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InStore App v. 2.10.110

Document status;RELEASED


Prerequisites are found under Chain Web Release Notes.


Item details 

Stock information in Item Details (RTM-3323)

You can see the stock level for your own store and other related stores in Item Details. The new clickable field "Other stores" transfers the user to another page where the stock level for all related stores are shown. The list is limited to 100 rows. The user can search the list by entering store number or its name.

Display active supplier orders on item (RTM-3100)

A new "Order" section has been added to Orders page. There, five new fields displayed: "Order", "Order type", "Quantity", "Delivery" and "Status".

This "Order" section currently show orders gathered from a 3rd party integration, but will also be able to show active orders in Chain Classic from 2.10.120 onwards.

InStore App v. 2.10.102

Document status;RELEASED


Prerequisites are found under Chain Web Release Notes.

Improvement of printing labels using CC proxy


A new system parameter has been added, "PrintLabelsDirectlyFromChain". When this parameter is set to "False",  the old flow of printing labels by sending a POSLog is used. When the value of parameter is "True", labels are printed through Chain Classic without using POSLogs.

InStore App v. 2.10.101

Document status;RELEASED


Prerequisites are found under Chain Web Release Notes.




Home screen

Opening page when logging in (RTM-3352)

When user logs on in InStore App, the "Home" page will be displayed instead of the main menu.

Item Details

Stock information in Item Details (RTM-3323)

You can see the stock level for your own store and other related stores in Item Details. The new clickable field "Other stores" transfers the user to another page where the stock level for all related stores are shown. The list is limited to 100 rows. The user can search the list by entering store number or its name.

Display active supplier orders on item (RTM-3100)

A new "Order" section has been added to Orders page. There, five new fields displayed: "Order", "Order type", "Quantity", "Delivery" and "Status".

This "Order" section currently show orders gathered from a 3rd party integration, but will also be able to show active orders in Chain Classic from 2.10.120 onwards.

InStore App v. 2.10.100

Document status: RELEASED


Prerequisites are found under Chain Web Release Notes.





Language issues (RTM-3090)

Now, Swedish abbreviation for word "piece" ("ST") is correctly displayed on every relevant page in InStore App.

Improvement of bundle items in InStore App (RTM-2405)

The bundle items and their details are now displayed properly in every InStore App view

Item details

Improvement of item details view in InStore App (RTM-2909)

Added new field "Supplier order type" to item details view.

Adding new page to Item details containing item status and last received (RTM-2903)

In "Home" and "Item details" pages there is a new field called "Ordered". After clicking on an "arrow" icon in the same line, user will be transferred to "Ordered" page which includes item status and last received values.

Showing Sales trend on item (RTM-2820)

New fields have been added to item details show:

  • Sold quantity previous 2 weeks
  • Sold quantity previous 2 weeks previous year
  • Sold quantity next 2 weeks previous year

Improvement of Item Details view in InStore App (RTM-2671)

Added new fields "Mix", "Quantity in large pack", "Small/large pack type", "Replacement item", to the item details view. If all fields using information from specific input are configured to be hidden, call is skipped and no error is displayed.

Added 'Latest stocktaking' field to the Item Details view (RTM-2664)

Date of the latest stocktaking is displayed in Item details view. Field is not displayed if no stocktaking for a selected item was completed.

Price control

Calculation of gross profit (RTM-2816)

VAT is now properly deducted when showing gross profit of an item.

InStore App v. 2.10.90

Document status:RELEASED


Prerequisites are found under Chain Web Release Notes.





Language issues (RTM-269)

Fixed spelling errors in Swedish translation. Various popups and labels are displayed properly.

Item details

Item Details configuration (RTM-2562)

Implemented a new system parameter "InStoreItemDetailsConfiguration" where you can set the visibility of fields in the "Item details" view.  If the user hides all fields in one selected group, then the affected group name will also be hidden.

Implement extended Item details page (RTM-2561)

Extended version of "Item details" page has been implemented. Now, "Item details" page displays every set item's field with correct value. 


