Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Coming next releaserelease 

Price lock

Price lock processor job (RTC-41916)

There is new PriceLockProcessor job that adds or removes items from offer groups, based on setup in price lock register. Job triggers after manual price lock is created/edited/deleted and when valid dates of promotion are changed. Additionally job triggers every night (default 3 AM UTC) to automatically add/remove.


Release 10.09.2024

Offer group items

Price with status deleted (RTC-42891)

OfferGroupProcessor job does not match deleted ordinary price when price lookup for offer group item. If item in planned promotion was added with planned price, but then price was deleted, after reprocessing of offer group, item will have new price valid in correct date, or is deleted from an offer if no active price was found.

Promotion API

Swagger documentation improvements (RTC-42769)

'Promotion Service Gateway API' section of Swagger has description of rules regarding promotions, offers, offer mix type, offer items and API limitations. Within each PUT request, there are multiple examples of request body, that cover different use cases of API. Each example is described by its custom name. Additionally there is example of responses for item upsert request, that contain error texts.


Item group number (RTC-38886)

Table with items has ItemGroupId instead of itemGroup-related fields. Item groups with duplicated item group numbers are removed. Item group number cannot be null. If ItemGroup is not found in the import of items, it is created.

Performance of promotion export (RTC-42899)

Improved performance of exporting promotion.


Release 03.09.2024

Register and new field for offer


There is 'Offer type' register included in 'Promotion registers' tab. Offer type is described by code, name, description and can be added, edited or deactivated. The first two fields are required. Code must be unique.

Offer type is visible in the offer details and offer tile. 

There are new columns in 'Show offers in a grid' and 'Promotion offers' views: 'Offer type code' and 'Offer type name'.

Export of offers is extended with offer type. Editing name of the offer type is not triggering export of offers that are using this offer types.

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Offer type register

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Add offer type

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Offer type in the offer details view

Items with price lock grid and manual price lock


It is possible to block the addition of an item to a promotion at the level of selected (or all) stores, teams or profiles. If price lock overlap present date or start date of promotion adding it to the offer is blocked. Price lock is supported only in offers where item lists on item level are used and only in promotion price offers. The lock time is determined by the ‘Locked from’ and ‘Locked to’ dates. 'Locked to' date must be after or the same as locked from date. In addition, past dates cannot be entered in the modal when a user creates new price lock, but they can be in the past once a user decides to edit them.

When a user tries to add a locked item to a promotion, an information is displayed about how many items have not been added due to the price lock. If the price lock period no longer applies, it is necessary to manually re-add items to the promotion by editing the item list, importing items by Excel file or importing items by third party. To be able to add, edit or delete price locks, a user needs 'manage price locks' permission which depends on 'view promotion' permission. If a user does not have permission to manage price locks but has access to the store/team/profile, locked items are visible in the grid but only in read mode. Offer group item that has not been added to the offer because of the price lock is exported to 3rd party with the status deleted.

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Offer deleted on status planned (RTC-42666)

Export of promotions and offer items contain data from offers deleted not only on status 'Active' but also 'Planned'. In database, there is 'IsDeletedWhileApproved' flag instead 'IsDeletedWhileActive'.

Offer item price

VAT rate decimals (RTC-43453)

When item price has decimal value as a VAT rate, it is saved with no rounding on offer group item row. As a result, Margin (GP) and Promotion price WO/VAT are correct in price panel.
For existing offer group items with incorrect VAT rate, it is needed to re-add item selection to the offer (to trigger update of ordinary price used in offer group item row).

Promotion API

Fix: error message when promotion does not exist (RTC-42986)

404 status code and proper error message is returned when referencing not existing promotion in upsert promotion offer request or referencing not existing promotion or offer in upsert offer items request.


Release 20.08.2024 

Offer items

Fix: promotion price can be set to 0 (RTC-41237)

Promotion price of offer item can be set to 0. When one of items has price set to 0, offer items grid is loaded properly. It is possible to export such offer item to Excel file.

