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Coming next release


Entra ID permissions (RTC-26349)

ChainWebShell will now require new (much narrower) permissions from our customers, which improves security both for us and our customers. 

Depending on the configuration of our customer's Microsoft Entra ID, admins may need to provide consent for these new permissions.


Release 08.08.2024

Area Description

Receipt journal module (RTC-42619)

Fake receipt journal module has been renamed to ReceiptManagement. The name in the menu has not been changed. 
A user with permission from the Receipt Journal group can enter the module correctly.


Release 29.07.2024

Area Description
Invite job

Fix: Activate user deactivated by Invite job (RTC-42719)

When user is removed from invited group in AAD, he is deactivated in User Management. When he is added again to one of invited groups, he is activated, with both (if specified) added roles and existing before deactivation. 

For now, if user had some roles assigned, for instance via auto-provisioning, then even when he is deactivated by being removed from invited group, he keeps these roles. Then when added to different group and being activated, these roles are still assigned. This mechanism is planned to be changed during development of assigning roles to store groups in invite job.


Release 04.07.2024

Area Description
Invite job

Fix: Users added manually lost access (RTC-42162)

Users, who were added to tenant manually, through tenant AAD, imported etc. not invited trough Invite job, can sign in to tenant and have the same access as before changes in job.


Release 02.07.2024

Area Description
Invite job

Allow users to change username on source AAD (RTC-39861)

Users, who are invited to tenant AAD, can change their user name (UPN) on source AAD and login to Cloud modules.

Behaviour of invite job is the same as before - users who are added to configured groups on source AAD are updated in tenant AAD or when removed - disabled on tenant. In configuration of job, there can be added groups with auto-provisioning and then users will be invited and added configured permissions. Casing of name of the group in AAD and in configuration must be the same, otherwise job will finish with warnings and users added to that group will not be invited.

Performance of job executions is good.

Import of stores

Fix: Staging merger aborted when duplicated key on ExternalStoreNo on Store (RTC-41220)

ExternalStoreNo is not unique in the identity database, so it does not cause problems during import.

User roles

Fix: Not possible to "Expand all" in user management (RTC-34799)

'Expand all' button expands the whole tree of user roles.

User role export

Fix for: Blob export when assigning permissions to a role (RTC-23813)

When permissions assigned to the role change, only users assigned to this role are exported, not all the users.


Release 24.04.2024

Update of name for invited users


When inviting users from external Azure Active Directory (AAD), first name, last name and display name are copied from user from external AAD. When there are made any changes to these values in external AAD, they are updated on invited user (in AAD). 


Area Description

Fix: "Cannot read properties" errors (RTC-37432)

When user opens 'roles' tab from user details view, no error is shown in console. Similarly, when creating new user, by searching for him in AAD and there are no results, there is also no error.


Release 22.03.2024

Area Description
Manage cashiers in Cloud 

Language on cashier, Training & Prevent cashier login in POS flags (RTC-37415)

The cashier language field has been added to the cashier data column. The list of languages supported by POS and selectable are: DK, DE, GB, EE, FI, NO, SE and default.

Two new flags "Training mode" and "Cashier login prevented" have also been added, which are visible in the user interface under the Card Id field when active.

The language field and both flags are exported in the Cashier section.


Pass login_hint to MS Entra (AAD) authentication (RTC-38736)

When request for authentication contains login_hint (which is a username), page to enter username/pick user is skipped and user is taken directly to the page where he can enter password. After entering password, user is logged in with correct permissions. 


Release 26.02.2024

Area Description
Store permissions

Receipt journal permission (RTC-37452)

New permission group 'Receipt journal' was added to store role. It contains 'View receipt journal' permission. It is possible to create and update store role with this permission. After adding/removing permission, users on who this action was performed, are exported to JSON in UserManagement.User.Export. Users with roles using this permission can be imported. 


Options are visible in dropdown when clicking edit cashier button. Information on deactivated cashier is
shown above Cashier number.



Handling of restart (RTC-31468)

The performance of the app (Shell) when restarting multiple modules and sending requests to register and get methods at the same time is improved, requests response takes less time.
