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Upcoming EG Cloud module for:

  • Reason code maintenance (August Released September 2023)
  • POS Unit maintenance (planned release Q3 2023)
  • POS API price validation (planned release Q3 2023)
  • POS Master ( cloud ) data update status monitoring (planned release Q3 2023)
  • POS Configuration (Planned 2024)

Release 26.08.2024

Reason codes for log out in POS


Reason codes for logging out of POS can be configured in POS Management.

When reason codes for logging out have been configured, the cashier in POS has to supply the reason for logging out. 

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Format of store number for profile prices from Item Management to POS Master


ProfilePriceStoreNumberMask has been added to system parameters. This is used to configure the format of the store number to be used when importing profile prices.


Release 11.06.2024

System parameters for POS Master database and POS Import


System parameters that affect behavior of data transfer via POS Import to the POS Master database can be maintained in the POS Management module.

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When a parameter value is changed, the changes are exported to a blob and imported to staging.FlatJSON table in POS Master. Then they are processed into the configurationkeyvalue.


Release 25.04.2024

Fixed missing column data and difference between main view and subview


A problem caused by time zone has been fixed so the main view and the sub view for a specific import table show the same and the correct lines.


Release 05.03.2024

System parameters


The system parameters view in POS Management can be used to configure POS Server applications. (Previously, this configuration was set in the legacy POS Manager application.)

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Monitoring of POS Master data import


Import of data in cloud POS Master database can be monitored in POS Management.

The main view shows the number of rows per status in each staging table:

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The number in the failed column can be clicked to open a sub-view that shows the reason why the import of the rows failed.
Example from cashier import:

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Improvement of search in drop-down fields


When user has access to one store, there is no Store field in POS Units and Price Validation. This one store is set automatically.

POS Units:
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POS API price validation:
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When user has access to more


than one store, there is Store field available with store list possible to choose.

POS Units:
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POS API price validation:
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Automatic export of default pos units for new stores


Existing default POS Units are exported automatically when a new store is created and imported from Store Service.

Angular 16 in POS Management


Angular has been updated to version 16 in POS Management.

Reason codes for transaction/subtotal discount


Reason codes for transaction/subtotal discount can be configured in POS Management.


EG POS version or later is required to use these.

Fix for missing data in some columns


Missing data in some columns in the monitoring of POS Master data import has been fixed. All columns are filled with data except when the column in the staging table has the value NULL.


Release 17.11.2023

POS API Price Validation


The POS API Price Validation tool can use used to verify that future campaigns has been transferred correctly and updated in the POS API database.

To calculate prices, the user needs to specify:

  • list of items
  • date/time for calculation
  • store
  • and optionally a member or customer 

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The result of the price calculation will be shown after clicking "Calculate", and it is also possible to download the cart content to view the data in detail.

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Maintenance of POS Units


Adding new and editing existing POS units can be done in the POS Management module. 

There are 2 types of POS Units that can be added:

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Default POS Units are virtual POS'es used by the POS API. These are common for all stores.

POS Units are physical cash registers deployed in stores. These are created per store.

To add a new pos unit in a store, specify the store, pos unit number, etc.:

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Existing POS units can be seen in the table and they can be deactivated if they are permanently of temporarily out of use.


Import of POS units in Chain Web from POS Management is not yet implemented. POS units must therefore be created both in Chain Web and in POS Management. The export job for POS units in Chain web should be disabled when using POS Management to maintain pos units.


Released 08.09.2023

Maintenance of reason codes


Reason code configuration, including optional support for multiple languages can be performed in POS Management.

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User roles "View Reason Codes" and "Manage Reason Codes" control which users have permission to see and edit these reason codes.

In a multi country setup, texts for all defined languages will be exported from POS Management and imported in POS. 

POS will use the language for the country configured on the the store's profile in Store Management.

Example: If store X belongs to profile Y, and profile Y is set to country "Norway", then the cash registers in this store X will show reason codes in Norwegian.

(info) When migrating from reason codes in Chain Web, existing reason codes defined in Chain Web should be deactivated. Codes with matching numbers should be created in POS Management.

Roles and permissions


User roles can be defined with permissions for viewing/editing POS Units and Default POS Units.

(info) Maintenance of POS Units is not yet fully released

Default POS Units 


Default POS units can be viewed, added, edited and activated/deactivated. Adding and editing new default POS Unit is restricted by validation: number must be between 900 and 999, and has to be unique; also host name must be unique across all stores. All data regarding default POS Units is stored in the EG POSModule database (in the Chain.PosUnit table).

Default POS units is automatically created per store.

POS Units



(info) Maintenance of POS Units is not yet fully released