Offline item lists

Changing the item list in the Promotion module when there is no connection to the Item Service (RTC-41204)

If the user want to edit item list through user interface but there is no connection with Item Service, the user receives a message in the red bar. The item list does not change in the promotion offer in order not to lose information about previously added items but there is an information that the selection contains 0 items/variants/models. The display will change if the selection has changed but the items do not change, e.g. the items will be displayed as models. In this case, the columns in the grid will change

If the user wants to edit the item list via an Excel file while the Item Service is not working, the result is as follows: The notification 'Items in offer could not be synced with Item Service' top right corner and message 'Manage item list is not available until offer items are synced. You will be notified once the items are synced.' at the top of the grid are visible. 'Edit item list' button is not available. Imports from 3rd parties work very similarly. The only difference is the lack of notification.

Only offer groups with processed and synced items can be copied.

It's possible to import Excel if model number is not specified but there is external model number in the file.

OfferGroupProcessor job is triggered by default every 5 minutes.

Promotion API

Put request for adding items to the offer (RTC-41208)

PUT request /promotions/[EgPromotionIdentifier]/offers/[EgOfferIdentifier]/items in Promotion Service is supported.
Request body must be as documented in Swagger. For more information and rules regarding API, please refer to description and endpoint schema in 'Promotion Service Gateway API' part of Swagger, as well as 'File-import documentation' (all the business rules of import apply to API).
Items can be imported to offers with mix type supported in 'PUT Offer' request. Maximum 500 items can be sent. Each request with items to offer group result in removing items which were in offer previously. Items and prices lookup is done only in Promotion database. Logic of all lookups is as in OfferGroupProcessor job (it means this work the same as imports and user interface actions). Items are added to offer as 'offline item list' and data is exported to POS. Then, during next scheduled OfferGroupProcessor job run (default 5 minutes cron), such new item list is synced to item service, and previous one is deleted. Offer group items cannot be updated in user interface until item list in item service is synced.
Errors regarding promotion, offer, item, price lookup and contract schema are returned as a part of request response. It also contains upsert status, count of items without price and count of not found items.


Fix: duplicates of ExternalModelNo (RTC-42961)

Import of items from Item Service saves item on model level with empty ExternalModelNo if received value is already used by other model in Promotion database. Additionally, release of RTC-41204 does not fail when there are ExternalModelNo duplicates in database (suffix is added to duplicate).


Release 05.08.2024


Manage offer in grid view (RTC-41924)

In promotion details, in grid with offers, there are three dots and eye icons for each offer row.
With three dots menu, it is possible to manage offer like in cards view (edit offer, manage items, import items, copy offer, remove).
With eye icon, modal with offer details is opened (same information as in card view). From modal it is also possible to make any of listed actions. Options available in these menus are affected by same rules and permissions as in the card view.
By clicking on link in 'Offer id' column in the grid, 'Edit offer' page is opened.

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Validation of incomplete mix 31 offer (RTC-42015

When promotion is created containing price rule with mix 31 that has values editable in offer, 'incomplete' flag is set properly until user fills in the missing values. It is not possible to submit and approve promotion with incomplete mix 31 offer.

Offer items

Ordinary price column (RTC-41555)

Ordinary price column is visible in manage items grid in the offer on item/variant/model levels.

Promotion API

Put request for creating/updating offer (RTC-41207)

PUT request /promotions/[EgPromotionIdentifier]/offers in Promotion Service is supported.
Request body must contain JSON entity as documented in schema in Swagger.
For more information and rules regarding API, please refer to description and endpoint schema in 'Promotion Service Gateway API' part of Swagger, as well as 'File-import documentation' (all the business rules of import apply to API).
Mix types supported in this request are:
BuyNSelectedItemsAndGetDiscountOnTheYCheapestItems = 23
BuyNSelectedItemsForXAmount = 21
BuyOneItemFromSelectionAAndGetDiscountOnItemB = 4
DiscountOnWeightItem = 5
DiscountOnSelectedItems = 28
SubtotalDiscount = 26
PromotionDiscount = 101

Fields validation errors are returned as a message with status code 422. Code 400 with description is returned on rule violation. Correctly upserted offer is returned with code 201 (created) or 200 (updated), and response contains all the schema values of offer.

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Release 17.07.2024


Fix: order of fields in export of promotion to blob (RTC-42404)

In Promotion.Promotion.Export offers, 'mixType' is first field in 'mixDetails' entity (to ensure backwards compatibility with old package versions).


