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Prerequisites are located in the menu on the left.

Integration with Swedbank Pay pay terminal solution


EG POS has added support for "Swedbank Pay" pay terminal solution from Swedbank. The solution uses pay terminal types like PAX A30 and A35. Terminal may be connected to POS via Ethernet cable or Wi-Fi(only). For the moment SwedbankPay is supported in cashier mode only, not in self-service mode.

POS Configuration

'BankAutoStartSession' (default 'False') - when activated, terminal accepts card / PIN before 'Bank' key is pressed in POS

'BankIpAdr' (default empty) - terminal's IP address

'BankIpPort' (default '0') - needs to be set to '11000' for Swedbank Pay

Comma separated list with all card types that may be reported by Swedbank. Is in use by Swedbank Pay solution, as it is already by VIM and PSDK solutions. Listed card types must be in correct order to report identical types with the same CardIssuer as done by Nets in other pay terminal solutions.     
To correspond with valid card issuers from Nets, the parameter must have content exactly as written here:

BANKAXEPT;dummy;VISA debit;MASTERCARD debit;AMEX;DINERS CLUB;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;MAESTRO;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;Gavekort Senter;Gavekort Kjede;dummy;SENTRUMSGAVEKORT;dummy;XponCard;dummy;Universal Presentkort;dummy;dummy;Resurs Bank;dummy;dummy;Nets Senterkort;Nets kjedegavekort;dummy;iGIVE Gavekort K;iGIVE Gavekort S;iGIVE Kampanje K;iGIVE Kampanje S;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;DANKORT;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;Gavekort 1;dummy;Evry Gavekort;Evry Senter;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;Kjedekort 1;dummy;dummy;Gavekort Senter 2;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;Gavekort;NG Gavekort;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;UKJENT;

'SwedbankPayPOIID' (default empty) - Each unique terminal requires it's unique value in this parameter. Value is set by Swedbank, and configuration is downloaded to terminal based on this parameter (convenient when switching e.g. a defect terminal)

'PayTerminalType' must be set to 'SwedbankPay'

'PayTerminalVerboseLogging' (default 'False') - must be activated (at all time) to get detailed logging to EG's logfile.

'UseBonusCardFromPayTerminal' (default 'False') - when activated, POS will handle any received token (to recognize payment cards)

Changes in sending notifications for Reserve and Collect Order


Changes were introduced in POS Configuration parameters controlling the templates and sending of SMS or email for reserve and collect orders:

Trigger for sending notificationParameter for EmailParameter for SMS
Order is createdETradeMailTemplateOrderAddedSmsENewCustomerOrderAddedTemplate
Picking is registered (Order ready for pickup)ETradeMailTemplateOrderReadyToCollect
(new parameter)
(new parameter)

When these parameters are configured and has entered value, an SMS or email will be sent to the customer right after the trigger for sending notification is done. When these parameters are left empty, no SMS or email will be sent.


Previously, SmsENewCustomerOrderAddedTemplate and  ETradeMailTemplateOrderAdded parameters were used for sending notifications both right after order is created and right after picking is registered. This is changed and these will only control sending notifications for order creation. Thus, for those using these parameters to send notifications right after picking is registered, the new parameters would need to be configured when upgrading to this version.


POS Master v. or higher
Lindbak Retail Database v. or higher

Improvements POS 




UseCoopayCallback=True).PaymentService Azure SignalR solution implemented (RTP-23787)

SignalR solution for Paymentservice is now moved from Paymentservice itself to Azure. This affects Coopay payments in EG POS when callback is activated (when UseCoopayCallback=True).

Improved startup related to PaymentService Azure SignalR solution (RTP-28357)

If any configuration related to Azure SignalR solution for PaymentService is incorrect, or any server(s) not reachable during startup, EG POS will start anyway. This affects e.g. Coopay mobile payment.


Trimming of scanner inputs when there are spaces at the end of barcode (RTP-24063)

In situations where an item's barcode contains one or more spaces at the end, i.e. the printed barcode does not have correct content, these spaces are now trimmed / removed. EG POS will then use the rest of the barcode content as input, making it possible to find correct item in the database


Prevent duplicate surveillance messages to "spam" the network (RTP-27110)

Surveillance request messages to be sent from self-service POS are now ignored and not sent if they are identical (of same type) to last message sent from the same POS. Response messages (when someone has either approved or rejected a request) are always sent and never ignored.

Improvement POS Server




Dispatch Orders - Fix for error in swapping item and cancelling (RTC-38280)

It is possible to swap items or cancel an order in Dispatch Order Chain Web without any server side errors.
POS Services

Unhandled error message in  logs regarding mediabank (RTP-28092)

Changes is done to avoid a large number of Mediabank errors in POS Services logfile.


POS Services version 7.87.73