Document status: RELEASED


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Implemented support for CloudGiftCardService in POS WCF


There has been implemented support for CloudGiftCardService in WCF. This goes for both if selling single gift card or selling multiple gift cards. It also work for preloaded gift cards.

POS Configuration 
When 'CloudGiftCardServiceUrl' is defined in then WCF-config, the CloudGiftCardService will be used instead of scrip.

Improvements POS




ARTS conversion fails due to too large amount on deleted item lines (RTP-17963)

To secure that converting POSLog.xml to ARTS file format do not fail, due to too large amount (netcost) on open priced items, we have made changes both in POS and in the conversion process itself (JournalService). In POS, huge amount is no longer possible to enter manually, even when item is chosen from New PLU list. In addition, coversion process to ARTS file format will reset huge netcost amounts to zero, if such are present.

SSN in input field (RTP-17590)

Social security number is cleared properly from input field in payment view after member is identified now.

Fix for member search while search mode is EAN/PLU (RTP-17231)

There is conducted a fix for member search, it's now possible to search for members while is focus was on EAN/PLU search. Previous the member would not get found if the search mode focus was on EAN/PLU.

Fix for recalculating extended amount when deleting bonus check (RTP-15092)

There is done a fix for recalculating extended amount when deleting bonus check. Previous when deleting bonus check, this could result in a wrongfully recalculation in sale. 

Improvements POS Server




Issues with updating Klarna order after part capture (RTP-17335)

When orders are partly captured, already captured articles is added when updating completed order.
If order is completely captured and it's tried to capture again with zero as amount, it don't contact Klarna to avoid exception.

Improvement of handling multiple campaigns (RTP-16787)

Improvements on price calculation. Combination of mix, campaign price and member campaign is now taken into consideration when price is calculated. The lowest value is properly selected.

Support for using HTTPS in URLs for REST Endpoints added to on premise POS WCF (RTP-17747)

Appsettings config in WCF: 

Old appsettings config for RESTEndpointURLS have been removed, and appsettings.config now needs to be configured like this;

<!-- To enable REST endpoint(s), set this to True, clone REST.template.json to REST.json and configure the URLs there. -->
    <add key="EnableRESTEndpoints" value="True" />

In addition to setting this parameter in Appsettings.Config, we now include a new REST.template.json config file in the config folder for the WCF.

You now have to copy this template, rename it to "REST.json", and configure it like the template example indicates.

JournalService, POS Services, ReceiptService 

Missing support for new POSLog value in mix 1004 (RTP-17984)

The ARTS converter was missing support for the new mix effect  'AmountDiscountOnOrdinaryPrice' .

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