
  • pPriceChannelOut - Parameter to define pricechannel for outside customers. Default = [Price Channel].[Price Channel Key].&[ShopAndGoCheckTerminal]
  • pHourFrom and pHourTo - Parameters to define which hours should be shown in report. Default 0 - 23.


  • Report has a summary at the end of table on each column.
  • Summary totals in the beginning  of new hierarchy level for store.


  • Hour – Hour of a day
  • Sales – Sales amount
  • Net cost
  • VAT – VAT amount
  • Gr. prof. % - Gross profit percentage
  • Share
  • Items – Sales quantity
  • Quantity - Customer inside/Customer outside quantity for period and comparison period
  • Sale per customer - Customer inside/Customer outside sale per customer for period and comparison period
  • Sales/item – Sales amount divided by item quantity Items per customer
  • Items per customer
  • Sales – Campaign sales amount
  • Items – Campaign item quantity
  • Customers – Campaign customer count


  • Lindbak POS Reporting DW

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Reports lists mix coupons for selected stores in selected period of time.


  • Date from - Default today
  • Date to - Default today
  • Profile - Default all
  • Team - Default all
  • Store - Default all
  • Mix - Default all


Report shows extended mixmatch sales statistics. For one page per store there is a list grouped by mix. Report has a total summaty at the end of table.


  • Mix - Mix number and mix name
  • EAN
  • Item name
  • Department
  • Item area
  • Item group
  • % of total sales - Percentage of total turnover excluding VAT
  • Items sold - Number of items sold in mix
  • % items sold - Percetnage of item sold in mix
  • Discount ex. VAT - Mix discounts excluding VAT
  • Receipts with mix
  • Share mix receipts - Share of mix receipts
  • Amount in mix receipts ex. VAT - Amount in mix receipts excluding VAT
  • Avg. sales customer - Average sales customer
  • Gr. prof. % mix - Gross profit percentage mix
  • Gr. prof. % total - Gross profit percentage total
  • Gross profit


Report has a star explanation for a few columns. It means that summary values for particular mix are calculated including all transactions in store. As an example '% Items sold' is calculating by taking quantity and dividing it by whole store quantity. For whole mix it will be store quantity of all items in store. For particular article in that mix '% Items sold', quantity of that product in mix will be divided by all articles in that mix. Summary for mix (grey grouped row) takes whole statistics about store, even if it is not mix.

  • Lindbak POS Reporting Cube (OLAP)