Mix 101: Use item group list (RTC-39529)

Item group list can be added to the Mix 101 (Promotion discount) offer. It's possible to create promotion with this mix from item group list view. Percentage discount can be modified for each item group in side panel which contains percentage discount. Default percentage discount is added to all item groups when adding them to the offer. If value is not specified, is equal to 0 % by default.

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Promotion API

Put request for creating/updating promotion (RTC-41206)

PUT request /promotions in Promotion Service is supported.
Request body must contain JSON entity as documented in schema in Swagger.
Fields validation errors are returned as a message with status code 422. Code 400 with description is returned on rule violation. Correctly upserted promotion is returned with code 201 (created) or 200 (updated), and response contains all the schema values of promotion. Promotion is always created as approved. Promotion is not exported until there is at least one offer in it.

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Fix: ignore wrapping spaces in import of items and item groups from Item Service (RTC-42246)

When there are wrapping spaces in a text type of field in ItemChanges (item) or GroupHierarchy (item group) file from Item Service, there is no validation message during import and data is saved in Promotion database without wrapping spaces.


Release 02.07.2024


Deleted offers (RTC-39591)

Offers deleted before approving promotion are not exported. The same for offer items from such offers.


Promotion and offer item, logs (RTC-39974)

No exception is thrown when importing not existing promotion with status 'deleted'. Such promotion is skipped in import. Log about failed offer item import contains information about external offer number, offer item identifier and flat batch JSON id.


Show offers as grid (RTC-40576)

The user can display offers as a list (by clicking 'Show offers in a grid') or as cards ('Show offers as cards'). The first view is a grid with the following columns: offer id, offer name, price rule, active, incomplete, coupon offer, external offer id, coupon offer id, member offer and bundle offer. Incomplete offer means that mix details are not defined correctly or offer doesn't have items. In the second view, in which user can view offers as cards, 'Active offers' filter is renamed to 'Active and complete offers'. When trying to submit or confirm promotion with incomplete offer, validation message contains identifiers of incomplete offers. When the user enters the details of the promotion, sees the offers as cards by default. Then, offer view type (grid or cards) selection is remembered in browser - after entering any promotion, page in lastly used offer view type is displayed.

Number of times the offer can be used in coupon offer (RTC-39868)

'Number of times the offer can be used' value is editable in offer or displayed as defined in price rule regardless of whether offer has coupon added or not. Removed 'Once per unique coupon' text that was previously displayed as value when offer had added coupon.

Promotion API

Get requests for promotions and offers (RTC-41205)

GET requests in Promotion Service are supported:

  • get promotion by external promotion identifier
  • get promotion by internal promotion identifier
  • get promotion offer by external offer identifier
  • get promotion offer by internal offer identifier

Authorization token is required. If promotion or offer is not found, 404 (not found) status code is returned. If no identifier is specified, 400 (bad request) status code is returned. When fetched offer belongs to another promotion than specified by promotion id, 400 (bad request) status code is returned. Incomplete offers (with missing mix details fields) are returned with default values.


Promotion API documentation in Swagger (RTC-41203)

Contracts for Promotion API endpoints are documented in Swagger:

  • Put upsert promotion,
  • Get promotion by external promotion identifier,
  • Get promotion by internal promotion identifier,
  • Put upsert offer to the specified promotion,
  • Get promotion offer by external offer identifier,
  • Get promotion offer by internal offer identifier,
  • Put upsert items to the offer.

OfferGroupProcessor job replaces ItemSelectionItemImport job (RTC-37763)

Items are added to the offer group by OfferGroupProcessor job. Compared to ItemSelectionItemImport, item and prices lookup is done in Promotion database instead of requests to Item Service API.

When item, model or variant that is part of selection is not found in Promotion database, then job completes with warning. Processing is retried 3 times (each 10 minutes by default).
Import of items to single item offer groups (mix type 4 and 5) supports GTIN and ExternalItemNo.
When creating offers on model or variant level, the selected item from the model/variant must have an ordinary price.

Performance of promotion approval (RTC-39966)

Improved performance of approving promotion, editing approved promotion, update of promotion through 3rd party import.

Voyado offer

Fix: offer trigger code (RTC-41748)

When creating new offer with voyado coupon, offer id is saved as offer trigger.


