Document status: RELEASED


Prerequisites are located in the menu on the left.

Improved process for help request in self-service


When a customer needs assistance in self-service and presses "Call for Assistance", they can now choose to either cancel or continue.

If they press continue, the customer can continue shopping (e.g. scanning items to cart) while waiting for the store staff to come and help them.
The "Call for Assistance" button will then change to a "Help is on the way" button. The customer can press this anytime to cancel the request for assistance.

The request for assistance will remain active up until:

  • "Help is on the way" button is pressed by the customer to cancel request.
  • Store staff approaches the customer, helps them, then presses  "Help is on the way" button to finish the request.
  • The receipt times out
  • or
  • Payment is completed

New PLU Template for Vensafe


A new layout using labeltext 1 and 2 has been implemented for PLU lists with Vensafe items.

  • Layout of the button in PLU list for Vensafe items will look like below when this is checked:

  • Out of stock items will be shown in the PLU board, but they are marked as "out of stock" and when pressed nothing will happen:

POS Configuration (Simple configuration)

"Use label text 1 and 2 (for Vensafe PLU lists)" is added as an option for Template type "Button with text & image at the top" in Sub-menu buttons properties, when configuring Vensafe items for PLU list in POS Configuration.

Searching for receipts, receipt copy and online return


Improvements in functionality to search for finished receipts, printing a receipt copy and performing online returns have been implemented:

  • In "Search X last receipts" detailed view, Date/Time column has been added and receipts are sorted in descending order based on the newly added column.
  • It is now possible to search/filter in "Search X last receipts" by item text and EAN.
  • Receipt copy can be triggered directly from the search view by clicking the receipt copy button.
  • Online return can be triggered directly from the search view by clicking the online return button, thus simplifying the return process if the sale was done recently.

Configuration for the buttons can be done in ButtonConfig in POS Configuration under ReceiptSearch.

Automatic Coopay offline payment


When Coopay payment triggers offline handling the interaction with customer and the payment security is improved. This is in POS done by customer scanning a separate QR code from the member app, with a lot more information than the original QR. This extended QR is validated by POS. Later on, when POS has yet again become online, the payment will be processed by Payment service, which in turn will try to finish the transaction automatically, without any user interaction via the Coop member app.

POS Configuration

New parameters:

'CoopayBackupQrMaxMinutes' (default 5) - The maximum time in minutes Coopay Backup Solution QR code should be valid.

'CoopayBackupSeed' (default empty) - The secret for Coopay Backup Solution QR authentication (for testing, use "tempSecret")

Relevant existing parameters:

'UseCoopayOfflineSolution'  - Needs to be set to "True" for the solution to work.

'CoopayOfflineIssuerId' - Configures which issuerID to use in the payment transaction.

'CoopayOfflineMaxAmount' - Configures the maximum amount allowed for member to use offline solution.

'CoopayBackupSolutionReceiptText' - Extra textline printed on receipt for Coopay Offline solution.

'CoopayBackupTransSenderJobCronSchedule' - Cron schedule for sending Coopay backup transes from StoreCentral to PaymentService.

'CoopayBackupTransCleanerJobCronSchedule' - Cron schedule for cleaning Coopay backup transes. Removes old transes that has been sent to PaymentService from StoreCentral.

Barcode to open PLU list and sell items with automatic discount


A new type of barcodes can trigger sale of an item through a PLU list with an automatic discount:

1. Bar code is scanned in SCO or manned POS. The barcode contains a filtering category for the PLU list, a discount percantage and reason code.

2. PLU list is opened and only specifically configured menus are shown. 

3. Customer picks the correct item which is then added to receipt with a discount and reason code.

No parameters needed in POS but solution only works with Self service PLU lists (in cashier or self-service mode).

Barcode formatting example:


First four digits is prefix telling POS which kind of barcode was scanned.

Next 13 digits is filter set up in Chain Web. The same number must be configured on the desired PLU list top menus.

Next two digits is discount in percentage.

Last two digits is reason code.

To set filter in Chain Web, edit top menu on PLU list.

You can have same filter on multiple PLU lists, but one PLU list can only have one filter.

When searching for items it only searches inside PLU lists from filter.

Barcodes that trigger line discount by amount or new price


Discount labels with 21 digits may now start with prefix 2221, indicating amount discount, or prefix 2222, indicating a new unit price. These will work in EG POS just as existing discount labels with 2207 prefix, indicating percentage discount.    

