Document status: RELEASED


EG POS includes all features and improvements in, plus the changes documented below.

The version requirements are also the same as for

Surveillance messages in cashier view


Surveillance messages and finished sales from Self-service POS can be displayed also in 4.0:

Moreover, alert icon is shown in the title bar in sales view if a customer needs assistance:

POS Configuration
  • ShowSurveillanceMonitorInSalesView (default False)

Indicate of surveillance messages should appear in sales search view.

  • ShopAndGoShowAlertIconInTitleBar  (default False)

Value indicating whether POS should show alert icon at status bar when surveillance message that required attention have received.

Member statistics in POS


New button to open Member details can be displayed in loyalty header after adding a member to receipt:

Moreover, the new member info tab has been implemented. It's possible now to see member statistics:

(The member fields in this view are the same as in the existing dialog to edit members)

Coupons/Stamp cards tabs have been improved also. Title has been changed and the appearance when there are no coupons or stamp cards:

POS Configuration

ShowMemberButtonsInLoyaltyHeader parameter 
Configure witch buttons to show when member is added to the receipt: Member details, Coupons, Edit, Delete.

(info) New parameter will override existing parameter ShowCouponButtonInLoyaltyHeader.

Item images in sales view


Item pictures can be shown in sales view on each sales line. If the image is clicked, the item details are displayed.

POS Configuration

SalesViewColumns parameter 

List of columns that will be visible in POS sale window. New field ItemImage has been added. It must be used as the first column.

Searching for member receipts


The functionality to search for member receipts and optionally return an item in one of the receipts has been improved and is more user-friendly.

If the function is used without adding a member to the receipt, it will show the dialog to search for member:

The search field can be used to show only member receipts containing specific items:

Select a receipt with "OK" and then use function online return to register a return.

Gift receipts


New popup for changing item and gift receipt quantity has been implemented. The number of gift receipts is displayed on item line in sales view. If the gift receipt quantity is changed to 0, gift receipt is removed from item.

Support for using hostname in POS Messages from POS Services


Support for using hostname to send POS Messages has been added in POS Services.


POS Master database v or higher.

POSServices.Workers config
New parameter MessagingServiceUseHostName in the POSServices.Workers config with default valus set to False.  <add key="MessagingServiceUseHostName" value="false" />
If parameter is enabled, the POS message is sent using hostname instead of IP address.   

Vipps payment outside Norway and Swish payment outside Sweden


Norwegian payment solution Vipps and Swedish payment solution Swish are now available even when EG POS is not configured as 'Norwegian' or 'Swedish' respectively. This is done by automatically converting local currency amount to NOK when using Vipps tender, and ditto converting to SEK when using Swish tender. Customer's phone number is validated according to existing logic (with or without entered country code). When currency is converted the currency code, i.e. NOK or SEK, together with the currency conversion rate, will be listed on the tender line on the printed receipt.

Improvements POS



Convenience sale

Scanning item enters GTIN into a search bar (RTP-18166)

When scanning an item in Convenience sales, GTIN is not displayed in search bar anymore and item is properly added to receipt.

Searching item while in Convenience sales (RTP-17541)

It is now possible to go back to Convenience sales main view by clicking the "Back" button after searching for items and closing the keyboard there.

Adding searched item by one click (RTP-13973)

When searching an item in Convenience sale, it is possible now to add item to receipt by clicking just one time.


Number series not created (RTP-17635)

The receipt number series is automatically created when new cash register is installed.

Switched labels in customer search view (RTP-14650)

Member number and customer number labels are no longer switched in customer search detail view.

Minimized button (RTP-14717)

Improvements for minimized button have been implemented: its size has changed and also text on the button has changed to "EG POS". Moreover, the button is moved slightly more to the left.

Improvement for presenting discounts (RTP-15010)

All discounts are shown with negative value in the sales grid.

Expired password when fast cashier login configured (RTP-16486)

When fast cashier login is configured, the dialog to change the password is shown after entering password which is expired.

Resolutions outside defined profiles (RTP-18098)

Problems which occur in POS 4.0 regarding resolutions (short keyboard, short search) outside defined profiles have been resolved.

Performance optimization (RTP-17571)

POS 4.0 performance has been optimized so as a result going through item search results in List and Detail views is quicker now.

SSN in input field (RTP-17590)

Social security number is cleared properly from input field in payment view after member is identified now.

Problem with closing search view (RTP-17871)

Opening item search by entering text in sales view and next closing search view with ESC button, does not cause an error when trying to search item again.

Changing item quantity (RTP-18499)

Changing item quantity is possible again now. No errors are displayed during that action.

Age limit on alcohol items is not shown correctly (RTP-18305)

Age requirement is presented correctly now on time-restricted items in ItemInfoFullscreen. 

Clear / backspace button missing touch functionality in Payment view (RTP-18127)

When in Payment view, the Clear / backspace button to e.g. erase an input field now also react to physically touching the screen. Previously the button only worked when clicked by a mouse pointer. In addition, closing the input dialogue by pressing upper right 'X' no longer present an unnecessary error message.

Improvements in performance (RTP-17270)

NEW POS user interface performance has been improved:

  • Adding items to receipt takes less time now.
  • Changing item's quantity performed by putting new quantity number in the EAN input field and clicking on the quantity number on the previously added item to change it, take much less time now.