Release 12.06.2024


Coupons on offers (RTC-41435)

When only one offer trigger type can be selected (for offers created by third party import) or if previously selected offer trigger type cannot be changed, radio buttons are not displayed in the offer details view.
Fix: User can change coupon offer for offer imported from third party.

Promotion API

Documentation (RTC-39713)

Mix types are visible in contract schema for promotion.


Discount code (RTC-41528)

The discount code field (named offerTriggerCode in import) can have up to 30 characters.


Release 05.06.2024


External identifiers in export to blob (RTC-24502)

ExternalPromotionNo/ExternalOfferNo are exported as ExternalPromotionNo/ExternalOfferNo in export of Promotion.Promotion.Export.


Import of offers with mix 101 (RTC-39061)

Offer with mix type 'PromotionDiscount' (mix 101) can be imported from 3rd party or from Excel file. It is marked as supported in the Swagger documentation. Excel with offer items exported for mix 101 offer contains 'Promotion discount' column. When uploading Excel, promotion discount field is ignored for offers using mix other than 101. When exporting Excel for mix 100, the 'Promotion net price' column is no longer present in the file.

One item offer group validation rule (RTC-39736)

Removed SKU validation for importing items to offers with single item (no error message when import contains only GTIN or ExternalItemNo). Note that such item will still not be added to the offer (for now SKU must be defined when importing item to one item offer group in mixes 4 and 5).

Promotion import and export

Coupons on offers (RTC-38665)

ExternalCouponId is obsolete in import. If provided, works as before but OfferTriggerType and OfferTriggerCode must be null then. ExternalCouponId has value of OfferTriggerCode in export.

Possible values for OfferTriggerType:

  • 'DiscountCode' ('General coupon' in UI),
  • 'Coupon' ('3rd party integration coupon' in UI),
  • 'Standard' (no 'Coupon offer' in UI).

'Coupon' is not supported in import. 'OfferTriggerCode' must be specified when OfferTriggerType is 'DiscountCode' and must be null if OfferTriggerType is 'Standard'. If OfferTriggerType and OfferTriggerCode are not specified, we have 'Standard' offer without coupon.


Release 22.04.2024


Import of offers with mix 26 (RTC-39131)

Offer with mix type 'SubtotalDiscount' (mix 26) can be imported from 3rd party. It is marked as supported in the Swagger documentation. Offer items cannot be imported for such offers (this mix type affects all items).

Import of offers with mix 4 (RTC-39034)

Offer with mix type 'DiscountOnWeightItem' (mix 5) can be imported from 3rd party. It is marked as supported in the Swagger documentation. Only a single item can be imported to such offer (with logic as in mix 4).


Fix: validation of mix details (RTC-40017)

It is possible to save update of offer in UI when 'Number of times the offer can be used' is 'Unlimited' or when only other field was updated. Red star mark properly appears for all fields of price rule details.


New framework for user interface (RTC-14938)

Promotion management is upgraded to framework versions Angular 16 and Kendo 12.

Coupons on offers stored in the database (RTC-39363)

Changed naming of coupon related columns on offer in the database. Added OfferTriggerType to the offer - DiscountCode when it is 'General coupon' and 'Coupon' when it is '3rd party integration coupon' (Voyado).


Release 27.03.2024


Import of offers with mix 4 (RTC-39035)

Offer with mix type 'BuyOneItemFromSelectionAAndGetDiscountOnItemB' (mix 4) can be imported from 3rd party. It is marked as supported in the Swagger documentation. When importing PromotionOfferItem for the offer, selection to which item should be added can be specified using OfferItemType field: 'Condition' and 'Reward'.
Only a single item can be imported to 'Reward' offer group of offer using mix 4 - for each import to 'Reward' group, only 'newest' item (based on created date) is added to offer (new imported item removes previous one, and only item from last line is added if there are multiple in one file).

Import of offers with mix 28 (RTC-39033)

Offer with mix type 'discount on selected items' (mix 28) can be imported from 3rd party. It is marked as supported in the Swagger documentation.


Fix: Edit external offer without coupon (RTC-39449)

It is possible to save changes when editing an offer that was created from 3rd party, without the need to touch 'coupon' checkbox.