Barcodes definitions:

2207EEEEEEEEEEEEEPPRR -> PP = Percentage discount

2221EEEEEEEEEEEEEPPRR -> PP = Amount discount

2222EEEEEEEEEEEEEPPRR -> PP = New unit price

Use bonus checks from BonusService


POS can check EG Cloud BonusService for available bonus checks when adding a member to a receipt. If available, bonus will be possible to use it as a tender or subtotal discount.

When doing online return redeemed bonus checks will be refunded.


Requires minimum Chain Web version 2.10.228!

POS Configuration

BonusServiceUrl - Url to BonusService.

CloudBonusWithdrawType - If bonus checks should be added as subtotal discount or tender. Default SubtotalDiscount.

Required existing parameters:

VoyadoGatewayServiceUrl - Must be blank.

CloudAccessServiceUrl - Must be set.

Register new member via Vipps from POS in cashier mode


When running EG POS in cashier mode it is now possible to register a new member via Vipps. Using the dynamic member search in POS, the cashier can search for the members mobile number. If the member is not found the cashier will be able to select Vipps as an onboarding method from the existing 'Member not found' dialog. Next the member is created in MemberService and Vipps is informed to start the registration process for the member with the given mobile number.

When the member has consented to sharing its name, address, email and telephone number as registered in Vipps they are redirected to EG AccountService where they need to approve the member terms. Upon approval the cashier will be able to enter the payment view to complete the sales transaction.

POS Configuration

New value/option in existing parameter list:

In the parameter UnknownMemberOptionsDialog we have created a new value 'RegisterWithVipps' that when selected/active will enable the cashier to select the option for registering a new member via Vipps in the 'Member not found' dialog.

New parameter:

CheckMemberTermsOnPayment- default False - If activated enables a dialog to inform cashier if the member has accepted the member terms upon registration at the time when the cashier enters the payment view. The parameter is only relevant when the selected member has not yet accepted the terms. The dialog will give the cashier an option to press 'Check now' to check the approval status  one or multiple times until the terms have been accepted. The second option is to press 'Cancel' and continue with payment regardless of the approval status.

Credit note per Store or per Chain


Credit notes can be configured to be "per store" or shared across all stores in a chain. The credit notes is stopped by POS and online validation is not performed. The cashier is notified with a message dialog saying 'Invalid credit note - The credit note is not valid in this store.'. If POS is running in SCO mode the customer will be notified by message dialog saying 'Invalid credit note - The credit note is not valid in this store. Please select another payment type'. 

POS Configuration

New parameter:

'CreditNotePerStore' - default False - if activated, POS will refuse credit notes issued in another store.

Integration with Cloud inventory management


POS and POS API can fetch stock information online from the new Inventory Management module in EG cloud.

This is achieved by configuring a new service in POS Services on the POS Server. (There are no changes in POS)


POS Services 7.84.05404

To start using this stock provider see configuration. 


New StockInfo provider StockGateway has been add to the POS Services. The stock returned from this service is based on the response from StockGateway cloud service.

Supported methods in StockInfoService_StockGateway service:

  • GetStockInfoByEan
  • GetStockInfoByItemNum

Add new endpoint with proper localhost and port (the same as in the other services) to the POS Services Host config (POSServices.Host.WinService.exe.config file).

<service behaviorConfiguration="serviceBehavior" name="POSServices.Implementation.StockInfo_1_0.StockInfoService_StockGateway"> <endpoint address="" binding="basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="BasicBinding" contract="POSServices.Contracts.StockInfo_1_0.ServiceContracts.IStockInfoService" /> <endpoint address="mex" binding="mexHttpBinding" contract="IMetadataExchange" /> <host> <baseAddresses> <add baseAddress="http://localhost:8000/LindbakPOSServices/StockInfoService_StockGateway/1.0" /> </baseAddresses> </host> </service>

Add StockInfoService_StockGateway value to the EnabledServices parameter in POS Services Host config (POSServices.Host.WinService.exe.config file)

Add those parameters to the POS Services Host config (POSServices.Host.WinService.exe.config file) - fill them with proper StockGateway values, they can be found at

<!-- Stock information StockGateway -->

<add key="StockGatewayUrl" value="" />

<add key="StockGatewayResourceId" value="" />

To use StockInfoService_StockGateway as stock provider in ChainWeb and InStore App set up stockInfo endpoint in web.config of BackOffice.Web app, it should look similar like this one:

<endpoint name="stockInfo" address="http://bisrv02app:8001/LindbakPOSServices/StockInfoService_StockGateway/1.0" binding="basicHttpBinding" contract="POSServices.Contracts.StockInfo_1_0.ServiceContracts.IStockInfoService" bindingConfiguration="BasicHttpEndpoint" />

To use StockInfoService_StockGateway as stock provider in POS, set up parameter PosServicesStockInfoUri with url to the StockInfoService_StockGateway*, it should look like this.