Improvement of item quantity while changing EAN 20-codes in Counting Groups (RTM-2813)

When user set POS Configuration parameter "ReturnNordicEAN20DataInParseScanCodeResponse" to "True", items scanned with their EAN 20-code in Instore App will be correctly retained after quantity changes, no matter whether the 20-code contains price or weight.

Performance improvement in GetCountingGroups (RTM-1616)   

Every count group is fetched asynchronously relative to the others. Timeouts were set which help dealing with extremely large count groups or a large number of them. Additionally, few minor improvements were added to make Stocktaking more pleasant for user.

System parameters

Fixed System parameters for Instore App (RTM-2812)

The "InStoreAssortmentCodeDisplayMessage" and "InStoreAssortmentCodesNotToPutAway" parameters were fixed.

The user can now set many assortment code values in system parameter "InStoreAssortmentCodesNotToPutAway".  Every item that belongs to the assortment included in the value of this parameter will not be added to a "Put Away" transaction in InStore App. When attempting to add it, the error will be displayed with information set in "InStoreAssortmentCodeDisplayMessage" parameter.

InStore App v. 2.10.87

Document status: RELEASED


Prerequisites are found under Chain Web Release Notes.





Language issues (RTM-3090)

Now, Swedish abbreviation for word "piece" ("ST") is correctly displayed on every relevant page in InStore App.

InStore App v. 2.10.86

Document status: RELEASED


Prerequisites are found under Chain Web Release Notes.




Price Control

Calculation of gross profit (RTM-2816)

VAT is now properly deducted when showing gross profit of an item

InStore App v. 2.10.85

Document status: RELEASED


Prerequisites are found under Chain Web Release Notes.





Language issues (RTM-269)

Fixed spelling errors in Swedish translation. Various popups and labels are displayed properly.

System parameters

Fixed System parameters for Instore App (RTM-2812)

The "InStoreAssortmentCodeDisplayMessage" and "InStoreAssortmentCodesNotToPutAway" parameters were fixed.

The user can now set many assortment code values in system parameter "InStoreAssortmentCodesNotToPutAway".  Every item that belongs to the assortment included in the value of this parameter will not be added to a "Put Away" transaction in InStore App. When attempting to add it, the error will be displayed with information set in "InStoreAssortmentCodeDisplayMessage" parameter.

InStore App v. 2.10.84

Document status: RELEASED


Prerequisites are found under Chain Web Release Notes.





Improvement of item quantity while changing EAN 20-codes in Counting Groups (RTM-2813)

When user set POS Configuration parameter "ReturnNordicEAN20DataInParseScanCodeResponse" to "True", items scanned with their EAN 20-code in Instore App will be correctly retained after quantity changes, no matter whether the 20-code contains price or weight.

InStore App v. 2.10.81

Document status: RELEASED


Prerequisites are found under Chain Web Release Notes.





Texts on back button (RTM-2422)

Any text on the back button matches the title of the view that follows when the back button is clicked.

Sales order

Scanning EAN 20-codes in Sales order (RTM-2675)

Scanning EAN-20 codes in Sales Order works correctly for new versions of WCF and Chain Web.

Scanning of age restricted item (RTM-2640)

The scanner is not switching off after scanning an age restricted item and behaves correctly for any selected value in the language parameter in Chain Web.

InStore App v. 2.10.80

Document status: RELEASED


Prerequisites are found under Chain Web Release Notes.

Start transaction from item details


New functionality has been added to "Item details" view, which appears after scanning or searching for a product. It allows you to select and start any transaction.




Click & Collect

"Picked"-status for printing order confirmation (RTM-2623)

Added a new status on orders: 'Picked'. It is set to facilitate printing order confirmation in POS if the order picking transaction has not been finished in InStore App.

InStore App v. 2.10.70

New homepage


Implemented new view called 'Home' in InStore App, where user can check item details and display information about items.


Click & Collect order picking

"Reduce Quantity" in Order Picking (RTM-1708)

NEW system parameter 'OrderPickingReduceLineQuantityEnabled', default set to False. When it is set to True reduce quantity button will be displayed. When user reduces quantity then remaining quantity of item is moved to InStoreRecjectedStoreNumber.