Choose type of coupon

When tenant is not configured to use Voyado integration, coupon can be added as before.
When tenant is configured to use Voyado integration, user can choose type of coupon creating new or editing existing offer. When '3rd party integration coupon' chosen, offer is created in Voyado. This type of coupon cannot be changed or removed once created. '3rd party integration coupon' cannot be added for offer that was created by import from 3rd party. User can now also choose 'General coupon'. In this option, coupon can be defined by input field, same as when not configured to use Voyado. This coupon can be removed or replaced by 3rd party one.
Coupon input field now allows text, no spaces, and maximum of 10 signs. Validation is changed in import of promotions from 3rd party as well.

Price rules

Mix 101: Promotion discount (RTC-38232)

There is a general discount on whole offer which can be defined in price rule or editable in offer. In items in promotions view it's possible to adjust promotion discount per item.


Export documentation (RTC-38276)

Swagger contains documentation regarding export of promotions, available mix types and examples of Promotion and PromotionOfferItem exports for various offers and offer items.


Import of prices (RTC-37762)

All item prices from Item Service are imported to Promotion database by new ItemPriceMerger job.

Import of item groups (RTC-38300)

All item groups are imported from Item Service to Promotion database (extended functionality of StagingMerger job).

Access control - copy offer, copy promotion (RTC-30144)

Both 'Copy promotion' and 'Copy offer' buttons are visible when user has access to manage any store or store group.

Performance of active promotions in user interface (RTC-39251)

Improved performance of approving promotion, editing and stopping active promotion in user interface (fix related to marking offer items to be exported).

Import of items (RTC-37761)

All item changes from Item Service are imported to Promotion database by new ItemMerger job. Items are saved in table that already contained items that were part of offers. When useModelItems=true, for each imported item, variant and model level rows are updated (they are used for offers on those levels). When useModelItems=false, only item rows are created.


Release 12.02.2024

Planned promotion

Description of changes, history, info about changes exported to POS (RTC-36677)

Information for planned promotions that changes will be immediately exported to POS is visible when editing promotion or offer details and when managing items. Description of changes are required. There is a note in the history section after creating promotion, adding and copying offer, updating promotion or offer details and after managing items.

Price rules

Mix 104: Buy from group 1, get discount on group 2 (RTC-35721)

Fields to define in this mix type are:

  • Reward - Discounted price

Offer with mix type 104 has two offer groups. Rules: buy from group 1, get discount on group 2. Discounted price for group 2 can be editable in offer or defined in price rule. When creating a new offer with this mix, always two groups are created with quantity 1. Mix details for offer using mix 104 are properly exported.

Promotion API

Documentation for mix 101 'Promotion discount' (RTC-37334)

Business rules, import example and schema is added for upcoming mix type 101 - Promotion discount (mixType: PromotionDiscount in Promotion import and PercentDiscount value added in PromotionOfferItem import).
Import of this is not yet supported.

Third party and Excel import

Fix: Promotion Price update (RTC-38292)

Excel and 3rd party imports support update of Promotion Price value. Change of this value result in export of updated order line to blob.


Release 18.01.2024

Filter offers overview by offer status 


There is a side panel in the promotion grid that allows to filter the grid based on the profile, store, team that user wants to see. Only promotions that are inside the selected scope are visible to the user.



Fix: Add segmentation to offer through 'Edit offer' page (RTC-34391)

Offer processing is started properly after user opens 'Edit offer' page, clicks 'Manage items' and creates new segmentation.


Fix: ItemSelectionItemImport (RTC-36697)

ItemSelectionItemImport is not stuck when processing the offer groups. This could happen before in some special cases.

Fix: Exception handling (RTC-35478)

Apart from the exception in the database and log in the Integration Platform, the execution of job is 'Completed with warnings'.


When creating or editing offer, it is possible to schedule the offer period when offer is active or inactive. This can be done using 'Schedule' section, where schedule use schedule type (active/inactive period) and date range can be selected. Date range cannot be same as promotion validity range, and 'Valid from' must be before 'Valid to'. When saving schedule, current status of offer is set to match scheduled plan. 'Valid from' is day when offer changes its status, and 'Valid to' is the last day when offer has this status.