Automatic pop-up for line note (RTP-16686)

Automatic pop-up for line note on configured EANs is working properly now. 

Parameter AutomaticLineNoteEanList. 

Item search result are not automatically updated (RTP-17964)

Item search results are updated properly now for each new letter added.

Secure that POS is always on top of other programs (RTP-18206)

There is been done a fix for the 4.0 version of POS, that secures that the POS is always on top of other other programs. POS should always when active be the superior program. Previous in the 4.0 version it was possible to alt + tab between other programs. 

Item info

Improvements for price info (RTP-15347)

Prices are displayed now in separate lines, so they are more readable. Moreover, price history has been moved to separate tab.

Item search

Showing information about item on selected line (RTP-17812)

When searching for an item, and choosing "stock info", information about selected item is presented. Previously, different item could be shown when using scroll on a mouse.


Picking order dialog (RTP-17535)

It is possible to open picking order dialog without adding customer to receipt also in POS 4.0 now.

Customer order search (RTP-18503)

Searching for customer order works correctly when using SEARCH_CUSTOMER_ORDER function. 

PLU board

Fix selling item from PLU board and scanning issue (RTP-18361)

There has been done a fix for selling items from PLU board and scanning EAN codes. Previous after upgrade in relation to the Ruter integration, there was a issue where a item wouldn't get added to the sale if sold from the PLU board. Also when scanning EAN-codes the cash register wouldn't recognize the scanner input.  


Locate article line in receipt (RTP-18112)

Error message is no longer displayed while using function to locate article line in sales window. Before, the message was displayed when the focus was on any line on the receipt, other than the last one.


Fix for Ruter client timeout issue (RTP-18589)

There has been done a fix for Ruter client timeout issue. Previous the client would timeout after ca 30 seconds, making it impossible to exit the client. 


Show coupon icon for discounts triggered by coupons (RTP-17519)

There is been done improvements for showing that a coupon discount is triggered both in cashier mode and in self-service.  In Cashier mode a coupon icon is displayed next to the item.  In self-service a icon with the text "Coupon" is displayed when discount is triggered. 

Solid Insurance

New Method for adding Solid Insurance on web orders (RTP-17409)

There has been created a new method for adding Solid Insurance to web orders in POS.  The method is made available so it can be called from a button in POS. This function will trigger registration of bike insurance - if the chosen item is valid.

For customer orders this will only be available when paying the order.

User interface

Dialogs improvements (RTP-17180)

Small dialogs improvements in new user interface have been implemented regarding dialog for printing receipt copy, dialog for registering customer info and dialog for selecting payment card type when using non integrated terminal.

Size of EAN field (RTP-18301)

The width for the EAN field has been readjusted to match longer EANs (EANs containing up to 14 letters are now supported).

Web order

CustomerOrderVariant (RTP-15074)

CustomerOrderVariant field in POSLog has been extended with "StoreReservedStorePickup" value, which is used when an item is reserved for pickup in another store in EG POS.

DispatchServiceRule parameter (RTP-17551)

New DispatchServiceRule parameter has been implemented with the default value set to "WebOrdersFromPhysicalStores" under the filter CustomerOrder.

Higher quantity of items in orders than available stock (RTP-18168)

Store can no longer place web orders with a higher quantity of items than available stock.

City in information from DispatchService (RTP-18280)

Field "City" is now not null in information from DispatchService.

Shipping costs (RTP-14807)

Shipping costs of web orders are shown in sales screen now.

Improvements POS Server




Endpoint in POS API that returns POSLogTransformation (/api/poslog/transformation) (RTP-11283)

Client can send in current POSLogTransfomation version and if there is a new one available in POSAPI it will be returned and can be used by the client. By doing this we no longer need to update all solutions when creating new POSLog version making update of POSLog version a lot faster. 

Improvement of Click & Collect order (RTP-14999)

When a Click & Collect order is picked, CustomerOrderVariant field is set to WebReservedStorePickup.

POS Import

Mixes 5, 1, 35/41 are not triggered properly (RTP-16904)

Promotions created for Profiles/Teams are triggered properly as long as items that were added to the promotion contain Profile/Team prices. 

Support for stop sale and reason text (RTP-16628)

Support for the stop sale flag and reason text exported from the Item Management has been added to POS Import.

Import of cashier's email from Chain (RTP-16617)

Support for importing cashier's emails exported from Chain Classic has been added to POS Import.

Brand and Season from Item Master in POS (RTP-18059)

Season name is properly imported from Item Master module and displayed in POS when checking item information. Previously Season showed the same data as Brand.

Import of item with measures (RTP-17379)

Item measurements (weight, height, width, depth) are now optional in POS Import. Items containing arbitrary number of fields related to item measurements are properly imported to POS Master database.

Change the default cashier password to the cashier number (RTP-18216)

The password for cashier exported from User Management module is automatically preset to the cashier number when importing data to POS Master database.

POS Master

Campaigns from promotion module that lasts longer than year 2050 (RTP-17228)

Campaigns exported from promotion module that ends far in the future (after 2049) should be working properly in POS now. The year in DateTimeStop for such campaigns is intentionally replaced to 2049. 

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