Order picking

Display QR code when finished picking (RTM-2301)

Implemented possibility to display and scan QR Code during finishing Order Picking - when QR Code is scanned, it is possible to print order confirmation for that order in POS.

InStore App v. 2.10.55

Document status: RELEASED


Prerequisites are found under Chain Web Release Notes.




Click & Collect

"Picked"-status for printing order confirmation (RTM-2623)

Added a new status on orders: 'Picked'. It is set to facilitate printing order confirmation in POS if the order picking transaction has not been finished in InStore App.

Order picking

Display QR code when finished picking (RTM-2301)

Implemented the possibility to display a QR Code when finishing picking an order. This QR code can the be scanned in POS to print the order confirmation.

InStore App v. 2.10.54

Document status: RELEASED


Prerequisites are found under Chain Web Release Notes.



Order picking

Picking one order (RTM-1455)

When only one order is picked, the items does not have to be confirmed to complete the picking. You also don't need to scan a bag during picking or scan all items again at end of picking.

Picking list (RTM-2295)

When the picking list contains 5 or less items, the departments are auto expanded

The tabs in the picking list view are are correctly named "Picked" / "Not picked".

InStore App v. 2.10.51

Document status: RELEASED


Prerequisites are found under Chain Web Release Notes.

Click & Collect order picking: Partially picked and Set aside

If a order is partially picked it can be set aside to be continued at a later time.

When setting it aside you have the option to add a placement for the partially picked order

InStore App v. 2.10.50

Document status: RELEASED


Prerequisites are found under Chain Web Release Notes.

Click & Collect order picking: Select multiple orders


Picking of orders in Instore App is redesigned and improved. We've added the possibility to start picking multiple orders:

Before finishing the order there is also the added possibility of selecting a placement for the picked order (for Click and Collect / Pay and Collect)

New parameter added in system parameters called ShowQuantityButtonsOnPickingOrderLines.

If set to true, buttons for changing quantity will be displayed on selected item line in order picking.

InStore App v. 2.10.40

Document status: RELEASED


Prerequisites are found under Chain Web Release Notes.

Click & Collect: Item list update


View for item list in order picking has been updated. Items are separated into item groups that can expand and collapse. This change is implemented to make the picking more user friendly when working with many items.

All groups collapsed:

Middle and last group opened:

Click & Collect: Order details view update


View for order details in order pickings have been updated:

  • New button: Delivery Information. This will bring up a popup with delivery information

  • New button: Reject Order. This is the "Withdraw picking responsibility" button moved from the overflow menu to its own button.

Also fixed a bug when rejecting orders where you could spam click and get errors.

InStore App v. 2.10.31

Document status: RELEASED


Prerequisites are found under Chain Web Release Notes.

GlobalLocationNumber for Instabank payment


Global Location Number (GLN) is used when paying with Instabank in InStore app.

Before using Instabank in InStore App, GLN must be set on stores in Chain Web. GLN can be set in ChainWeb in System > Stores (see picture below).

GLN is currently not synced from POS Master to Lindbak Retail Database (Store master is in Chain Classic). This functionality will be implemented at a later date.




Sales order

Klarna payment ID confirmation dialog (RTM-1713)

The dialog to confirm customer's identity can be hidden by configuring system parameter "KlarnaInStoreCheckIdentification". Available values are: “true, false”. If the parameter is set to “true”, InStore App will show a dialogue to confirm the customer’s identity when paying with Klarna.

InStore App v. 2.10.22

Document status: RELEASED


Prerequisites are found under Chain Web Release Notes.

GlobalLocationNumber for Instabank payment


Global Location Number (GLN) is used when paying with Instabank in InStore app.

Before using Instabank in InStore App, GLN must be set on stores in Chain Web. GLN can be set in Chain Web in System > Stores (see picture below).

GLN is currently not synced from POS Master to Lindbak Retail Database (Store master is in Chain Classic). This functionality will be implemented at a later date.