Status is changed by 'OfferScheduler' integration job, which by default runs at 01:00 UTC. It starts schedule of offers with matching 'Valid from', and offers with 'Valid to' set to day before (offer scheduled to be active from 01.05.2023 to 08.05.2023 is activated on 01.05.2023 01:00 UTC and deactivated on 09.05.2023 01:00 UTC).
'Activate'/'Deactivate' button on offer is removed. It is no longer possible to manually deactivate or activate offer without setting a schedule.



Copying offers (RTC-31729)

It is possible to directly copy an offer into the same promotion the offer is in.

Fix: Segmentation in offer on model/variant level (RTC-28577)

Offer group items are added on item, variant or model level according to what was selected in modal when adding new segmentation to offer/ editing segmentation used in offer.
When creating new offer, there is possibility to choose selection level in new modal after selecting existing segmentation from the list.


Item name and item group name (RTC-31164)

Item names with up to 255 characters can be stored in the Promotion and Procurement databases. The same applies to item groups stored only in the Promotion database. When the item names are too long when importing OrderDespatchAdvice or PurchaseOrder via a third party, a validation error will appear.


Offers cannot be deactivated when it is incomplete. Changes are saved in promotion history. An inactive offer and its items are exported (to POS) as 'Deleted', and 'Active' when (re-)activated.



Promotion price in bundle (RTC-30324)

'Promotion price' offers marked as 'Bundle offers' are exported as 'soldInBundle' on item level.


Removing an offer or promotion when items are imported (RTC-30048)

Deleting and editing the offer in which an item import is in progress is not possible. The user sees message in the offer details that this offer cannot be edited when import of items is ongoing. Deleting promotions during item import is also not possible.


  • 'Manage items' page can be entered both from promotion view, and offer details page.
  • Changes in offer can be discarded using Cancel button.
  • 'Description of changes' is added and required when adding new offer to active promotion.
  • When Voyado API is not available when marking offer as coupon offer, coupon is not created in Promotion database as well, which makes it possible to retry Voyado request by trying to add coupon later.



Planned offers (RTC-29990)

When promotion is planned, removed items are exported with status 'deleted'.

Offer items

Supplier model/item number (RTC-29038)

Supplier model/item numbers are displayed in the offer item grid. Supplier item number column is hidden when using model items (system parameter).


Long offer name (RTC-29034)

Offer with long name is displayed properly on promotion details page.

System parameters

Model items parameter (RTC-26188)

When 'model items' dropdown list is expanded, current value is highlighted.


Offer items can be added, updated and removed by 3rd party using JSON file import via File Service. Promotion and offer are identified by external numbers. Item can be imported by SKU, GTIN or Item number (items and prices must exist in Item Service). Details of file content are documented in EG Cloud Swagger. Items are validated with same rules as in Excel import. Validation errors are logged in database. Items can be added only to 'Promotion price' offers on item level.



Fix: Scheduled update of promotion offer (RTC-24602)

During scheduled update of segmentation in Promotion Management, there is no issue in communication between Item Service and Segmentation Service.

Voyado integration

Use offer id as coupon value (RTC-24501)

When Voyado integration is enabled, and offer is marked as coupon offer, offer id is used as coupon (without 'Promotion-' prefix). This value is sent to Voyado as external promotion code (POS external offer redemption channel value) and to blob as externalCouponId.


Promotions can be created, updated and deleted by 3rd party using JSON file import via File Service. Required format of data is documented in Swagger. File content is validated before saving it (same rules as in user interface). Only 'Promotion price' offers are supported. Validation errors are saved as StagingMerger job warning or in [staging].[FlatBatchJson] table. When updating/deleting promotion/offer, external number is used. If 'Promotion type' does not exist, it is added to register.


Promotion report

Better looking report (RTC-22847)

Sections in promotion report are grey with rounded corners and columns in the 'Bestsellers' section have titles.


Item groups can be used to define an offer group. This means an offer will apply to all items within the item group. Item group list is available for all price rules with item selection, except 'Promotion price'. Price panel (kickbacks) is not available for item group. Default kickback values cannot be set if all offer groups within offer use item groups. These offer groups are not available in 'Import' modal in Promotion view. Data in report for offer on item group level is fully based on Reporting API response. Offer is exported to file (blob) with item group numbers.
Using a link above grid in 'Items in promotions' view, user can choose offers based on their selection level: Item or Item group. Overlapping modal for an item shows offers where this item or its item group was used. Modal for item group shows only offers where this item group was used.



