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Fix for mixes 34, 35/41, 40 (RTC-21499)

Export of offer items does not fail after the first offer group is removed from an offer. This applies to mixes in which we can add and remove offer groups: 34, 35/41, 40.

Release 30.03.2022




Combine items from groups and get the cheapest item for free (RTC-20122)

Mix type number 34, 'Combine from groups and get the cheapest item for free'.

Fields to define in this mix type are:

  • Conditions - Number of times the offer can be used (a number of unlimited)

Offer with this mix can have up to 3 groups of offer items. Parameters of this mix are exported with offer to POS.

Offer items on model level (RTC-19251)

Items can be added to the offer using item list on item level or on model level. After selecting items/models and clicking 'add to the offer' button, there is a modal window which asks on what level user wants to add these items. The default selected value is the same as the level user used for browsing items.

After adding items or models to the offer, in the 'Manage items' view, there is a message above the table about what level in item list is used. Columns in this view match selected level.
Items are exported to POS with 'gtin', 'externalItemNo', 'sku' fields in the 'itemIdentifier' section and models are exported with 'modelNo' field in 'modelIdentifier' section.

Offer items on variant level (RTC-20131)

Items can be added to offer on variant level. When editing offer item list, in modal after selecting items/variants/models, there is an option to add items on variant level. Variants with at least one item from it selected, will be added to the offer group. When viewing offer group created on variant level, grid shows values that define variant. Each row is one variant. Variants added to an offer are exported to file (blob) with same fields as model, extended with color value.

Promotion report

Item search (RTC-20097)

In the 'Sales per item' section of promotion report, we can search for an item to see its sales. If there are any bestsellers, sales of the top item are displayed. By clicking on items on bestsellers list we can show sales of this item. We can unselect item using 'x' next to its name. When  an item is not selected, there is a search field, where we can find items that are included in the offer. Search results are displayed in modal. After selecting an item, its sales are shown. When offer applies to all items, we can see sales for any item existing in Item Management.


Labels for items in promotion on model level (RTC-20363)

After creating a promotion on model level, all items from this model are imported with prices to the table [Promotion].[OfferGroupItem].

Also these items get labels with the promotion price. Labels are always taken from the offer where price for specific item is the smallest.

Release 22.03.2022 




Coupon offer ID validation (RTC-21444)

Coupon offer ID must be positive integer. It cannot be longer than 50 digits. The requirement of at least 4 digits and '99' prefix is removed.

Promotion report

Values rounding (RTC-21402)

Values displayed in promotion report are rounded to integer.

Release 16.03.2022




'Condition' and 'Reward' headers (RTC-20960)

For all mixes, sections with 'Condition' and 'Reward' values of an offer have correct header. This affects 'Promotion' view, 'Edit offer' modal and 'Copy promotion' view.


Offer name in description in Promotion history (RTC-17304)

If user updates offer details or item selection in an active promotion, description of changes is automatically saved in the promotion's history and contains offer name.

Promotion report

Bestseller (RTC-20061)

In 'Promotion total' part of promotion report, there is a 'Bestsellers' section. It contains a list of 10 best selling items for the promotion. Each item is represented by its name and sales quantity. Each item in list can be selected. By default, the first item in the list is selected.
To the right of 'Bestsellers', there is a 'Sales per item' section. It shows sales quantity, amount and gross profit of the item selected in the bestsellers list.

When an item cannot be found in the Promotion database, its GTIN is displayed instead of the name.

Offer sections (RTC-20111)

Below 'Promotion total' section, there are sections for each offer that is in this promotion. By default, all those sections are closed. Closed sections show the number of items sold. After opening it, there are sales statistics same as in promotion total, but only for items within this offer.

Release 07.03.2022




Fix for offers with Mix 35/41 (RTC-20857)

'Discount on discount' field is exported to blob.

Price rules

Mix for discount in % on all items (RTC-18839)

Mix type number 11, 'Discount in % on all items'.
Fields to define in this mix type are:

  • Reward - Discount on all items (percent).

Offer with this mix applies to all items, so there is no possibility to select offer items. Parameters of this mix are exported with offer to POS.