InStore App v. 2.10.20

Document status: RELEASED


Prerequisites are found under Chain Web Release Notes.

Gift receipt in InStore App


In InStore App in Sales order we are able to pick the items from the receipt that needs a gift receipt. Click on the “More button” and select Gift receipt. A dialogue box to select items for gift receipts opens, tick the items that needs a gift receipt and click Confirm. When sending Digital receipts to the customer, the gift receipt will also be sent to the same e-mail address.




Discount label

InStore App: Discount label does not work with 20 and 23 codes (RTM-1649)

Items with EAN-20 codes (starting with 20-25) can be used to create discount labels. Discount labels are ordered in InStore App, printed via Chain Classic and gives an automatic discount % and reason code when scanned in sales in POS.

Sales order

Member data not restored when continuing sales order (RTL-49)

We keep member when resuming a sales order in InStore App (Phone number and email is automatically filled out).

Stock lookup

Stock lookup when scanning tandem EAN (RTM-1394)

Main EAN is used when tandem EAN is scanned in stock lookup.


Error message for quantity limit (RTM-1577)

When setting quantity to a value above the limit and then trying to finish the counting group, user will get an informative message, to show the user it has exceeded the limit. Parameter TransactionTypeLimits is used for setting the limit. 

InStore App v. 2.10.15

Document status: RELEASED


Prerequisites are found under Chain Web Release Notes.




Sales order

Klarna payment ID confirmation dialog (RTM-1713)

The dialog to confirm customer's identity can be hidden by configuring system parameter "KlarnaInStoreCheckIdentification". Available values are: “true, false”. If the parameter is set to “true”, InStore App will show a dialogue to confirm the customer’s identity when paying with Klarna.

InStore App v. 2.10.13

Document status: RELEASED


Prerequisites are found under Chain Web Release Notes.



Discount label

InStore App: Discount label does not work with 20 and 23 codes (RTM-1649)

Items with EAN-20 codes (starting with 20-25) can be used to create discount labels. Discount labels are ordered in InStore App, printed via Chain Classic and gives an automatic discount % and reason code when scanned in sales in POS.

InStore App v. 2.10.12

Document status: RELEASED


Prerequisites are found under Chain Web Release Notes.




Stock lookup

Stock lookup when scanning tandem EAN (RTM-1394)

Main EAN is used when tandem EAN is scanned in stock lookup.


Error message for quantity limit (RTM-1577)

When setting quantity to a value above the limit and then trying to finish the counting group, user will get an informative message, to show the user it has exceeded the limit. Parameter TransactionTypeLimits is used for limit. 

InStore App v. 2.10.11

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements are found in Chain Web Release Notes.

Gift receipt in InStore App


In InStore App in Sales order we are able to pick the items from the receipt that needs a gift receipt. Click on the “More button” and select Gift receipt. A dialogue box to select items for gift receipts opens, tick the items that needs a gift receipt and click Confirm. When sending Digital receipts to the customer, the gift receipt will also be sent to the same e-mail address.





Counting items outside daily count lists (RTM-294)

Counting lists are created from Count groups in Chain Web. Items outside the count lists can be added by scanning or searching.

Items added outside of counting group (RTC-948)

Added column to the count list view to show which item was added outside of counting group in InStore App.

InStore App v. 2.10.10

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements are found in Chain Web Release Notes.

Payment by Instabank in InStore App


New payment provider “Instabank” is available in InStore App. To use InstaBank as payment, the employee scans a QR code from the customer's mobile phone. If ID verification is required by Instabank, a dialogue to remind the employee to approve ID is shown. Then the payment is completed.

Required version of POS WCF: 12201 or 12103.

Configuration in Chain Web system parameter


Add 'Instabank' to enable the payment button.

POS Configuration


Add 'InstaBank' with the correct/desired card issuer mapping.

Warning when ordering outside assortment


When adding an item in Item Ordering in InStore App, a popup with a warning will be displayed for items with configured assortment codes.

System parameter in Chain Web


Comma-separated list of assortment codes that will trigger a warning, default: empty list (no codes).