Promotion price can equal 0 (RTC-22770)

'Promotion price' value can be set to 0 in the price panel in 'Manage items' view.

Removing offer group from the offer (RTC-23081)

There is a possibility to remove an offer group from the offer with multiple offer groups. Deleted offer group is exported to file (blob) with status 'deleted'.

Price rules

Discount on discount (RTC-23556)

It is possible to submit promotion which uses mix type without 'Discount on discount' flag.

Discount on discount (RTC-21867)

Discount on discount can be defined in the price rule or marked as editable in the offer. If a price rule is used in a promotion, 'discount on discount' field can no longer be edited in the price rule view.


There is a possibility to choose item, model or variant level when importing items to the offer. File exported from 'manage items' view can be used as a template. For model level models are recognized by "ModelNo" field and for Variant both "ColorText" and "ModelNo" fields must be present.




Default kickback values (RTC-13033)

"Kickback supplier" and "Kickback chain default" values can be defined on offer level. These values are used to calculate promotion net price for an item when it is added to the offer. Values can be defined for all mixtypes except 'All items' ones. Values are not applied when items were already added to offer and when importing offer items excel file which contains kickbacks. Values are also ignored when sum of amounts is greater than net price.

Promotion report

Bestsellers section width (RTC-22748)

Bestsellers section is two times wider, so items with long name, color and size are fully displayed.


There are two new columns in the 'Items in promotion' grid - 'Model name' and 'Selection level'.
Modal window for overlapping promotions looks different for items/models/variants. Modal for models contains modal name and model number. Modal for variants contains model name, color and model number.



Price rules

Define discount type in price rule, and discount rate in offer (RTC-19795)

Discount rate and discount type are specified separately on price rule level. It is possible to create price rule with defined discount type, but discount rate editable in offer.

Promotion report

View item sales (RTC-20115)

In each of the sections in 'Report tab', there is a 'View item sales' button. It opens grid with sales of items within promotion/offer. By default, it contains columns: GTIN, Item text, Quantity sold, Sales amount, Gross profit total and Brand. Grid is sorted by Sales amount by default. Other columns that can be added to grid are: SKU, Color, Size and Item group no/text.

  • When promotion/offer consists of less than 5000 items, all of them are displayed in grid, including never sold ones.
  • When promotion/offer has more than 5000 items, only 5000 items with highest number of sold amount are shown.
  • When offer applies to all items, only sold items are in the grid.
  • Report received from Reporting API is cached for one hour. It makes data load faster when re-opening page, but also means that new sales statistics may not be visible until hour passes.
  • Offers on model and variant level are not yet supported.

Item search for offers on model/variant level (RTC-21646)

When offer is created on model/variant level, it is possible to search for an item from this model/variant in the item search in promotion report.

Deleted offers sections (RTC-21305)

Section for the offer deleted from an active promotion is displayed on report tab, so it is possible to see sales statistics for all offers that were active in the past.


Labels for items in promotion on variant level (RTC-21265)

After creating a promotion on variant level, all items from this variant are imported with prices to the table [Promotion].[OfferGroupItem]. Also these items get labels with the promotion price. Labels are always taken from the offer where price for specific item is the smallest.


In promotion view, there is a 'Report' tab. In this tab, there is section with total sales for the promotion. Users can see number of items sold, sales amount and gross profit total. Data shown there is obtained from Reporting API. When data cannot be received, there is "Could not get sales statistics message".
View with promotion details is moved to 'Setup' tab:

'Report' tab:





Coupon offer ID (RTC-20395)

"Coupon offer ID" input field is visible only when "Coupon offer" checkbox is checked. This applies to view when creating promotion from item list, adding offer to promotion or editing offer modals.

Mix: Buy for X amount and pay Y amount per piece for N items (RTC-18593)

Mix type number 6b, 'Buy for X amount and pay Y amount per piece for N items'.
This mix extends Mix 6 from Chain Classic and replaces Mix 29.
Fields to define in this mix type are:

  • Conditions - Min. receipt amount
  • Reward - Number of discounted items, New price per discounted item.