Mix: Buy N items (from all items in the store) and get a discount (RTC-19537)
Mix type number 31, 'Buy N items (from all items in the store) and get a discount'.
Fields to define in this mix type are:

  • Conditions - minimum number of items and discount on discount
  • Reward - Discount on items in the receipt (percent or amount).

Offer with this mix applies to all items, so there is no possibility to select offer items. Parameters of this mix are exported with offer to POS.

Release 01.03.2022

Promotion dashboard: Sales for promotion total


In promotion view, there is a 'Report' tab. In this tab, there is section with total sales for the promotion. Users can see number of items sold, sales amount and gross profit total. Data shown there is obtained from Reporting API. When data cannot be received, there is "Could not get sales statistics message".
View with promotion details is moved to 'Setup' tab:

'Report' tab:





Coupon offer ID (RTC-20395)

"Coupon offer ID" input field is visible only when "Coupon offer" checkbox is checked. This applies to view when creating promotion from item list, adding offer to promotion or editing offer modals.

Mix: Buy for X amount and pay Y amount per piece for N items (RTC-18593)

Mix type number 6b, 'Buy for X amount and pay Y amount per piece for N items'.
This mix extends Mix 6 from Chain Classic and replaces Mix 29.
Fields to define in this mix type are:

  • Conditions - Min. receipt amount
  • Reward - Number of discounted items, New price per discounted item.

Offer with this mix have one group of offer items. Parameters of this mix are exported with offer to POS.
When discount of an offer is New price = 0, 'Item for free (0.00)' message is displayed in offer details. This applies to mixes 4, 5, 6b, 21/22 and 40.

Mix 10/13/39 (RTC-19140)

Mix type number 10/13/39, 'Buy N or more items and get a discount per piece'.
Fields to define in this mix type are:

  • Conditions - Min. number of items
  • Reward - Discount per item (percent, amount or new price).

Offer with this mix have one group of offer items. Parameters of this mix are exported with offer to POS.


Store prices in promotion on store group level (RTC-20743)

When promotion is created on team or profile level, and item has price in store that belongs to selected store group, this price will be used in offer.

Release 16.02.2022 




'Member' and 'coupon' offer (RTC-20123)

User can edit 'Member offer' and 'Coupon offer' fields for every promotion's status except 'finished'.

Promotion details

'Valid from' value (RTC-19635)

When we select 'Valid from' time in past when creating or editing promotion, time will be automatically be set to 'now'. In promotions with status 'Planned', it makes promotion active immediately. 'Valid from' date can never be in the past.

Release 01.02.2022

Select target offer group when importing items to offer


When importing items to offers with Mix 35/41 or Mix 40, in "Import items" modal we can choose offer group to which imported items will be added. When offer group is during process of loading items or recalculating segmentation, it won't appear in modal. There is no selection in modal if offer consists of only one offer group.
Error message, which appear when file content is not correct, is extended with sentence "See user documentation for more details.".

Coupon offers


For draft, pending approval and planned promotions there is a possibility to mark offer as 'Coupon offer' and add coupon offer ID. Coupon offer ID should start with 99 and be minimum 4 digits long. When ID is present on another offer, warning appears. Coupon offer ID is exported on offer level.
Also 'Reserved for members' field has been renamed to 'Member offer'.





Incomplete offers (RTC-17458)

Removed incomplete offers are skipped when approving promotion so export job works successfully.

Export of offers (RTC-18854)

When discount type of mix type 35 is percent, discount is exported as a fraction on PromotionOfferItem level.

Price rules

Mix 35/41 (RTC-19511)

Mix type 30 is replaced by mix type 35/41.

Release 17.01.2022



Price rules

Mix 23 (RTC-18841)

Mix 23 can have multiple discounted items. Number of items in reward section can be defined per price rule, or be editable in offer. Price rules and offers created before have number of discounted items set to 1. Name and description of Mix 23 is updated. Export of promotions and offers to JSON file updated with new mix name and numberOfDiscountedItems value.

Mix 21/22 (RTC-15874)

Mix type number 21/22, 'Buy N selected items and get a discount', replaces old mix 21.