Price control

Permissions for price control (RTM-1455)

If the user only have access to Price control in InStore App, you only have the Price Control button available when you log in.

Show campaign price (RTM-218)

An issue caused the incorrect campaign price is shown when scanning and searching items in some instances. This has been corrected.

Receive goods

Counted items should stay in counted tab of goods receival (RTM-1274)

When a user counts items in item receival, one item could be moved to "Not Counted" tab. This is corrected and all counted items are kept in "Counted" tab.

Sales order

Validation of phone number in mobile payment (RTM-223)

When entering mobile number during payment the number format is validated to avoid failed payments. 

Bank payment (RTM-1556)

Payment with non-integrated bank is corrected after problem was introduced with PaymentService integration.

Improved offline handling (RTM-309)

Improved the offline handling when paying with Vipps and Swish. When InStore App is back online it will look up the previous receipt created for Vipps and Swish and finish the sale.

InStore App v. 2.10.04

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements are found in Chain Web Release Notes.

GlobalLocationNumber for Instabank payment


GlobalLocationNumber is used when paying with Instabank in InStore app.

 GLN can be set in ChainWeb in System > Stores.

GLN is currently not synced from POS Master to Lindbak Retail Database (Store master is in Chain Classic).

So, before using the Instabank, GLN must be set on the stores in Chain Web. Extension of the synchronization of stores will be implemented in a separate task.




Receive goods

Counted items should stay in counted tab of goods receival (RTM-1274)

When a user counts items in Goods receival, one item was moved to "Not Counted" tab in some instances. This is corrected and all counted items are kept in "Counted" tab.

Sales order

Bank payment (RTM-1556)

Payment with non-integrated bank is corrected after problem was introduced with PaymentService integration.

Validation of phone number in mobile payment (RTM-223)

When entering mobile number during payment the number format is validated to avoid failed payments. 

InStore App v. 2.10.02

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements are found in Chain Web Release Notes.

Payment by Instabank in InStore App


New payment provider Instabank is available in InStore App. To use InstaBank as payment, the employee scans a QR code from the customer's mobile phone. If ID verification is required by Instabank, a dialogue to remind the employee to approve ID is shown. Then the payment is completed.

Required version of POS WCF: 12201 or 12103.

Configuration in Chain Web system parameter


Add 'Instabank' to enable the payment button.

POS Configuration


Add 'InstaBank' with the correct/desired card issuer mapping.




Price control

Permissions for price control (RTM-1455)

If the user only have access to Price control in InStore App, you only have the Price Control button available when you log in.

InStore App v. 2.10.01

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements are found in Chain Web Release Notes.





Improved Offline Handling (TFS 188410)

Improved offline handling when Instore App goes offline when using Vipps/Swish payment.

InStore App v. 2.10.0

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements are found in Chain Web Release Notes.




Order dispatch

Delivering order with TandemEAN (TFS: 182712)

An issue with Delivering Pay and Collect orders with tandemEAN has been resolved. The TandemEAN item is picked and delivered OK when picking completed in InStore App. 


Fixes to include store number in GetCloudPaymentConfiguration (TFS: 189382)

PaymentServiceMerchantID is taken from correct cash register for different store. WCF parameter is not used for other stores.

Receive goods

Bundle article is not visible when order is paused (TFS: 183357)

Handling of bundle EAN's is improved. When Receive goods is paused and bundle is resumed, EAN's are visible in the “counted” tab.

TandemEAN does not work properly (TFS: 183381)

Handling of tandemEAN is improved. When tandem is added, correct main EAN is displayed in counted tab. It is possible to resume receival with tandemEAN and quantity/EAN is correct.

0 in receival of goods (TFS: 190518)

Previously, it was not possible to register a receival of goods with 0 in quantity. A new button is added in item receival to confirm received 0 in quantity. When receival is done in InStore App and 0 quantity is confirmed the order is processed as finished and it is updated in Chain Classic in receive goods.

Seasonal storage

Missing seasonal storage lists (TFS: 187311)

When finishing seasonal storage, the put away item is saved properly to database. Item is visible in put back tab.