Improvements POS


Vim / PayLink / Zaci pay terminal display messages shown in sale view (RTP-21015)

It has been made configurable to show message lines from Vim, PayLink and Zaci pay terminal solutions in the sales view header.

POS Configuration:

New parameter: PayTerminalDisplayLinesShownInHeader (default 'False') - if activated, display message lines from Vim and PayLink and Zaci pay terminal solutions are shown in header.


Price lookup for unknown article causes termination of POS (RTP-22183)

Doing a price lookup for an unknown item in EG POS now works fine. Previously this could lead to a situation where POS eventually terminated.

InStore App

Reducing picking quantity throws error message (RTM-4467)

When reducing quantity to 0 in Order Picking, total item quantity is correctly reassigned to other store, no error message occurs.


ValueCodes coupons via coupon button in member header (RTP-19980)

Available ValueCodes coupons for member in active receipt may now be shown by pressing coupon button in member header in sales view. Existing parameter 'ValueCodesMemberIdEnabled' must be activated for this to work.


Fix for error in "Search receipts by member and article" function (RTP-22063).

When the function "Search receipts by member and article" is used and then "search member by identifier" method is used to find a member, AppWide error no longer occurs when trying to fetch one of the receipts.


Support for Pay & Collect (RTP-18990)

Pay & Collect (PAC) is now supported as an option for delivery method for web orders.

PLU List

Pre-selected item in PLU list (RTP-21185)

The first item on the upper left part of the board is now pre-selected in the self-service PLU-list when used in cashier mode (with keyboard connected). It is also possible to navigate between items using the keyboard.

Price calculation

Customer group discount on items with overridden price (RTP-22059)

When the ordinary price is changed/overridden for an item sold in POS and  parameter AllowCustomerGroupDiscountOnOverridenPrice is enabled, the customer group discount is triggered correctly for the item.


Balance check of electronic gift card triggers printing of previous add-on receiptRTP-22003)

Performing a balance check of electronic gift card via pay terminal and function SHOW_BBS_GIFTCARD_BALANCE now correctly prints only the according balance receipt. Previously last customer's additional receipt (if any), like e.g. a Vensafe ticket, might be printed together with the balance receipt.


Signature based terminal payment when printer runs out of paper (RTP-21815)

If receipt printer runs out of paper while a signature based terminal payment is triggered, the signature control flow will not be interrupted. The receipt to be signed by customer, which may have been aborted by paper empty, will be printed as soon as staff has replaced the paper roll. The screen dialogue for staff to approve or decline customer's signature will be visible all the time until approved / declined, hence it will not be hidden by paper empty message. This will secure that the payment and the receipt may be finished properly, and POS be ready for next customer.

Error message regarding printer cover cleared automatically when cover is closed (RTP-21307)

If receipt printer cover for any reason is opened, e.g. when paper roll is replaced, the error message shown on the self-service screen will be automatically cleared when cover is closed. POS will then be immediately operational, if no other problems with the printer. If cover was opened accidentally by customer, staff will no longer be necessary to make the self service POS available for customer's use.

Scanner available for member registration until payment starts (RTP-21188)

Member barcode may be scanned at any time during purchasing in self-service mode, until payment has started. The exception is if the scanner is disabled while waiting for staff. Previously scanner was disabled during 'Purchase confirm', making customer having to return to 'Sell page' to scan member card, if forgotten.

User interface

Pasting text in dialogs (RTP-21933)

Pasting a copied text into pop-up dialogs in EG POS has been enabled. 

Image and/or text on buttons (RTP-21944)

It is possible to configure a button in POS to show only image, only text or both. To configure the button to show only image, the text fields in ButtonConfig should be set to "#".

Hide function button for cash/cashback (RTP-21313)

Payment buttons for both cash and cashback will now be hidden/blank if  if the tender type "Cash" is disabled in parameter TenderConfig.

Improvements POS Server



POS Services

Caching of error messages for 'MBXP' (RTP-21442)

To reduce the load of POS Services the custom error messages text file for the 'MBXP' integration will now be cached. Hence POS Services doesn't need to open / close this file for every error situation.

POS Master

Reason code import (RTC-25686)

Import of reason codes from master database: reasoncodetype 1036 results in both discount and line discount types now.

  • No labels