Fields to define in this mix type are:

  • Number of items
  • Min. receipt amount of other items
  • Number of times the offer can be used
  • Discount on discount
  • Discount.

Offers migrated from mix 21 have these values applied:

  • Min. receipt amount of other items = 0,00
  • Discount on discount - false
  • Discount - New price.

JSON files from export have been extended. New fields on offer/item level are:

  • 'DiscountedPrice'
  • 'MinReceiptAmountOfOtherItems'
  • 'DiscountOnDiscount'
  • 'DiscountType'.

New field on promotion level is:

  • 'MinReceiptAmountOfOtherItems'.

Release 10.01.2022




Promotion type can be required (RTC-16582)
There is a parameter in the database named 'IsPromotionTypeRequired'. It's set to False by default and it specifies whether Promotion type is visible and mandatory.

  • If parameter is set to True, Promotion type is required when creating, editing or copying promotion.
  • If parameter is set to False, Promotion type field isn't visible when creating a promotion and it's optional when editing. When copying a promotion, visibility of this field depends on promotion - if promotion has promotion type, this field is visible but if promotion hasn't promotion type, this field isn't visible.

When changing the parameter in the database there is need to delete the record from local storage in the browser to see changes.


Export of promotion with deleted offers (RTC-19346)

When removing 'Promotion price' offer in an approved promotion, offer items are re-exported with status 'Deleted'.


Access control for manage promotions (RTC-13288)

There are store roles in user management which limits access to promotion management:

  • 'View promotions' allows user to view promotions which affects prices in selected store (e.g. user can view promotions in selected store, store groups where it belongs, and all store promotions'.
  • 'Create promotion and manage draft promotions' allows user to manage draft promotions in selected store/store group. 'View promotions' permission is required.
  • 'Approve promotion and manage approved promotions' allows user to approve promotions and manage approved promotions in selected store/store group. Both of the above permissions are required.

Permissions are checked in promotion management and in item management (when creating promotion from item list view).

Release 23.12.21



Price rules

Mix 26 (RTC-18837)

Mix 26 has correct description in 'create price rule' view and in price rule details.

Promotion details

Recurrence parameters validation (RTC-18465)

When a field has an validation error and the user unselects and selects the checkbox, error on the field is displayed properly. This applies to 'Select available hours' and 'Excluded dates' checkboxes in create, edit and copy promotion views.


Promotion notifications (RTC-18663)

Notifications disappear after pressing 'View segmentation' or 'View offer' button in notification.

Permission to view promotions (RTC-19242)

  • If user has access to one or more stores from promotion (store role 'view promotions'), there is a possibility to view items in this promotion. There isn't any possibility to edit promotion or offers. If offer has offer groups which do not have any items, user is not able to open the offer. If offer includes both offer groups - with and without items, user is able to open the offer and in empty offer groups there is a message: "No items selected."
  • Offer groups without any items are handled in the same way for finished promotions.
  • If user has access to all stores from promotion, there is possibility to view items, manage them and edit details of promotion and offer.
  • If user has access to one or more stores from promotion's team/profile, it works the same as described in the first subsection.

Release 17.12.21



Dynamic offers

Daily updates of dynamic offers (RTC-12338)

Once a day at 1AM all offers containing dynamic segments will be recalculated, so that items will be added or removed automatically. After start of 'Segmentation Scheduler' job, offers with item segmentation from active/planned promotions are marked for recalculation. When Segmentation Scheduler job is finished, the 'Item Selection Import' job will run and update the segments.

Item segmentation

Improved performance when calculating item segments (RTC-12680)

Segmentation calculation starts immediately after requesting recalculation. It happens when adding item segmentation to promotion offer in promotion management and recalculating segmentation in item management.


Default reward values (RTC-18187)

'Promotion price' offers can have default rounding and promotion discount values. These values can be set when creating an offer and when editing existing one. Default values of an offer are used when calculating promotion price of new items added to an offer. If offer has 'Rounding' flag checked, calculated prices are automatically rounded. Both these rules does not apply to items that are already part of the promotion. Default promotion discount can be set as 'percent', 'amount' or 'new price' type.