Seasonal storage filter by store (TFS: 187313)

When cashier is using store X, only items put back from the same store are shown for cashier.


Duplicate stocktaking's (TFS: 188503)

Due to WCF restart or performance issues after confirming stocktaking, two POSLogs were created for the same stocktaking. This has been corrected and only one POSLog per stocktaking is created.

Mandatory Receipt Note (TFS: 190908)

New system parameter "RequireCartNoteWhenCounting". When this parameter is True. The cashier needs to fill in receipt note before sending it. A popup will appear if the cashier tries to send it without receipt note. 

InStore App v. 2.9.287

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements are found in Chain Web Release Notes.




Sales order

Improved offline handling (RTM-309)

Improved the offline handling when paying with Vipps and Swish. When InStore App is back online it will look up the previous receipt created for Vipps and Swish and finish the sale.


Receipt note in stocktaking (RTM-233)

Function Stocktaking. New system parameter "RequireCartNoteWhenCounting". When this parameter is true. The cashier needs to fill in receip tnote before sending it. A popup will appear if the cashied tries to send it without receiptnote

InStore App v. 2.9.286

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements are found in Chain Web Release Notes.




Receive goods

0 in receival of goods (TFS: 190518)

Previously, it was not possible to register a receival of goods with 0 in quantity. A new button is added in item receival to confirm received 0 in quantity. When receival is done in InStore App and 0 quantity is confirmed the order is processed as finished and it is updated in Chain Classic in receive goods.


Mandatory Receipt Note (TFS: 190908)

New  system parameter "RequireCartNoteWhenCounting". When this parameter is True. The cashier needs to fill in receipt note before sending it. A popup will appear if the cashier tries to send it without receipt note. 

InStore App v. 2.9.283

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements are found in Chain Web Release Notes.





Include store number in GetCloudPaymentConfiguration (TFS: 189382)

PaymentServiceMerchantID is taken from correct cash register for different store. WCF parameter is not used for other stores.

InStore App v. 2.9.280

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements are found in Chain Web Release Notes.

Payment using Swish

(TFS: 183238)

You are able to pay with Swish in Instore App. Just click the Swish button and then you get a QR-code to scan.

Configure "Swish" as an EnabledMeansOfPayment in system parameters.

Then, set PaymentServiceMerchantId and PaymentApiUri in POS Config 

And cardIssuerMapping: <cardIssuerMapping defaultIssuerIdentifier="0"><cards><card name="Vipps" issuerIdentifier="210"></card><card name="Swish" issuerIdentifier="209"></card></cards></cardIssuerMapping>

More details can be found in release documentation for POS.

Payment using Vipps

(TFS: 185428)

You are now able to pay with Vipps in Instore App. Just click the Vipps button and Enter the mobile number.

Configure "Vipps" as an EnabledMeansOfPayment in system parameters

Then, set PaymentServiceMerchantId and PaymentApiUri in POS Config 

And cardIssuerMapping: <cardIssuerMapping defaultIssuerIdentifier="0"><cards><card name="Vipps" issuerIdentifier="210"></card><card name="Vipps" issuerIdentifier="209"></card></cards></cardIssuerMapping>

More details can be found in release documentation for POS.




Receive goods

The item is automatically deleted when the 'change quantity' field is cleared (TFS: 183388)

When quantity is cleared by user/set to blank, quantity is set to 0 after 6 seconds in goods receival.

Sales order

Age verification in InStore App (TFS: 185241)

Improvement in age verification in InStore App. It is possible to verify customer's age, whilst previously the age was set to 25 during verification. When customer is verified as 18 years old and wants to buy item which requires 21 years of age - this new verification is needed. When customer age is verified as 19 on item which requires the age of 21 the item will not be added to the sale, but when new item with age (18) is scanned - it will be added to cart without verification since it was done at the beginning (19).


Sending count lists multiple times (TFS: 184861)

Validation is implemented to prevent user from sending stocktaking lists more than once. This previously occurred from time to time when the network was slow. 

  • No labels