List view of documents with various sort, filter and search options, as well as the option to export to Excel. 

Search field for free text: Includes search for headline, number and description. 

Asset search field: Search for asset number and asset name. Shows documents connected to selected asset/structure. Only documents linked directly to the object or via AO/history are displayed.

Search Selected Tree Only: Only generates hits for assets in selected tree. 

Documents for this asset: Only shows documents that are directly connected to the selected asset. 

Description: Lists the description field in the list view. 

Hide duplicates: The first time a document is uploaded, this becomes the original. If this document is subsequently connected to different locations, these will become duplicates, and are shown in the list view unless you activate this function. 

Folders: Documents can be organized into folder structures in the document view. The default folder can be set to the document type used if the folder is not provided. Moving documents is performed by using the mark function in the document list. Mark/select one or more documents to be moved, go into the folder where the documents are to be moved to. The 'Move [Documents]' button will then appear at the bottom right of the screen.

Documents can be linked to the folder structure (full folder path) in the import template. Separator between folders in specified folder path must be either '/' or '\'. Folder connection can be updated in UPDATE mode in Importstudio. NB! New folders can be created automatically when running an import.

Deleting documents: The user who entered the document is listed as 'Created by' can delete their documents. Administrator can delete all.

Deleting a document folder: Before you can delete a document folder, any documents located there must be moved out of the folder. Mark the documents and go to where the documents are to be moved, and click on 'Move [Documents]' in the bottom right corner. After that, the folder itself can be deleted.

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