Copying offers with single item (RTC-18467)

Offers with only a single item can be copied to another promotion. If the item does not have a price in the promotion's store, proper information is displayed above the offer group's grid. After clicking 'view more info', modal with instruction how to update offer is displayed.

Release 14.12.21




Re-export of items after editing offer parameters (RTC-17016)

After editing parameters of an offer that is part of approved promotion, offer items are re-exported to JSON-file.

Price rules

New columns in 'Price rules' grid (RTC-17969)

In 'Price rules' grid, there are 'Mix no.' and 'Mix name' columns. Values in these columns describes mix type that price rule is created for. Grid can be filtered and sorted using all columns except 'Mix name'.

Release 08.12.21 

Exceptions/error handling in import


If the processing of offer group fails, the job retries to process it again. If it fails three times the offer group's flag ItemsProcessed is set to True and the user gets a notification. This offer group is not processed anymore. 





Availability details export on item level (RTC-18687)

Promotion availability details are exported to a JSON file with each item that is part of the 'Promotion price' offer. Editing details of an approved promotion triggers re-export of all offer items.


Manage items in offer (RTC-18448)

When filters in the offer items view are set and there are no items in the grid as a result, the price panel shows no data.

Single item in the offer (RTC-18144)

When 'single item' in mix 4 and 5 is not selected there is no "clear selection" and "export to excel" buttons in toolbar.

Offer view

Audit columns (RTC-15500)

In offer view, there are audit columns 'Created by', 'Created date', 'Modified by' and 'Modified date'. Columns display information about who and when added or modified item in an offer. These columns are hidden by default.

Price rules

Mix types (RTC-18181)

At the end of description of mix types 21, 23, 26, 28 and 40 there are information about what mix types from Chain Classic that these mix type replaces.

Mix type descriptions (RTC-18186)

On 'new price rule' view, mix types descriptions wraps when there is not enough space to display text in one row. Description is displayed properly on screens of any size, including mobile devices.


Keyboard navigation in modals (RTC-18392)

Space can be used in names and description input fields in modals. If modal is opened, keyboard navigation does not affect grid behind the modal. Applies to modals:

  • 'Import items' and 'clear selection' in the offer view
  • 'Use file' in the item list view
  • 'New segment' in the item segmentation view

User permissions (RTC-14566)

Access to store/store groups is limited for an user in a more performant way.

Release 30.11.21

Copy offers from finished promotion


Copying and removing an offer is available from '..' button in the promotion view. When the promotion is finished you can only view offer items, not to update them. In the item view for finished promotions there is no 'update' button and price panel has disabled fields and hidden buttons. Only 'export to Excel' button is available in this view. Finished promotion can be copied from the promotion view.

Available days and excluded dates in recurring promotions


'Available days' and 'Excluded dates' can be set for promotion. When one of these parameters is selected, promotion is marked as recurring. 'Available days' are days in a week when offer is available and 'Excluded dates' are dates when promotion is not available for the customer. This does not affect active status of promotion. Recurrence information is displayed in promotion details view. Excluded days are displayed in chronological order. Recurrence can be set when creating new promotion, editing existing one or creating a copy. Values are exported to POS when promotion is active.





Adding items to the offer (RTC-18145)

Performance of adding items to the offer has been improved. Loading items takes a few seconds. After user gets notification, the page is refreshed.


Date columns filter (RTC-17338)

For promotions which start or end between 23:00 and 24:00, filtering on columns 'Valid to' and 'Valid from' is working correctly. These columns are located in Promotions, Promotion offers, Items in promotions views and Copy offer modals in Promotion and Promotion offers views.

Offer view (RTC-17479)

When applying filter to the grid in offer view, grid does not automatically scroll to the left. If price panel was closed when applying filters, it stays closed after filtering as well.

Release 25.11.21

Promotion offers


Promotion offers' view is available in menu. View promotions permission is required to open it. The view displays a list of offers that are part of promotions. Default columns visible in grid are promotion name, promotion status, offer code, offer name, price rule, valid from and valid to. Audit columns can also be added. By default, grid is sorted by valid from column. By clicking promotion name value we can open promotion details. In each row, in first column menu, there is a 'Copy offer' button. Using this, we can copy an offer to another promotion. It shows dialog where user can select target promotion.