Offer with this mix have one group of offer items. Parameters of this mix are exported with offer to POS.
When discount of an offer is New price = 0, 'Item for free (0.00)' message is displayed in offer details. This applies to mixes 4, 5, 6b, 21/22 and 40.

Mix 10/13/39 (RTC-19140)

Mix type number 10/13/39, 'Buy N or more items and get a discount per piece'.
Fields to define in this mix type are:

  • Conditions - Min. number of items
  • Reward - Discount per item (percent, amount or new price).

Offer with this mix have one group of offer items. Parameters of this mix are exported with offer to POS.


Store prices in promotion on store group level (RTC-20743)

When promotion is created on team or profile level, and item has price in store that belongs to selected store group, this price will be used in offer.


For draft, pending approval and planned promotions there is a possibility to mark offer as 'Coupon offer' and add coupon offer ID. Coupon offer ID should start with 99 and be minimum 4 digits long. When ID is present on another offer, warning appears. Coupon offer ID is exported on offer level.
Also 'Reserved for members' field has been renamed to 'Member offer'.





Incomplete offers (RTC-17458)

Removed incomplete offers are skipped when approving promotion so export job works successfully.

Export of offers (RTC-18854)

When discount type of mix type 35 is percent, discount is exported as a fraction on PromotionOfferItem level.

Price rules

Mix 35/41 (RTC-19511)

Mix type 30 is replaced by mix type 35/41.


If the processing of offer group fails, the job retries to process it again. If it fails three times the offer group's flag ItemsProcessed is set to True and the user gets a notification. This offer group is not processed anymore. 





Availability details export on item level (RTC-18687)

Promotion availability details are exported to a JSON file with each item that is part of the 'Promotion price' offer. Editing details of an approved promotion triggers re-export of all offer items.


Manage items in offer (RTC-18448)

When filters in the offer items view are set and there are no items in the grid as a result, the price panel shows no data.

Single item in the offer (RTC-18144)

When 'single item' in mix 4 and 5 is not selected there is no "clear selection" and "export to excel" buttons in toolbar.

Offer view

Audit columns (RTC-15500)

In offer view, there are audit columns 'Created by', 'Created date', 'Modified by' and 'Modified date'. Columns display information about who and when added or modified item in an offer. These columns are hidden by default.

Price rules

Mix types (RTC-18181)

At the end of description of mix types 21, 23, 26, 28 and 40 there are information about what mix types from Chain Classic that these mix type replaces.

Mix type descriptions (RTC-18186)

On 'new price rule' view, mix types descriptions wraps when there is not enough space to display text in one row. Description is displayed properly on screens of any size, including mobile devices.


Keyboard navigation in modals (RTC-18392)

Space can be used in names and description input fields in modals. If modal is opened, keyboard navigation does not affect grid behind the modal. Applies to modals:

  • 'Import items' and 'clear selection' in the offer view
  • 'Use file' in the item list view
  • 'New segment' in the item segmentation view

User permissions (RTC-14566)

Access to store/store groups is limited for an user in a more performant way.


Discounted item in the offer (mix types 4 and 5) is displayed in a grid with columns and kickback, and price panel can be used for setting kickback. Kickback for discounted item is exported. Adding item without active price in the same store provide modal window with information that this item cannot be added. Clearing selection in active promotion leads to modal with description that offer without items is not available in the POS.





Export of kickback (RTC-17454)

After updating item selection for an offer, kickback values are exported to POS properly for all items with store price.


Selection type for offer (RTC-17201)

Types of item selection that can be selected for an empty offer are described on type selection view with short title above description.

Offer view improvements (RTC-17161)

In offer view, focused button in side panel can be triggered by clicking Enter. Margin change p.p. in items grid is displayed in percentage points. Validation errors for percentage columns are displayed properly.


Promotion grid (RTC-16897)

In the promotions grid there are 'Store group code' and 'Store group name' columns. They show code and name of store, team or profile assigned to promotion. For promotions available in all stores, no value is shown.


Rounding rules are applied for the promotion price in the Promotion price panel. A button appears under the price when a rounding rule can be applied. After it is clicked, the price is overwritten with the rounding values. 




Price panel

Promotion price panel (RTC-15477)

Multiple quality of life improvements and fixes for the promotion price panel. Prices are calculated correctly and validation messages are displayed for invalid input values.