Promotion offers' view

Copy promotion dialog. Select target promotion from the list, or search promotion 





Item selection for an offer (RTC-17791)

Keyboard can be used to navigate in offer view after adding items to new item selection or updating existing one.

Release 19.11.21




Export of items in the offer (RTC-18055)

Discount type is exported in JSON file for items from all groups in mix type 35/41.

Release 18.11.21

Excel import for offers with mix types


Import from Excel is available for offers with mix types - 4, 21, 23, 28, 35/41, 40. File must contain GTIN, SKU or Item number column. Other accepted columns are item details, kickback values and promotion prices. Import of Excel can be used to add items to new offer and to update kickback values for items added previously to the offer.

Items in promotions grid

In the 'Items in promotions' grid there are 'Available in', 'Store group code' and 'Store group name' columns. They show type, code and name of store group assigned to the promotion. When a promotion is available in all stores, no values are shown for code and name columns.

Release 10.11.21

Kickback for offers using mix type 4 and 5


Discounted item in the offer (mix types 4 and 5) is displayed in a grid with columns and kickback, and price panel can be used for setting kickback. Kickback for discounted item is exported. Adding item without active price in the same store provide modal window with information that this item cannot be added. Clearing selection in active promotion leads to modal with description that offer without items is not available in the POS.





Export of kickback (RTC-17454)

After updating item selection for an offer, kickback values are exported to POS properly for all items with store price.


Selection type for offer (RTC-17201)

Types of item selection that can be selected for an empty offer are described on type selection view with short title above description.

Offer view improvements (RTC-17161)

In offer view, focused button in side panel can be triggered by clicking Enter. Margin change p.p. in items grid is displayed in percentage points. Validation errors for percentage columns are displayed properly.


Promotion grid (RTC-16897)

In the promotions grid there are 'Store group code' and 'Store group name' columns. They show code and name of store, team or profile assigned to promotion. For promotions available in all stores, no value is shown.

Release 04.11.21




Performance when adding items to promotion (RTC-16867)

For user who triggered import of items to promotion, loading page is refreshed immediately after import is finished. For other users who are waiting on loading page, refresh will happen in less than 4 seconds after items are added.


Copy of promotion (RTC-17340)

Category field is copied when copying promotion. If source promotion has category, its value can be changed on 'copy promotion' page.

Promotion type

Promotion type (RTC-15420)

There is Promotion type field in promotion details view. It is visible only when Promotion type is set for promotion. Promotion types are specified in 'Promotion type' register. If a Promotion type is set as default in register, it will be chosen when creating new promotion. Promotion type can be changed in 'Edit promotion details' modal but it is not a required field. When copying promotion, Promotion type can be selected, and saved to the copy. This field is exported to POS.

Release 29.10.21




Name of new segment in offer (RTC-16025)

When creating new segment for an offer, the segment name is prefilled with offer name

Export and import of items to the offer (RTC-16737)

Columns with kickback amounts have been added to the exported Excel file. During import of items, when both values are given (kickback percentage and kickback amount), kickback amount is ignored and values are calculated based on kickback percentage. Kickback amounts given in imported file should be less than 0 and value of -(kickback supplier amount + kickback chain amount) should be less than ordinary net price.

Export of offers (RTC-17446)

Fields for specific mix types in export after updating the offer:

  • Mix type 4: Discount(Price/Amount/Percent), RequiredQuantity and MaxCountInReceipt
  • Mix types 21, 23: Discount (Percent), NumberOfItemsCustomerBuys and MaxCountInReceipt
  • Mix type 28: Discount (Amount/Percent) and MinReceiptAmount.
  • Mix types 35(41), 41: Discount (Price/Amount/Percent) and MaxCountInReceipt

If offer has unlimited number of times it can be used, 'MaxCountInReceipt' field isn't exported.

Offers with mixmatch

Kickbacks for all mix types (RTC-13363)

Price panel is displayed for all mix types. For mix types other than promotion price there is a possibility to change Kickback supplier, Kickback chain and Promotion supplier net price values. Only items with store prices are shown in the offer's grid and only these items can be exported to the Excel or blob.


Offers status in promotion details (RTC-16026)

In promotion details, offer status 'ready' is renamed to 'prepared'. If either 'incomplete' or 'complete' status has 0 offers in it, it is not displayed.

Promotion price

Notifications when adding items to promotion price offers (RTC-14805)

Notification about the update is displayed when items are added to a Promotion with "promotion price" offer. If some of the items don't have store prices, text about not adding them to the offer is displayed in the offer view. There is also a possibility to export these items to an Excel file.

Items in promotions


There is an option in the "Items in promotion" view - checking overlapping promotions. After pressing the eye icon in the grid, the dialog is displayed. It shows details of selected item and selected promotion. It also presents other promotions that contain this item and overlap period with the selected promotion. There is a possibility to open details of promotion by pressing a link in the dialog. Promotions are overlapping if they are in the same stores with overlapping dates and the same item.

Promotion type register


There is a Register page in Promotion management side menu. On registers list, there is "Promotion type" register. Promotion type is described by Code, Name and Description. Promotion types can be added, edited, activated and set as default promotion type. Code of promotion type must be unique.

Release 13.10.21



Promotion price

Rounding of promotion price values (RTC-16286)

All values in the promotion price side panel are rounded to two decimals. After clicking on Kickback supplier or Kickback chain field, all digits are displayed. All values in grid's columns are also rounded to two decimals.

Release 30.09.21




External offer id and external campaign id (RTC-15414)

Code field is available for promotions and offers. Both are not mandatory, have a limit of 50 characters and don't have to be unique. They can be updated in Edit mode.

Copy offer price (RTC-15517)

Values for Kickback supplier, Kickback chain, and Promotion price are copied per item when an offer using promotion price rule is copied. If a price on an item was updated in the meantime or is different for a different store or time period and it's lower than the promotion price, the promotion price is set equal to the new ordinary price.

Performance when adding items from item list (RTC-12703)

Items added to offer don't wait for ((ItemSelectionItemImport) job trigger anymore. They are processed right away.

Promotion details

Display time in promotion details (RTC-16022)

Time and recurrence if promotion is recurring are displayed in 'Valid period' section in submit and approve promotion modal. Time is displayed in 'Valid from' section when editing promotion. When creating promotion first Offer has 'Promotion price' rule selected by default.

Promotion price

Promotion price panel default opened (RTC-16019) 

When user enters promotion prices "Manage Items" view, panel for defining promotion price is open by default. When user enters some values into the panel all values are bold and there is "Modified" sub-title added.

Promotion price panel (RTC-13032)

It's possible to navigate promotion panel using keyboard: by using SPACE we can open the panel ESC closes it. There are buttons Save(ENTER), Save + Next (SHIFT + ENTER), and UNDO {CTRL + Z) which are also accessible through keyboard. By using arrow up and down keys it's possible to navigate through grid of items.

Release 17.09.21

Items in promotions


There is a new main menu entry for "Items in promotions", which contains a grid with items currently in a promotion. The grid indicates if the item is part of multiple promotions where the period overlaps. 

Recurring promotion - "happy hours"


'Available hours' could be selected when creating or editing promotion. If available hours are selected, promotion becomes 'recurring' one what is visible in the promotions grid and in promotion details. "Happy hours" do not affect status of the Promotion.

Picture shows an example of how it looks when "Select available hours" is selected, and added

Picture show how it looks in the promotion details  when "Select available hours" is added to the promotion

Picture show how it looks in the promotion grid  when "Select available hours" is added to the promotion

Rounding rules


Rounding rules are applied for the promotion price in the Promotion price panel. A button appears under the price when a rounding rule can be applied. After it is clicked, the price is overwritten with the rounding values. 




Price panel

Promotion price panel (RTC-15477)

Multiple quality of life improvements and fixes for the promotion price panel. Prices are calculated correctly and validation messages are displayed for invalid input values.

  • No labels